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  1. Cia radau forume gpf:


    By now most of us know that StormPay and NetIBA were incorporated by the SAME person. Mr. John McConnell Jr is the registered agent, the principal officer, and the customer service contact of NetIBA. This man is also the registered agent of Stormpay. Steven Girsky is the CEO and Customer Service contact for StormPay. You can see my previous post on this at


    Interestingly, these two men are also neighbors. From The State of Tennesee Comptroller of the Treasury, Real Estate Assessment Data website ( or go to and type Shadowbend in the Property Address Box):





    CLARKSVILLE , TN 37043

    931-362-4116 (from


    This is where John lives. From the data you can see he lives in a 2 story, 3,012 sq ft home he bought for $266,000. He also owns 4981 and 4990 Shadowbend (both plots of land).


    From the same site:




    CLARKSVILLE , TN 37043

    931-362-9288 (from


    Steven lives in a 2 story, 3,692 sq ft home he bought for $250,000.


    According to google maps: Map Link, they live 168 ft apart; it takes about 4 seconds to get from one house to the other.


    Before filing a complaint with the BBB about StormPay, one should contact Steven Girsky at:


    CLARKSVILLE, TN, 37043

    931-647-8750; Fax 931-647-8970


    If you have a complaint about NetIBA, before filing with the BBB, you should contact John Mcconnell at (931) 905-0112. If you reverse search this number at, you find it belongs to NetIBA at 1690 Golf Club Lane, Clarksville, TN 37043.


    Who owns 1690 Golf Club Lane you ask? This 2 story, 6,068 sq ft, 30 office building is owned by John R. Mcconnell! Imagine that!


    No, you're not seeing double, NetIBA is at the same address as StormPay, in the building owned by John McConnell. The only difference is the phone number.


    My question: is it legal to call a business owner at home? Of course, you are almost certain to lose your account, rather than get anything resolved so I wouldn't recommend it! Additionally, according to the BBB, Steven Girsky is a lawyer working for Batson, Nolan, Brice, Harvey, & Williamson. However, Steven Girsky is not listed on their web page: Nor is he listed as a member of the Tennesee Bar Association. I don't dare speculate on this and anyone else inclined to do so should cease and desist!


    Looking back at the Tennesee property records, I looked up S. Third St to see who owns the building where Steven is/was a lawyer. It's owned by BNBWG Realty. Hmm, Could those letters stand for Batson, Nolan, Brice, Williamson, & Girsky? Doing a search on google tells me I am correct. However, the BBB doesn't have a record of this company and the address is the same address as the attorney's office address. I guess BNBWG Realty doesn't do much business?


    Want to see a picture of Steven Girsky?


    Finally, according to the BBB, Stormpay has "an unsatisfactory record due to a pattern of complaints received. In the past 36 months, the company has received complaints specifically concerning the company's failure to inform and follow up with its customers when it suspends accounts, failure to release funds in a timely manner and failure to resolve complaints directly with company management. The company has responded to each complaint presented by BBB. However, the company has not eliminated the pattern of complaint. The BBB Definition of pattern: - More than 2 complaints involving the same allegations usually within 12 months that are significant in relation to the company's size and volume of business. YTD 2006, the company has received 8 complaints; in 2005, the company received 49 complaints; in 2004, the company received 6 complaints.


    In comparison, PayPal has a satisfactory record. To see the definition of satisfactory:


    The proof is in the pudding folks. For all practical purposes, StormPay and NetIBA are the same company. Don't be ripped off by them!


    Additionally, If you are desperate to contact StormPay or it's owner, I believe you can find enough information here to do so. You might have to think outside the box a bit though.


    All the information provided here is a matter of public record. I have provided the links where you can find the same information for yourself. Being a web researcher, I know where to look for these kinds of things.


    Good luck & be careful out there!


    Smagiai skamba... :)

  2. Na autosurf'ų yra daug ir įvairių. Žinot kelis, matot, kad prastai ten sujais tai jau rėkaujat, kad autosurf industrija žlunga. Geriau nerėkaukit, o palaukit ir pamatysit, kaip bus iš tikrųjų.


    E-Gold, nelabai ir nukentėjo nuo FTB, tad labai abejoju ar jai kas atsitikts. Dar vienas muilo burbulas išpūstas ir viskas.


    Stormpay vidėlto yra tikrai SCAM. Gal dabar juos pamokys ir viskas susitvrakys, bet tai, kad uždaro dabar accountus surf'ų, tai nėra į naudą. Beje apsižvalgyt yra surf'ų, kurie netik SP priema, bet atsisakė SP ir pasiliko kitus E-Bankus.


    O as nepritariu. Kodel tu sakai "nerekaukit, kad autosurf ~industrija~ zlunga". O tu pagalvok, jeigu SP nunese pinigus is paciu stambiausiu surfu, kur daugiausiai sudeta pinigu? Nuostoliai milziniski, surfus tikrai turi privest prie bankroto. As apie visokius maziukus surfus nesneku.


    Rekauti isvis cia nezodis. Manau cia vyksta diskuscija, o ne rekavimas: "kas garsiau, tas teisiausias" kaip antikinej graikijoj budavo.

  3. kasiulynas o tu siaip numanai, kas is to, kad valstybe negauna mokesciu? As tik siaip sakai, "nieko negauna, bet vis tiek"?


    Gerai, kai yra normalus surfai tokie kaip 12DP. O kai atidaro visokie vaikai vienai, dviem dienom, kad pasipelnytu, 100% apvogdami uzkibusius.


    Pritariu Omas, senai reik apvalyt situs reikalus, gal pribres laikas rimtai kompanijai, kuri mokes gal ir ne super didelius procentus, bet uz tai galesi nebijot investuot ir daugiau, ir tada normaliai uzdirbt. O ne taip : sudeda visi po 1-10$ ir nunesa visiem.

  4. FBI? Nejuokink. Is esmes visi siti uzdarbiai priestarauja daugeliui esminiu teises normu. Valstybe ka nors gauna nuo to? NE!


    Bet esme ne tame, o tame, kad jei Stormpay dingo, tai dingo su milijonais doleriu, su tukstanciais kreditiniu korteliu duomenu ir t.y. didziausias SCAM. Net jei taip ir nera, vis tiek ju elgesys yra apsoliuciai nelogiskas ir negerbiantis savo vartotoju.

  5. "After StormPay insisting that they be the ONLY payment processor on many websites, it seems that they have now suspended the StormPay accounts of those sites - including ours" (


    Manau visi jau gavot panasiu pranesimu ir is kitu autosurfu. Atrodo Stormpay po to pareiskimo, kad nori buti tik vienintelis payment procesorius dabar emesi viena po kito suspendint autosurfu accountus. Is to praktiskai galima daryti isvada, kad Stormpay samoningai nori suzlugdyti autosurf versla ir pasigrobti dideles pinigu sumas net nerefundinus teisetiems ju savininkams.


    Idomu kas bus toliau... Kazkaip is atminties iskyla tokios frazes kaip:


    Stormmoney = scam money

    Stormpay = biggest scam and etc.


    Gali buti ir kita versija, kad vienam surfui parasius, kad ju acc suspendino visi sugalvojo taip panasiai pasirasyt ir pabegt su pinigeliais! Ir kas idomiausia, visi kaip susitare raso "do not put in claims" - kad nieks nerasytu i SP supporta ir nieko neklaustu. Idomiai...Atseit tai bus jiems priezastis suspendint visam ju accountus.


    Vienas aisku, jie cia labai ir LABAI sugudravo.

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