Pereiti prie turinio

Reikalingas IT Specialistas, Darbas Amerikoje

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

IT Manager


Ensures proper functioning of company’s information processing system and makes upgrades as necessary. Helps business operations utilize information systems to improve efficiency. Keeps computer equipment, hardware and software updated to meet organizational needs. Evaluates current system and/or user needs to analyze, design, recommend and implement system changes. Troubleshoots and repairs computer systems, hardware and computer peripherals. Supports and maintains user account information including rights, security and system groups. Develop, implement and maintain the organizations website. Monitors web traffic, oversees the web content and maintains web server. Ensure that the site meets the business needs of the organization.




Knowledge of Active Directory, Group Policy, DHCP, and DNS

SAP Business One experience (B1UP add on and Crystal Reports)

Exchange 2010 experience

Microsoft SQL knowledge

HTML, CSS, PHP and JS experience

Windows 7 desktop support experience




Excellent interpersonal skills

Excellent analytical and problem solving skills

Ability to work with a sense of urgency

Excellent time management skills and ability to work independently

Excellent organizational skills




Please submit resume to [email protected]

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