Pereiti prie turinio

Reikia PHP programuotojo atlikti pakeitimus skripte

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Sveiki, ieškau patikimo PHP programerio.

Darbo aprašymas (atsiprašau, kad angliškai, skelbimą talpinau ir į


the requirements:




1. All listings on the website should be activated without admin approval.

2. In Featured Ads block not only the Featured Listings will be shown, but also Sponsored Ads

3. In the “Quick Search” form instead of “Search within” field should be “City Field”

4. On ad details page all pictures should be shown as in "Pictures" tab. Pictures tab is not necessary

5. "Manage Search" objects: "Modify search", "Save Search" and "View Comparison Results" should be visible

under the “Sort By” field.

6. On the mobile version start page instead of featured ads - simple search(like

Quick Search in FrontEnd) should be presented with link to advanced search.


7. Admin will have an option to configure the lifetime of “featured” option in

admin panel.

7.1. In each listing package admin will be able to configure two lifetime ranges for

“featured” option

7.2 Price of different ranges will be different(Admin will be able to configure it)


8. Approval process of comments should be removed.


9. Add entry process should be modified: ad data with pictures should be on the same page,

If user is not registered his data registration data should be on the same page, if he is already registered necessary data should be taken from

his profile.

On next screen is the selection of ad options (from point 7) and after pressing "submit ad" user

screen should go to the listing list where users ads was listed.


script manual


Project should be completed in 7 days after award.



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    ✔️ Dalyvauti diskusijose;

    ✔️ Kurti naujas temas;

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    ✔️ Vertinti kitų žmonių pranešimus;

    ✔️ Susisiekti su bet kuriuo nariu asmeniškai;

    ✔️ Naudotis tamsia dizaino versija;

    ir dar daugiau.

    Registracija trunka ~30 sek. ir yra visiškai nemokama.

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