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Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Einam tiesiai prie reikalo,isivedžiau i betfair 10$ viskas normalei stačiau ir t.t.,paskui norėjau pastatyti iš "Kriketo" bet neleido rašė jog galima statyti tik su AUS valiuta ar kaip ten.Na gerai galvoju,pakeičiau per "Transfer" iš UK i AUS wallet statymas praėjo viskas gerai,bet kai dabar noriu kanors statyti štai ką meta:


Iėjus i Transfer iš AUS į UK pakeisti neišeina rašo: "You cannot transfer money from the Australian licence wallet until you have passed an identity verification process (KYC)."


Withdraw'inti taipogi neleidžia,rašo: "You do not have sufficient funds in your Betfair account."


Prašau paaiškinkite kaip reikia pakeisti iš AUS i UK.Ačiū.

Redagavo -=Raimis=-
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Štai ka jie man atrašė:


Dear Raimondas


Thank you for betting at Betfair - the world's leading betting exchange. To transfer funds from the Australian wallet to the UK wallet you will need to pass a full KYC check.


It is a Betfair policy to identify customers as an integrity and security measure. Our checks are completed on a similar basis to those used by a UK bank or secure financial institution. All information is kept and stored securely in line with our privacy policy and the UK Data Protection Act 1998. If you wish to remind yourself of the Betfair privacy policy you can look under "About us" on the Betfair web site.


As indicated on the Help Pages, if you currently have funds in your Australian Wallet, or wish to transfer funds in the future you will need to provide us with Certified Documents. Details of this regulatory requirement can be found on or on the Betfair Help Pages.


In order to assist us with this security procedure we ask that you send us a photocopy or scan of one document from each of the categories listed below:


Personal identification - a copy of one photo ID from the following list:


-Driving license

-National Identification card (photographic ID required),

-Citizenship certificate


Address verification - a copy of one of the following:

- Utility bill (less than 3 months old)

-Tax bill

- Bank statement - (less than 3 months old)


Source of payment verification - a copy of one of the following;

-Betfair account registered Credit or Debit card (front only)

-Credit or Debit card account statement of a Betfair registered card (less than 3 months old)

-Bank statement - must have Betfair transaction visible on it (less than 3 months old)



-Please do not send original documents, but rather copies of these documents.

-The documents must be clear and legible and have all your usernames or telephone account ID on all documents. If this is not the case processing time may be longer and may result in temporary account suspension. NB: please do NOT include your password in any correspondence

-Use the highest resolution available on your fax machine (recommended resolution supported by most machines: 'Photo').

-Please send scans in JPEG or GIF file formats only with a maximum size of 10MB per page.

-For your personal security and the integrity of your bank cards please blank out all digits except for the last four of the account and card numbers. Leaving the start and expiry date visible.

-Please send documents that state your residential address. Regrettably, documents addressed to a P.O. Box number are unacceptable for validation.


In order to confirm that this request is genuine please feel free to call the Betfair Helpdesk. You can find the number by going to "Help" on our website and viewing the details under "Contact us".


We will email you confirmation when we validate the documents. This may take up to 48 hours after receipt. Your details can be sent to us by one of the following methods:


Fax (UK): 0208 834 8011

Fax (Ireland): 0003531-2921445

Fax (International): +44 208 834 8011

Free Fax (Australia): 1-800 068 593

Email: [email protected]



Betfair Verification

Waterfront, Hammersmith Embankment

Chancellors Road

London, W6 9HP

United Kingdom


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. As a security precaution we recommend that you use the contact details found on our website for any contact with Betfair.


Kind regards


The Betfair Team


Helpdesk Tel: 0870 0110 444

Helpdesk Fax: 0870 0110 555

Eire Tel: 1 - 800 944 000

Australia Tel: 1- 800 644 738

Free Fax (Australia) 1 - 800 068 593

International: +44 20 8834 8060


This customer services email is sent by Betfair Limited on behalf of one or more Betfair Group companies.


Betfair Limited | Winslow Road | Hammersmith Embankment | London | W6 9HP


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On 20/11/07 23:10, Raimondas A. wrote:


Hello.I inadvertently changed from UK wallet all my money(11.99$) to AUS wallet and i not know how renew.Please change from AUS wallet to UK wallet all my money,thanks.



< body>

Redagavo -=Raimis=-
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nuskanuoji/Nufotkini ID korta kokia, taip pat nufotkini/nuskanuoji koki nors Utility bill'a, saskaita uz telefa ar uz dar ka, kur adresas matytus. Ir siunti emeil'u


Tai žodžiu reikia patvirtinti mano namų adresa?


Edit: apie kokia ID korta ir Utility bill'a tu kalba?

Redagavo -=Raimis=-
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Personal identification - a copy of one photo ID from the following list:


-Driving license

-National Identification card (photographic ID required),

-Citizenship certificate



jiem rasyk

Redagavo taimeris
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Krc patvirtinau ir jau ta adresa namu viskas tvarkoj amzius patvirtintas adresas irgi bet vistiek neleidzia pakeisti is Aus i Uk.Waithdrawint irgi,statyt irgi neleidzia :D zmones padekit...

Jei viska patvirtinai, vel uzklausk kodel neina. Ziuresi ka dabar sakys. ;>

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Jei viska patvirtinai, vel uzklausk kodel neina. Ziuresi ka dabar sakys. ;>


Iš tiesų problemos didelės kaip ir nebuvo,kai patvirtinau adresą man po savaitės atsiuntė laiška ir jį reikėjo nufotkint,tuo pačiu ten tokiame lape reikėjo irašyti savo betfair acc Username ir su asmens dokumentu(pasu) ir išsiūsti jiems ir viskas :D

Redagavo -=Raimis=-
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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