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Registration Form



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acymailing['excludeValuesformAcymailing1']['accept2'] = 'I hereby apply to become an FM Distributor';


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<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; margin-top: 20px;" width="480" >




<strong>Register ONLINE (An application for joining the FM GROUP)</strong></td>



<td bacground color="#dddddd">

<strong>Your Sponsor's Details</strong></td>




<td bgcolor="#eeeeee">

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify;" width="475%">



<td width="150">

Sponsor's number:</td>



<input class="inputbox" id="user_sponsornr_formAcymailing1" name="user[sponsornr]" type="hidden" value="801001024" /></td>





Sponsor's full name:</td>

<td>Vidmantas Lisauskas

--> <input class="inputbox" id="user_sponsorsname_formAcymailing1" name="user[sponsorsname]" type="hidden" value="Vidmantas Lisauskas " /></td>




Which country will you buy the products from?: *</td>



<input class="inputbox" id="user_countrybuy_formAcymailing1" name="user[countrybuy]" type="text" /></td>







<td bgcolor="#dddddd">


<strong>Contact Details</strong></td>



<td bgcolor="#eeeeee">

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify;" width="675%">



<td width="150">


First Name: *</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_name_formAcymailing1" name="user[name]" style="width: 467px;" type="text" /></td>



<td width="150">

Last Name: *</td>



<input class="inputbox" id="user_lastname_formAcymailing1" name="user[lastname]" style="width: 467px;" type="text" /></td>



<td width="150">

Company Name:</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_companyname_formAcymailing1" name="user[companyname]" style="width: 467px;" type="text" /></td>




<td width="150">



<input class="radio" id="user_limited_formAcymailing1" name="user[limited]" type="radio" value="limited" /> Limited      <input class="radio" id="user_partnership_formAcymailing1" name="user[partnership]" type="radio" value="partnership" /> Partnership      <input class="radio" id="user_soletrader_formAcymailing1" name="user[soletrader]" type="radio" value="soletrader" /> Sole Trader</td>




<td width="150">

VAT Reg. No:</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_vat_formAcymailing1" name="user[vat]" style="width: 467px;" type="text" /></td>





Personal document number:<br />

(passport, insurance or driving licence number) *</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_document_formAcymailing1" name="user[document]" style="width: 180px;" type="text" /></td>





Date of Birth: *</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_birthdate1_formAcymailing1" maxlength="2" name="user[birthdate1]" style="width: 25px;" type="text" /> - <input class="inputbox" id="user_birthdate2_formAcymailing1" maxlength="2" name="user[birthdate2]" style="width: 25px;" type="text" /> - <input class="inputbox" id="user_birthdate3_formAcymailing1" maxlength="4" name="user[birthdate3]" style="width: 75px;" type="text" /> (dd-mm-yyyy)</td>





Address: *</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_address_formAcymailing1" name="user[address]" style="width: 266px;" type="text" /> Country:* <input class="inputbox" id="user_country_formAcymailing1" name="user[country]" style="width: 140px;" type="text" /></td>





Town: *</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_town_formAcymailing1" name="user[town]" style="width: 130px;" type="text" /> Postcode(Essential for Delivery):* <input class="inputbox" id="user_postcode_formAcymailing1" name="user[postcode]" style="width: 140px;" type="text" /></td>




E-Mail: *</td>



<input class="inputbox" id="user_email_formAcymailing1" name="user" style="width: 180px;" type="text" /></td>




Phone (Day): *</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_phoneday_formAcymailing1" name="user[phoneday]" style="width: 180px;" type="text" /> Phone (Evening): <input class="inputbox" id="user_phoneevning_formAcymailing" name="user[phoneevning]" style="width: 187px;" type="text" /></td>





Mobil Phone: *</td>


<input class="inputbox" id="user_mobile_formAcymailing1" name="user[mobile]" style="width: 180px;" type="text" />   Skype:           <input class="inputbox" id="user_skype_formAcymailing" name="user[skype]" style="width: 187px;" type="text" /></td>










<td bgcolor="#eeeeee">


<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify;" width="475%">





<td bgcolor="#e28188">

<strong>Terms and conditions: *</strong></td>




<td bgcolor="#ffecec">

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;" width="475">



<td width="30">

<input name="user[accept1]" type="hidden" value=" " /><input id="user_accept1_formAcymailing1_1" name="user[accept1][]" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Please agree that FM Cosmetics may';" type="checkbox" value="1" /></td>


I agree that FM Cosmetics may retain and process the personal information given by me to FM Cosmetics for purposes including the marketing commissions payable and performance of the FM Cosmetics Business. FM Cosmetics may record this information manually and/or electronically and will be the data controller for this information. FM Cosmetics may disclose and transfer such personal information to other members of the FM Cosmetics group of companies and to other international franchisees which are satiated inside and outside of the EEA and to other persons for the purposes of FM Cosmetics’ business including other FM Cosmetics Distributors. These persons may be situated in countries that do not have laws to protect personal information. Details of companies and countries involved will be provided on request. <strong>*</strong></td>








<td bgcolor="#ffecec">

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;" width="475%">




<td width="30">

<input name="user[accept2]" type="hidden" value=" " /><input id="user_accept2_formAcymailing1_1" name="user[accept2][]" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Please check: I herby apply to become an FM Distributor';" type="checkbox" value="1" /></td>


I hereby apply to become an FM Distributor (“Distributor”). I confirm that the information given in this on line application is correct and that I am of legal age to enter into the Distributor Agreement (the Agreement”). I understand that there is no requirement beyond the receipt and acceptance by FM Cosmetics of the application form and the purchase of a starter kit and that any purchases of services, product inventory, sales aids, literature etc. are strictly voluntary. I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement and any other documents issued by FM Cosmetics from time to time, each such document as amended from time to time by FM Cosmetics. I also understand that If I choose to sponsor others to participate in the FM Cosmetics business opportunity, I/we will not receive any compensation whatsoever for the act of sponsoring or recruiting, and that I/we will be compensated based upon the activities of other Distributors only to the extent of retail product sales. <strong>*</strong></td>








<td bgcolor="#ffecec">

<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify;" width="475%">




<td width="30">

<input name="user[accept3]" type="hidden" value=" " /><input id="user_accept3_formAcymailing1_1" name="user[accept3][]" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='I have read the terms and conditions';" type="checkbox" value="1" /></td>


I have read the <a href="/termscond" ><u>Terms and Conditons</u></span></a> of the Distributor Agreement, including the Compensation Plan before making the application. <strong>*</strong></td>








<td bgcolor="#e28188">

<strong>After successful registration I would like to order a starter kit ( takes 3 business days to register ): </strong></td>





<table bgcolor="#ffecec" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify;" width="475%">



<td width="30">

<input name="user[starter]" type="hidden" value=" " /><input id="user_starter_formAcymailing1_1" name="user[starter][]" type="checkbox" value="1" /></td>

<td width="675">

<strong>Starter Pack</strong> – (including 110 classic collection perfume samples, 47 luxury samples, 3 fruit samples, fragrance catalogue, for home catalogue, marketing plan, products price list, 1 registration form<strong>)</strong></td>









It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme.<br />


Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.<br />

If you sign this contract you have 14 days in which to cancel (date of sending the application online)<br />

<br />

<strong> </strong><input name="Submit" onclick="return submitacymailingform('optin','formAcymailing1')" style="width: 200px; height: 20px; font: bold 11px tahoma; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(153, 0, 0); border: medium none;" type="submit" value="Submit" /> <input name="ctrl" type="hidden" value="sub" /> <input name="task" type="hidden" value="notask" /> <input name="redirect" type="hidden" value="Http://" /> <input name="redirectunsub" type="hidden" /> <input name="option" type="hidden" value="com_acymailing" /> <input name="visiblelists" type="hidden" /> <input name="hiddenlists" type="hidden" value="17" /> <input name="Itemid" type="hidden" value="29" /></div>





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