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Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Informacija angliskai: is website wihch is providing VPS, Dedicated hosting.

About the system:

Firstly the system is not something new, but it's not free where you can

find everything you need on the first google page, actually it was programmed

by a specialist.

The website is huge, it has more than a 20+ inner pages.

Everything is codded and working properly.

Everything you will see in pictures is working.


*You can add money by paypal/paysera to your account's balance.

*You can offer the Dedicated/VPS.

*Everything is related with MySQL.

*You have a admin's account which has a function to confirm the (VPS/Dedi) offers.

*There is a discounts system, for ex. : You are offering plan with price 10Euros

When you write the discount code for 50%, your price will be 5Euros.

*There is system for every invited new person in system, for ex. : You invite your friend

Lukas, he offers dedicated for 10Euros, and you will receive the 20% from his spended price

in the system every time.

*There is fully working Registration system.

*There is fully working password recovery sytem.

*There is top system, for most users invited in system.

*There is online chatting with the administration.

*There is properly working subscribe to system for newest updates.

*And more inside.

How to connect my dedicated??

Easily you just need to put the computers IP, password url.

The system is created for websites - DirectAdmin, and for VPS'es - PROXMOX/OPENVZ.



Cia tiktais yra projekto svetaine, bet pilnai funkcionuojanti ir paruosta darbui, esant norui bs galima parduoti ir domena, susidomeje zmones prasome kreiptis:

Skype: daumis269

Email: [email protected]


Zmogui nupirkus si projekta, bus duodama informacija is kur ka kaip daryti, kad projektas suklestetu, apmokysiu pats asmeniskai viska, padesiu isivaziuoti, neturejau galimybiu pats apsiimti, nes neuzteko laiko ir finansu, o dabar perduociau viska kitam zmogui apmokyciau ir t.t.

Nuotraukos ir gyvas aprodymas tik susisiekus.

Laukiu pasiulymu, pradine kaina nuo - 500LT / 145.00Eur


siektiek nuotrauku is sistemos:

Redagavo DaumantasSam
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 1 mėnesio...
  • po 2 savaičių...
  • po 1 mėnesio...

Kaina 120Eur.(derinama) uz sia nuostabia hostingo svetaine, kuri paruosta verslui.

Visi vps uzsakomi automatiskai, serveriai formuojami automatiskai.

visa sistema automatizuota, pilnai funkcionuojanti.


Susisiekusiems pilnai aprodau sistema, konsultuoju bei padedu igyvendinti projektus.

prasome susisiekti:

Email: [email protected]

Skype: daumis269

Tel. Nr: +3706738326

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Kaina 40Eur uz sistema, juokinga, bet puikiai tinka pradedant projekta, sutvarkau website pagal pageidavima.

Demo versija:

Prisijungimas: daumis269

Slaptazodis: 1005421


Neveikia kaikurios funkcijos, kadangi neturiu dedikuoto serverio prie saves, kad parodyciau.

Parduodu, nes dirbu prie kito projekto, svetaine veikia pilnu rezimu, programavo Tautvydas Bernota, moketa buvo: 300Eur.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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