Pereiti prie turinio

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Zinau kad siais laikais uz dyka nieks nieko neduoda taciau situacija tokia kad mano visi $ depositinti i lazybas , bet nusprendziau paprasyti.

Parasykite kam nesunku ir kas turite laiko laiska anglu kalba naudodamiesi situo pvz. tiesiog cia reikes irasyti reikiamus sakynius.

Tema: Londonas , Egiptas arba Egipto piramides.


Good afternoo and welcome to.... (name of place).

Before we begin the tour, I`d like to tell you little about its history... was built.... (date and why bult). It is.... (why is it famous, add surprising facts).


So what are we going to see today? Well, this tour will....(general information about what you are going see and do). We will spend the first part of the tour..... Next we will visit the.... And for the final part of the tour we`ll.....


We will finish the tour at....( last part of building you are going to visit). If you want to know more facts about....(name of place), buy any souvenirs, or have something to eat, there is/ are....(partical information). I hope you all enjoy the tour.


Kas rasot parasykit PM arba tiesiog cia kad pradejot rasyti.


P.S. Kuo daugiau duosi kitiem , tuo daugiau gausi pats. :D

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