Pereiti prie turinio


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Vadimas Pranešimai

  1. nu tai asq jeigu nores tai pasworda uzdesiu. Nu o seip tai butu galima ilgiasnam laiko tarpui nuomot bet, kad ne visa laika on buna o seip tai ir kokiai dienai butu galima nu cia kaip kam, kas noretu butu galima del visko susitart.

  2. ne servas kompe kompas 2.1GHz 1GB ram. o nuomociau valandom kolkas pirmiesiems kaina kokia butu 0.20$ uz val. o paskui butu matyt taip pat suteikciau admino privilegijas. Jeigu nori pamatyt serva parasik PM ijungsiu serva ir duosiu ip

  3. Man reike kokio nemokomo hostingo, kad butu mazdaug 300mb vietos, safe mode buto off ir kad prie msql butu galima prisijunkti is isores.


    Galvoju apie jis man labai tiktu bet nezinau ar ten prie msql galima is isores jungtis, jeigu kas zino kaip ten su msql parasikit man, labai padesit.

  4. zip'e kuri parsiuntei turi buti readme.txt ten ir turetu buti viskas aiskiai surasyta


    Tame ir esme, kad nesurasyta jeigu butu surasyta cia nerasiciau. Va kas ten parasyta


    Module install

    The module is needed for rendering the online status as an Joomla module on your website, installation is also pretty straightforward, perform the following steps:


    1. Download the latest version of the Serverstat component from sourceforge or

    2. Go to the module installation area of the Joomla backend.

    3. Choose this file in the module installer, and click the ‘upload file and install’ button.


    You will get an confirmation like the image below if the installation is successful:






    Pabandyk uždėti ant "components" arba "com_serverstat" aplanko prieigą 777 (CHMOD)


    Irgi nepadeda ten jau buvo padarytas (CHMOD) 755




  5. Atsisiunciau toki komponenta joomlai, kad rodytu servo statistika kai meginu instalioti ji tai raso stai ka


    Upload component - Failed

    Failed to create directory "......./components/com_serverstat/"

    [ Continue ... ]


    Ka daryt gal kas zino, nes jau nezinau ka ir bedaryt :)

  6. Kas gali padeti problema CIA paspauskit read more ir pamatisit kas bus kas zino kaip pataisyti? kazkada buvau rades iseiti bet pamirsau nes senei neatnaujinau. ir dar kai kas ant mozilla firefox viskas normaliai o ant IE pameginkit patis.

  7. Manes neileidzia i e-gold raso kad mano ip atviram proxy ar kazkas panasau nusiunciau i suporta laikas man stai ka atsiunte


    AccSent now blocks account access from remote IP addresses identified as

    open proxies, insecure web servers, or otherwise open to exploitation by



    Please note if you are receiving this error you are able to access your

    account from another remoteip address as long as it is not listed on the DNS



    You should follow the steps below in order to address this situation



    1. Please ensure the security of your computer (you may be infected with a

    trojan or some other malicious software)


    Keep your e-gold account secure; educate yourself by reviewing the security

    recommendations listed on the security page at the e-gold website.


    2. Once you have removed any malicious software from your computer if you

    still experience difficulties you should contact your ISP provider for

    assistance with this matter.


    Please allow 24-48 hours for the system to update once you have removed the

    malicious software from your computer.


    If your ISP provider is unable to assist you then you may want to consider

    changing ISP providers. You can visit for information on other ISP

    providers that may be available in your area.


    Thank You,

    Due Diligence Unit



    Pas mane nera kompe virusu kas zino ta DNS blac list adresa arba kas nors parasikit koki gera nemokama proxy

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