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Mouse Pad Steelseries 9HD

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The finely textured surface of the 9HD is essential in getting the best possible tracking for your next generation gaming mouse. Precision, speed, and stability were key factors in the development of the 9HD.


On the backside of the SteelSeries 9HD a rubber layer gives the mousepad a steady and firm grip of your desk at all times. This ensures that you never have to worry about missing that headshot due to a wobbly surface.


The SteelSeries 9HD is a hard plastic composition specifically engineered for professional gamers who demand extremely consistent precision, accuracy, and stability. The finely textured surface consists of tens of thousands of light reflecting microscopic points, optimized to enhance the tracking capabilities of next-generation gaming mice.


Thanks to the sophisticated tracking capabilities of the surface, the user is capable of performing exceptionally precise mouse operations when it comes to both of minimal movements and high velocity “slingshots”. This gaming surface was researched and developed in parallel with the SteelSeries Xai Laser Mouse to ensure that advanced high definition mice can show off the level of performance that they’re capable of achieving.

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