Pereiti prie turinio


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guliano Pranešimai

  1. galima


    O pagal ką sprendi jog galimą? Jeigu tavo veikla nėra įtrauką į sąrašą.


    Pats pirmas punktas pažymi:


    Patvirtinu, kad:

    1. užsiimu individualia veikla, kuri įtraukta į Karantino metu ribojamų ir netiesiogiai ribojamų ūkinių veiklų sąrašą, patvirtintą Lietuvos Respublikos ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministro ir Lietuvos Respublikos socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro įsakymu;

  2. 1. Did the citybee company come up by chance? Have you watched the company here before?


    It was random. I have a scanner running 24/7. Never heard of the company before the leak



    2. Lithuania is a small country. Do citybee users need to worry about their data leaking? There are basically credit cards, can credit card details be found in the database?



    There isnt credit card numbers but credit card tokens, credit card type(master card, visa) zip and id which links the customer to the customer table



    3. Citybee says he has handed over all the material to the police and an exchange investigation has been launched, what do you think about that? Can that stop you?



    The police are too small in order to escalate this. I live outside Europe and America.


    4. What companies are currently in your spotlight?


    Mostly europeon companys and a big indian news source



    5. Why are you doing this? What is the reason for all this? Is it just for money or a hobby?


    Well leaking data helps build my reputation in order to sell more data. Coding for me is a hobby and job.


    6. Were you able to sell at least one copy of the entire citybee database?


    I was able to sell multiple copys but mostly to researchers

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