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--------------------- Originali žinutė ---------------------------

Tema: Urgent confirm your company's Domain name ntcechas

Nuo: "Alan Wang" <[email protected]>

Data: 2011 Vasaris 16, 6:22 am, Tre




(If you are NOT President,please forward this to your President, because

this is urgent.Thanks.)


Dear President,


We are the department of registration service in China, we have something

need to confirm with you. We formally received an application on February

15, 2011. One company which self-styled "Klam Holding,Inc." are applying

to register "ntcechas" as brand name and CN domain names as below:


After our initial examination, we found that the brand name applied for

registration are as same as your company's name and trademark. These days

we are dealing with it, hope to get the affirmation from your company. If

your company and this "Klam Holding,Inc." as the same company,there is no

need reply to us,we will accept their application and will register those

for them immediately.


If your company has no relationships with that company nor do not

authorized,please reply to us within 7 workdays,if we can't get any

information from yours over 7 workdays,we will unconditionally approve the

application submitted by "Klam Holding,Inc.".

Thanks for your cooperation.


Have a nice day!


Best Regards,


Alan Wang

AD Magager



Room 201-301, No.107 International Trade City,

No.3888 of Jinshan Road,Jinshan District,Shanghai



Tel: 0086-21-67222201 Fax: 0086-21-67222202




(If you are NOT President,please forward this to your President, because this is urgent.Thanks.)

Dear President,


We are the department of registration service in China, we have something need to confirm with you. We formally received an application on February 15, 2011. One company which self-styled "Klam Holding,Inc." are applying to register "ntcechas" as brand name and CN domain names as below:


After our initial examination, we found that the brand name applied for registration are as same as your company's name and trademark. These days we are dealing with it, hope to get the affirmation from your company. If your company and this "Klam Holding,Inc." as the same company,there is no need reply to us,we will accept their application and will register those for them immediately.

If your company has no relationships with that company nor do not authorized,please reply to us within 7 workdays,if we can't get any information from yours over 7 workdays,we will unconditionally approve the application submitted by "Klam Holding,Inc.".

Thanks for your cooperation.


Have a nice day!

Best Regards,


Alan Wang

AD Magager


Room 201-301, No.107 International Trade City,

No.3888 of Jinshan Road,Jinshan District,Shanghai


Tel: 0086-21-67222201 Fax: 0086-21-67222202



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" AD Magager " parašas atrodo rimtai, vertėtų susimastyti :D


Sakyčiau nemenka klaidą padarė, nes suvedus "ad magager" į google galime rasti panašių laiškų cituojamų užsienio forumuose.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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