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Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Sveiki , talpyklos softui reikalingas freimas kuris rodis reklama, trumpiau kalbant reikia postbacko ir freimas dingsta , kazkas panasaus i , truputi info anglu kalba :


"There's not an example script for postback because that all depends on

your site and it's database structure. Your code should understand the

postback very well -- just tell them it simply queries a URL and passes

data in the $_Get variables.

Basically you need to pass unique SubIDs for each visitor, and then when

the user completes the offer you will receive a postback with that SubID

to let you know it was completed. Your script will record that in the

database, and your download page will constantly check the database via


All of this needs to be coded for you though.


You'll need a database of offers as well, and then you'll check the

user's country via GeoIP Country Lite from"


yra truputis dar info puslapi tiekejo, kas uzsiims ?


nerasykite PM


skype "sadakura777"

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