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Uzsienio forumusuo Musu drauga Johna :) apkalbineja


Players report BetUS and Tout collaborating on Scam: SBR investigates, a website promoting pro capper, John Morrison and the "John Morrison Chase Betting System”, is working with BetUS (SBR rating C-) to scam players


How the scam works: When players sign up with BetUS through the website, BetUS identifies that player as a “Chase system” referral. When that player wants to make a play released by the tout, BetUS deals a unique, higher-priced line on that game for that specific player. It is similar to a grocery store changing price tags after they find out what you were sent to purchase.


For example, on March 23, 2009, the “Chase system” told the players to bet on the Los Angeles Clippers. BetUS and most books were offering a spread of +15 for this game. Most BetUS players, including those referred to BetUS through other professional handicapper websites received the fair line of +15. Players who were referred to BetUS from the Sportsbettingchamp's website were offered a line of +13.5.


Other recent examples of dealing inflated lines only to the tout’s subscribers include:

March 7, 2009: Golden State Warriors +6 (vs +8)

March 3, 2009: Toronto Raptors +6.5 (vs +8)

March 1, 2009: Toronto Raptors +4.5 (vs +6)

February 24, 2009: Charlotte Hornets +5.5 (vs +7)


In every case, the alternate line is only on games released by the tout, and always hurts the player following paying for the pick. The BetUs customer essentially pays much more than he or she realizes. BetUS’s tactic of moving the line against these players means that instead of charging the normal -110 for these wagers, BetUS is effectively charging these players -140 – FOUR TIMES the usual bookmaker commission.


Players are advised to use caution following any tout that suggests you use a particular sportsbook. SBR has received many complaints over the years involving touts that gain the bettor's confidence before taking part in various sportsbook scams.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

kam scameris, o kam ne scameris... Kas state nuo pat pirmo piko, tam scameris, kas state betus, tam irgi scameris, o kas nestate pirmo piko ir kadangi ne durnas yra, tai stato bet365, tai ta sistema jiems atnesi labai daug pliuso.


Taip kad jei atnese teiseta pliusa scameris, tai manau nieko blogo :) Tik tiek, kad juo negalima pasitiketi.


Teko uz ji pastatineti ir paprastus pikus, tai vede statistika, is 3000$ per pora savaiciu atrodo padare 6000$ pradziai state po 100$ o po to po 300-500$


Vnz geras pikeris, tik nereikia klausytu jo pasakeliu, kai sneka ir girias. Tiesiog reikia susirasti teisinga info is kitu.

Tokiuose dalykuose dominuoja tik pinigai, taip kad jis sukas visur, ir pabendrauja su lazybu bendrovem ir pats matyt stato ir dar pardavineja, nors tie pikai ivairiuose forumuose destomi.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 2 savaičių...

I just want to let you know that the series bet on Washington in

their games vs Florida starting tomorrow does fall into the betting

criteria of the MLB system, however the RPI differential between

the two teams is too great against our favor to make the series

reasonable to wager on under an acceptable level of risk. I will

sit this one out.


All the best,


Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

You must be dying to place the first MLB bet, I know. Even though

the MLB season has started, due to the nature of the system, we

probably won't have our first bet until May. Don't worry - the

beauty of the MLB system is that the longer the season goes on, the

more bets we're going to have! That means the start of the baseball

season will have very few bets, if any at all, but as the season

goes on, the number of bets will almost exponentially increases!

You're going to be surprised how many wagers we're going to have

this year.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Kadangi pirmas betas, tai tiesiog noriu pasitikslinti ar teisingai galvoju statyti.


OAK Athletics +1.5 su koef. 1.42 (bet365)


Koeficientai visada tokie zemi ?

taip tu teisus, bet kad daugiau nekiltu panasiu klausimu, tai pasiskaitykit visi cia

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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