Pereiti prie turinio


Patvirtinti nariai
  • Pranešimai

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Jarichon Pranešimai

  1. Svetainės adresas:


    Pobūdis: Nekilnojamo turto skelbimai.


    Tekstas logotipe:


    Logotipas turi būti modernus, bet konservatyvus. Logotpe netūri būti labai ryškių spalvų. Dauguma manau naudos logotipe namus, dangoražius, stogus ir pan. tačiau norėtųsi kažko įdomesnio arba bent jau įdomiau pateikto.


    Konkurso sąlygos:


    Konkurso laimėtojui atitenka 100 USD Paypal arba WMZ atlygis.

    Konkursas tęsiasi iki 2015 06 18 23:00.

  2. Sveiki, paskutiniu metu adsense kabinasi pastoviai prie vieno mano tinklapio ir pastoviai jiems kazkas nepatinka. Paskutiniu metu gavau is ju zinute, bet nesuprantu ko jie is manes nori :D


    Dear Publisher,

    It has come to our attention that you are passing personally identifiable information (PII) to Google through your use of one or more of Google's advertising products -- DFP, AdSense, and/or DoubleClick AdExchange.

    Our systems have detected information, including email addresses and/or passwords, being passed from the ad requests attached to this email.

    Our contracts and policies prohibit information being passed to us that we could recognize as PII. By sending us such information, you are in breach of those terms. We take this issue very seriously, and ask that you give it your immediate attention. We require that you fix the issue within 30 days. We ask that you take the following steps to correct the problem:

    Please fill out this form to update us on your progress. If you don't fill the form out within the next 14 days, we will place a payment hold on your monetization account (AdSense and AdX).

    Review the example ad requests attached to this email. Use this information to start your investigation.

    Refer to guidance in our help center for suggestions on how to fix common causes.Please be advised that all future communications regarding this issue will occur via email; no notifications will appear inside any ad serving products.


    Mano tinklapis tikrina domenu informacija ir rodo whois ir kita statistika. Pasalinau whois, nuorodas i el. pasta kurios dabar ismeta 404 errora, bet vistiek jiems kazkas netinka...


    Dear Publisher,


    You have indicated that you do not believe an account under your control is being used to pass PII to Google. We have re-reviewed your account and found that PII is still being passed through the ad requests listed in the attachment to this email.


    We recommend that you investigate this further. If you have not already done so, you should review the guidance in our help center. If the issue is not resolved by 4/19/2015, your account(s) may be disabled.



    Domain: has 1 unique url(s).Url group:[email protected]/ (dabar 404 errorar)Found 100 time(s) or 1 of the total recordsUrl sample: sample: GET /pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-1202447671485001&format=728x90&output=html&h=90&slotname=9973763581&adk=1308487021&w=728&lmt=1427064827&flash=17.0.0&[email protected]%2F&dt=1427064826786&bpp=35&bdt=835&shv=r20150317&cbv=r20150224&saldr=aa&correlator=7172895875073&frm=20&ga_vid=*&ga_sid=*&ga_hid=*&ga_fc=0&u_tz=60&u_his=9&u_java=1&u_h=768&u_w=1024&u_ah=738&u_aw=1024&u_cd=24&u_nplug=6&u_nmime=10&dff=helvetica%20neue&dfs=14&adx=232&ady=66&biw=971&bih=615&eid=317150304&oid=3& HTTP/1.1

    Most recent time: 2015-03-28 23:57:43 UTC


    Gal kam teko susidurt su tokiais dalykais ir zino kaip cia sprendziama. Ar gal jie nori kad isvis adsense pasalinciau is sito tinklapio...

  3. Parduodama moteriškų drabužių, apatinio trikotažo, maudymukų, rankinių bei batų el. parduotuvė. Lankomumas apie 900 lankytojų kasdien, puslapis yra aukštuose google pozicijose. Išlaidos puslapio išlaikymui iki 100lt/30eu men. Apyvarta už 2014 metus virš 90k lt. Sausio mėn. apyvarta 3500 EU. Tiekėjai iš Lenkijos ir Lietuvos. Pelnas 30-50 proc. nuo prekės.


    Parduotuvės kaina 5500 eurų.


    Su klausimais AŽ.


  4. Jei domenas užregistruotas vėliau nei įkurta valstybės įmonė / institucija - atimti gali nesunkiai.


    Uzregistruotas pirma karta kaip supratau, tai ziurek pagal whois kada tai buvo. Ir aplamai nieko nesugalvok perleidinet pats, atims tai atims. Blogiausiu atveju tegul teismas sprendzia.

  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...