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exxece Pranešimai




    We're sorry to inform that the BetRaiser €5 No Deposit Bonus which we announced yesterday in our newsletter, is currently paused per request from BetRaiser.


    The reason is simple: The bonus was too popular for BetRaisers' servers to handle all the new users and traffic.


    Everybody who created an account and followed the instructions, should still receive the €5 bonus. Also, if you have any problems logging in at BetRaiser, please have patience - they are working on upgrading their servers, at which time we intend to re-opend the BetRaiser €5 no deposit offer




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    Tai bonuso jau nebedalina ?

  2. Jei dar nesi užsiregistravęs pasimk no deposit bonus`ą į FTP. - siūlo $50, pats buvau gavęs. Ir su jais galėsi pasižiūrėti kaip tas žaidimas iš real money atrodo. Nes nemanau, kad geras sumanymas savo pinigus dėti. Visi ten tik ir laukia fishu, iš kurių butų galima pasipelnyti :D

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