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rimvis23 Pranešimai

  1. SPECIALIUS PASIŪLYMAS tiems, kas LT League turnyruose kol kas žaidė vos vieną kartą arba isvis nezaide - užsiregistruokite į sekmadienio turnyrą ($10+1) iki šeštadienio vakaro (21:30) ... ir gausite pakvietimą į $500 guaranteed turnyrą.


    Priminsiu, jog lygos taškai priklauso nuo turnyre užimtos vietos ir įpirkos (buy-in). Susitiksime prie stalų :wink: Sėkmės :!:

  2. Lygos standings. Top 10 keliaus i lygos finala!


    :: TOP 10 ::

    GTamosauskas 225

    Tomukas 191

    NTamosauskas 155

    evkazz 124

    Petriux 117

    Lailas77 109

    SonisLT 59

    catchK1SS 49

    shapas 43

    rimvis 32


    :: Kiti ::

    bloodhound 30

    meski 27

    Toptopas 24

    Nosas18 23

    Bosxs7 21

    AmZaR 20

    Pokerari_JK 19

    luckboxP 18

    biesazz 18

    amonasras 17

    zhygaLT 15

    Vytautas99 12

    vipplay 8

    chakalasz 6


    Kitas turas jau si antradieni!!!

  3. Lygos standings. Top 10 keliaus i lygos finala!


    :: TOP 10 ::

    GTamosauskas 201

    Tomukas 173

    NTamosauskas 146

    evkazz 97

    Petriux 96

    Lailas77 94

    SonisLT 59

    catchK1SS 49

    shapas 43

    bloodhound 30

    :: Kiti ::

    meski 27

    rimvis 26

    Toptopas 24

    Nosas18 23

    AmZaR 20

    Pokerari_JK 19

    luckboxP 18

    Bosxs7 18

    biesazz 18

    zhygaLT 15

    Vytautas99 12

    vipplay 8

    chakalasz 6

    amonasras 5


    Kitas turas jau si sekmadieni!

  4. Paskaičiau truputį,tai draugas gauna 50 dolerių bonusą,kai surenka 550 taškų,per 30dienų.Kur tu ten radai ,kad 100 welcome bonusas?

    Tas 50 bonusas cia yra dar papildomai:

    visa info cia:


    Dear Valued Player,


    If you're somebody who likes free stuff, including cash and tournament tickets, then Pokerari is the right place for you!


    This week (7th to 13th of January) at Pokerari is the Crazy Referral Week. Don't get me wrong - we are very generous with the friend invitation bonuses at all times, but now is the time to top it all up with a little extra.


    Invite your friends to Pokerari between 7th and 13th of January (inlcuded), and you'll get:


    - a free ticket to the special $500 Referral Week Tournament held on January the 20th at 2pm Eastern Time (7pm GMT), as soon as you have invited at least three friends who open an account with us (NB! There's no minimum deposit or Poker Point requirement for this part of the promotion - simply send us three players and you'll get your ticket right away!!)


    - $100 non-restricted cash into your player's account for each friend you send us, as soon as your friend has earned 5000 Poker Points.


    In addition to this, your friends will also get a ticket to the $500 tournament as soon as they sign up (no Poker Points or deposit is needed), plus a $100 Welcome Bonus that will be credited to their player's account once they earn 2500 Poker Points.


    Doesn't sound good enough? Think that the prize tournament will have loads of players and and the value of the ticket will be low? WRONG! We guarantee you that the tournament will have a very low number of entrants, and if the number of entrants gets high, well, then we will just schedule another tournament and give you a free entry to this one as well!! :-)


    How does it sound now? Visit now and get your friends on board!


    Oh and, as you probably know, Pokerari is a small and flexible, yet fast developing business, thus we are highly interested in anything you have to say to us - may it be good or bad. Our goal is to offer you the best poker experience and we are doing everything we can to be exactly the poker site our players want us to be!


    Thanks for your attention and see you at the tables :-)

  5. Pakvieskite savo draugus į Pokerari tarp Sausio 7 ir Sausio 13 dienos ir Jums atiteks:


    - nemokamas kvietimas į specialų $500 Draugų savaitės turnyrą, kuris vyks Sausio 20 dieną, 7pm GMT laiku. Norint gauti kvietimą, Jums reikia pakviesti bent 3 draugus, kurie susikurtų Pokerari sąskaitą (jiems net nebūtina įsinešti pinigų į ją). Taigi, tiesiog atsiųskite 3 savo draugus ir iškart pamatysite savo pakvietimą į šį turnyrą!


    - $100 grynais į savo sąskaitą, kuriems nebus taikomi jokie apribojimai. Šiuos pinigus gausite už kiekvieną pakviesta draugą, kuris surinks bent 5000 taškų.


    Beje, Jūsų draugas taip pat bus pakviestas į $500 turnyrą vos tik užsiregistravęs Pokerari (nėra nei taškų, nei kitokių kitų reikalavimų kvietimui). Taip pat, pakviestas draugas gaus $100 Welcome Bonus, kuris bus padovanotas surinkus 2500 taškų.


    Dalyvių skaičius - Pokerari prognozuoja, kad susirinks vos ~50 žmonių, taigi galimybės laimėti prizinę vietą ir nemažai $ tikrai nemenkos!


    Jei dar neturite Pokerari sąskaitos, rašykite man ir atsiųsiu pakvietimą. Tiems, kas ją turi, kvieskite bent 3 naujus draugus ir susitiksime turnyre!



    Pakvietimo forma:

  6. nzn gal nuomone pasikeis paziuresiu, kaip cia bus.

    bet jeigu surinksiu euru ir laimesiu ta 7 step tai man rodos depositinsiu ta minimuma, priestai gerai pakalbejas su suportu. cia taspats kaip pote guli 300eur o tu su QQ foldini preflop kai tau reik damest 25eur. bet dar nuomone gali keistis...

    aha, gerai pakalbek su supportu, gal tikrai prisipazins, kad jie scammeriai yra jei graziai paprasysi :blink: :) :) :| :| :D

  7. Zmogaus komentaras is kito forumo:


    "I made the princely sum of 120 euro on the freerolls. I download the new software and check my account, nix. I sent an email to t6 support and they say the money will be placed in my account this week. Just checked, I have 26 euro, go to the withraw section, the only option for withrawl is bank transfer minimum withdrawl 100 minus 50euro ‘transaction fee’."

  8. O va ir verslo planas, negaistam laiko manau.




    Poker sites launched in December 2007 by the company 1oz Group. According to their ads the site will "change the poker business" and the goal is to "become one of the largest poker sites in the world within six months". Freerolls started in December 2007 and cash games are promised from January 1 2008.[1] Still, T6Poker claims to give away prizes totaling €4.4 million in December 2007 and January 2008.


    According to an article by Swedish poker profile Ola Brandborn in the Swedish Daily Expressen T6Poker is a suspected ponzi (or pyramid) scheme.[2] The public is offered profit shares (not stocks) of T6Poker which are said to be "limited in supply" and that will "probably be sold out within a month."[3]


    Other notable characteristics of T6Poker include:


    1. The client is downloaded from an anonymous file sharing site (Rapid Share),

    2. The company's Internet domain is registered anonymously,

    3. The company (AlistonPrice) can be found on the warning list of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen)[4] but changed its name in November-December 2007 to 1oz Group.

    Na, sis article tik patvirtina, kad prie sio pokerio ne pirsto nekisiu ;)

  9. Mažiau nei 2BB manau

    Tu biski mastyk. 2BB dar nereiskia kad jau jungi kompa lauk ir eini miegot. gali dar visa rata tempti ar net pora. O sekmingas All-in'as, po to dar vienas ir tu back to the game. Kur cia tau nelogiskumas? Tai gal dar pasiulyk atemei 1/3 zmogaus chipsu ir tau priklauso 1/3 jo bounty pagal tavo logika.

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