Pereiti prie turinio

Parduodu daug reklamos

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Taigi sumaniau parduoti gan nemažai reklamos ir nenorėdamas floodinti forumo sudėsiu viska į vieną temą.Tai va:

Puslapio kaina Mano kaina


$100 email solo to all (20s timer) - $0.15 $0.10

$150 email solo to all (30s timer) - $0.30 $0.20

$200 email solo to all (40s timer) - $0.50 $0.40

1000 PTC worth 150$ - $0.20 $0.15

10000 Banner Impressions - $0.15 $0.10

20000 Banner Impressions - $0.25 $0.20

Laikinai Nebera

Non-search email to all: This email will be sent to all our members! Your email will be valid for 15 days, members can click your link only once.

Email worth 50 cents (10 sec timer) - $0.10 $0.05

Email worth 50 cents (10 sec timer) for 7 days - $0.65 $0.50

Email worth 50 cents (10 sec timer) for 15 days - $1.30 $1.10

Email worth 100 cents (15 sec timer) - $0.20 $0.15

Email worth 100 cents (15 sec timer) for 7 days - $1.30 $1.10

Email worth 100 cents (15 sec timer) for 15 days - $2.55 $2.40

Email worth 200 cents (20 sec timer) - $0.30 $0.20

Email worth 200 cents (20 sec timer) for 7 days - $1.95 $1.80

Email worth 200 cents (20 sec timer) for 15 days - $3.80 $3.65



Search email to all search approved country members: This email will be sent to all our search allowed members! Your email will be valid for 15 days, members can click your link only once.

Email worth 50 cents (10 sec timer) - $0.10 $0.05

Email worth 50 cents (10 sec timer) for 7 days - $0.50 $0.40

Email worth 50 cents (10 sec timer) for 15 days - $0.95 $0.80

Email worth 100 cents (15 sec timer) - $0.15 $0.10

Email worth 100 cents (15 sec timer) for 7 days - $0.95 $0.80

Email worth 100 cents (15 sec timer) for 15 days -$1.85 $1.70

Email worth 200 cents (20 sec timer) - $0.25 $0.15

Email worth 200 cents (20 sec timer) for 7 days -$1.60 $1.40

Email worth 200 cents (20 sec timer) for 15 days -$3.00 $2.80


Banner Impressions Advertising

Your banner inserted into our banner rotation on the top of each page of the website. This is a great way to catch peoples interest, just as much publicity, if not more than, advertising in the member e-Mails. The banners will be displayed on every page of the site, randomly mixed in with other banners..


10000 impressions -$0.30 $0.20

20000 impressions -$0.35

30000 impressions -$0.55

40000 impressions -$0.70


Paid to Sign Up

These are guaranteed sign ups at the site of your choice. If you are looking to build a downline, this is one of the best ways to make it happen.( No pornographic, racial, hate or any other illegal sites please)


10 sign ups $5.00 each - $0.80 $0.65

10 sign ups $10.00 each -$1.25 $1.10

1/10 Cent Email - 500 Clicks - $0.75 $0.60

1/10 Cent Email - 1,000 Clicks - $1.50 $1.20

1/10 Cent Email - 1,500 Clicks - $2.25 $1.80

1/4 Cent Email - 500 Clicks -$1.85 $1.60


Point Email Advertising - To All Members

Your paid email sent solo to the members of our program - All members have opted in to receive your ad.




1 Point Email - SENT TO ALL OPT IN MEMBERS - $0.99 $0.80

2 Point Email - SENT TO ALL OPT IN MEMBERS - $1.98 $1.60


CASH Paid To Click Advertising

Your 468x60 Banner is inserted into our Cash Paid-To-Click area. It will remain there until the purchased number of hits has been used. These are 24 hour unique visitors to your site, as each member can only view your ad once a day. NO SEARCH ADS ACCEPTED IN THIS AREA


250 1/10 Cent - PAID TO CLICK - $0.38 $0.30

500 1/10 Cent - PAID TO CLICK - $0.75 $0.60

1,000 1/10 Cent - PAID TO CLICK - $1.50 $1.20

250 1/4 Cent - PAID TO CLICK - $0.93 $0.80

500 1/4 Cent - PAID TO CLICK - $1.85 $1.60

250 1/2 Cent - PAID TO CLICK - $1.88 $1.70


POINT Paid To Click Advertising

Your 468x60 Banner is inserted into our Point Paid-To-Click area. It will remain there until the purchased number of hits has been used. These are 24 hour unique visitors to your site, as each member can only view your ad once a day. NO SEARCH ADS ACCEPTED IN THIS AREA


1,000 1 Point - PAID TO CLICK -$0.60 $0.50

2,000 1 Point - PAID TO CLICK -$1.20 $1

1,000 2 Point - PAID TO CLICK -$1.20 $1

2,000 2 Point - PAID TO CLICK -$2.40 $2


ADULT Paid To Click Advertising

Your 468x60 Banner is inserted into our Cash Paid-To-Click area. It will remain there until the purchased number of hits has been used. These are 24 hour unique visitors to your site, as each member can only view your ad once a day. ADULT ADS ONLY


250 1/10 Cent - ADULT PAID TO CLICK - $0.43 $0.35

250 1/4 Cent - ADULT PAID TO CLICK - $1 $0.90


Banner Impressions

Your 468x60 banner is inserted into our banner rotator. Banners are seen at the top of all our pages and some off network sites as well, giving you maximum exposure. Your banner is displayed until the purchased number of exposures has been used.


25,000 Banner Impressions - $3 $2.5

50,000 Banner Impressions - $5.5 $4.9

$2 Link with NO timer $0.20

1000 Banner Impressions $0.10

5 cent email sent out on $0.20

$5 Email with 8 sec timer $0.20

30 days unlimited paid to signups $0.90

2500 Banner Impressions $0.20

$10 Email with 11 sec timer to all $0.20

30 days unlimited PTC`s $0.50

30 days unlimited Paid To search worth $0.50

30 days unlimited Banner Impressions$0.50

2 cent link only NO timer $0.20

5 cent email 10 sec timer $0.40

30 days of paidtosignups $0.90

30 days of paid to clicks $0.80

30 days of paid to search $0.70

500 Banner Impression $0.10

10 cent email 12 sec timer $0.20


4000 Banner Impression $0.20

10 cent solo to all 15 sec $0.20


Bus daugiau ....

Atsiminkit kad visada galima deretis,ypac perkant ne po viena

Susisiekti galite per PM arba MSN

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

$100 email solo to all (20s timer) - $0.15 $0.10

20000 Banner Impressions - $0.25 $0.20

Email worth 50 cents (10 sec timer) - $0.10 $0.05

Email worth 100 cents (15 sec timer) - $0.20 $0.15

Email worth 200 cents (20 sec timer) - $0.30 $0.20

1/10 Cent Email - 500 Clicks - $0.75 $0.60

250 1/10 Cent - PAID TO CLICK - $0.38 $0.30

2 cent link only NO timer $0.20

4000 Banner Impression $0.20

10 cent solo to all 15 sec $0.20


paimsiu visus situs adsus :D

is viso 2.20$ dw uz 2$ ???

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

$100 email solo to all (20s timer) - $0.15 $0.10

1000 PTC worth 150$ - $0.20 $0.15

Email worth 50 cents (10 sec timer) - $0.10 $0.05

5 cent email sent out on $0.20

30 days of paid to clicks $0.80

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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