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Na manau turiu supazindyt jus kas tai yra DDOS atakos nes kaip ziuriu nesusiduret su jomis ne karto todel klausimai ir kyla kodel nepreinames per savo noramu varda o prieinamas tik per savo ip.



DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service) attack though used criminally but is an intelligent technology. It has evolved with time and now follows the domain name and the IP address it points to. It is somehow a layered threat and hinders the access to the site in following different ways.


1. Vulnerable Zoombies Attacks:

A DDoS attack directs hundreds or even thousands of compromised "zombie" hosts against a single target. These zombies are unintentionally recruited from the millions of unprotected computers accessing the Internet through high-bandwidth or always-on connections. By planting "sleeper" codes on these machines, hackers can quickly build a legion of zombies, all waiting for the command to launch a DDoS attack. With enough zombie hosts participating, the volume of an attack can be astounding.


2. Bandwidth and Traffic Bottlenecks:

A server that has a bandwidth of 100 Mbit/s can easily be attacked by a DoS attack with a machine that has a little more bandwidth than this which will make it loss packets and finally will make it unusable. This creates bottle necks for other site surfers and will make the server itself dormant.


3. SYN Attacks:

SYN (synchronous) stacks are becoming frequent nowadays. This attack can prevent access to your mailbox, WWW and other critical servers. The SYN attack (sometimes referred as SYN flood attack) sends TCP connections requests faster than a machine can process them. The SYN attacker creates a random source address for each packet and sets the SYN flag in each packet. Victim responds to spoofed IP address, then waits for confirmation that never arrives. Victim's connection table fills up waiting for replies. After table fills up, all new connections and legitimate users are ignored. Once attacker stops flooding server, it usually goes back to normal state (SYN floods rarely crash servers).


4. Making Applications Flawed:

DDoS attacks do not only attack over the network layer but the their inscrutable nature is that they even make the applications malfunctioning. This might also be achieved by deploying load-intensive web pages.



Taigi... sitas IP kuris dabar skelbiamas istikro priklauso, bet pats adresas atakuojamas "zombiu" :D skaiciukai nera laikinai sukurti, kad tipo visi nepultu jungtis... tiesiog kiekvienas normalus puslapis su normaliu hostingu turi priejima su skaiciukais :D t.y. adreso israiska skaiciukais, kadangi pagrinde DDOS atakos eina ne ant skaiciuku o ant domain vardo todel paprastu vardu e-goldas ir nepasiekiamas.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Ko jus cia pergyvenat :D jau ne pirmas kartas' date=' prisimenu buvo nuluzdavo porai valandu, penkioms valandoms, ajsku cia truputi daugiau, bet atsigaus.


uzsakimtu tai juos ten fbi grejt sugaudytu , jauciu dosina kasnors kaip visa laika vargsa e-gold , atsigaus

Jei susitvarkytu su popierais, paskelbtu oficialu bankrota, tai nzn ar daug galetu tas FBI padaryti. Turbut ne vienas girdejote apie toki sekundes banka? :D


Nu tu ir palyginai... sekundes banka (piramides sistema dirbanti banka, valstybeje su fiktyvia valdzia, be realiai funkcionuojanciu finansiniu istatymu) ir e-Gold kompanija (registruota ir sertifikuota kompanija JAV, valdoma ne 15meciu interneto gudragalviu, valstybeje, kuri ka ka, bet finansinius istatymus turi stiprius). Be to, JAV paskelbus imones bankrota, praktiskai jokie bankai iki grabo lentos i tave nebeziures rimtai, tad tiketis dar kada gauti kokia tai paskola yra beviltiska. Nebent juodais keliais...

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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