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[Z02F] 45.99EUR








Measure: 270 Cms. -- Weight: 208 Gr. -- Action: 10-30 Gr. -- Bending: 139 Cm. -- Spare 2 - This cane has been one of the most important successes for sale in the history of SHIMANO. The conpcepto of Beast Master was like a revolution that swept the market as a hurricane. One of the limitations of the original material was its weight, a little heavier than conventional carbon, but enormously more resilient. With the discovery of Biofibra, the new range Beast Master spinning rods has overcome this limitation. The rods are now extremely fast and light, but they still have the same incredible resistance to breakage that the previous version. We are confident the new AX qe repeated the fate of her older sister. The other good properties of the product remain the same as the rings inserted into the fiber and its components especially strong.



Ieskau zmogaus kuris parsiustu duociau 10% nuo tos meskeres kainos. ( paypal po kol kas neturiu ir e-gold...)

ATSIPRASAU jei sukuriau nevietoje ir pan. As juk naujokas... :)

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