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Turiu tekstus apie USA šventes, trumpučius... Reik, savais žodžiais aprašyt. Apie vieną šventę du sakiniai savais žodžiais. Man reikia, juos parašyt. Štai šitie tekstai:


Independence Day

On July 4th 1776, the 13 colonies of North America signed the Declaration of Independence. This said that they were no longer under the control of Great Britain, and were an independent country. This famous declaration, wich marked the birth of the USA, is celebrated every year on the 4th July.

It is a day of picnics, parades and flying the flag, which has a special importance to Americans. At night there are parties, barbecues, concerts and spectaculat firework displays.



At Hallowe`en on October 31st, children dess up like ghost or witches and go trick or treating in their neighbourhood. The neigbours are expected to give them candy or money.


Traditions from other parts of the world.

The tradition of Helloween came over witg German immigrants, and other celebrations came with different groups. Irish Americans, for example, celebrate St Patricks Day, as he is the patron saint of Ireland, and Jews celebrate their main religious festivals in September. In New Orleans, there is the colourgul festival of Mardi Gras, with its street parties and carnival, which was brought over by French immigrants. In fact, there are hundrens of different celebrations all over America, and each of them is a reminder of the history and origins of the American people.


Taigi šitie trys tekstai iš knygos, jums reikia Iš visų tekstų padaryti ~8 sakinius. Bet būtina savais žodžiais. Svarbiausius tiesiog duomenis parašyt :P BŪTINA SAVAIS ŽODŽIAIS 8)


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Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nnz kas cia gawosi gal tik gal nea :P

Independence Day

On July 4th 1776, the 13 colonies of North America signed the Declaration of Independence. They said to world that now the are free. this is one of the most famous declarations in USA, and every year all americans celebrating on 4th july. it's a day with parades,picnics and great time with your family. later begins concerts and amazing fireworks.


Hallowe`en is celebrating on October 31st, childrens dress up with costumes like witch,batman and ghost and go treating for candies in neighbourhood.

The neigbours is waiting for kids. They give kids lots of candies and sometimes money.

Traditions from other parts of the world.

Helloween come from germany immigrants, and other celebrations came with different groups. For example, irish americans celebrate St Patricks Day, everyone at St Patricks Day must wear something with green colour. in New Orleans people celebrate mardi gras, mardi gras is big street party and carnival. this celebration came from frensh immigrants. In USA are hundrens of different celebrations, and each celebration remember the history of america.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

USA hollidays :P

On July 4th 1776, the 13 colonies of North America signed the Declaration of Independence. this is one of the most famous declarations in USA, and every year all americans celebrating. Hallowe`en is celebrating on October 31st, childrens dress up with costumes and go treating for candies in neighbourhood.

The neigbours is waiting for kids,They give kids lots of candies and sometimes money.

Helloween come from germany immigrants, and other celebrations came with different groups. For example, irish americans celebrate St Patricks Day.In USA are hundrens of different celebrations, and each celebration remember the history of america.

wa dar trumpesne wersija :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

USA. On July 4th, in 1776 the Declaration of independence was signed by 13 colonies of North America . From then 4th of July is known as Independence Day and now is celebrated every year in the USA with parades, flags, fireworks and parties.


When you see children going down the street, dressed as monsters, ghosts and witches, saying trick or treating all around, you can be sure – that is Hallowe‘en. Halloween is on the 31st of October.

The tradition of Halloween is connected with German immigrants, and all other traditions came with different groups.


For example St. Patricks Day is celebrated by Irish Americans, because St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. In New Orleans there is a colourful festival of Mardi Gras, taking part at streets with carnival and parties – that has been brought from France. All in all, there are hundreds of different celebrations in the USA, who reminds the history of the American people.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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