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FLSHS Pranešimai



    Tipo kazkoks sugalvojo pardavineti nezinoma 3 raidziu domena ebay ;] ir tipo galvoja, kad sumos pasieks 2 milijonus. paziurekit ir paskaitykit patys Viename chebros forume tai pavadino visusku ##### ir visiska nesamone... Galvoja kad domenas gali buti su .biz galune ir vertas kazkur virs 100$ . vertinkit patys


    Kolkas kaina pasieke 6100$ visu nustebimuj

  2. Nesilankaiu vienam ofrume menesiuka.. ir dabar pats nustebes, kaip ten chebra kaupia zinias visas...



    eBay are going to launch a new advertising service to compete with the likes of Yahoo and Google


    Ta prasme tikstinios nuorodos, pagerankai ir visas kiats sh..




    P.S. rashau girtas... nekrejpiam demesio i rashleva.. bandau blaivytis....

  3. Tai va chebra... Google nusprende taikytis i dar aukstens platumas....


    Google's online payment system, Gbuy, is expected to launch June 28, further pitting the Internet giant against industry titan and rival eBay, according to a research note released Friday by a Wall Street analyst.





    P.S. rashau girtas, nekreipkit demesio i rashleva...

  4. Cia katik atejo man i emaila... mane pati sudomino truputeli ;] paryskinau kur esme yra ;]




    Get five free domains with any new hosting package purchase.


    This promotion was so popular, we decided to bring it back. We’ve combined the best value in hosting packages with five free domains!


    Not sure what five domains you need right now? That’s ok. When you buy a hosting package, you’ll receive credits for your free domains. You’ll have up to a month to register the domain names you choose.


    Get your hosting package and free domains before time runs out—this promotion ends June 19.


    Use coupon code “5forfree” in the billing section of the checkout process to get five free domains with any hosting package. Pick from .com, .net, .org, .biz, or .us domains, any five, any combo for free!


    Compare our packages to your current hosting--We’re confident we can offer you a better value. Call our hosting experts at 360-449-5900, and we’ll make it easy to transfer your accounts.


    • Starter Package: Provides enough storage and bandwidth for most customers. Now offers 5GB of storage and 250GB of transfer. $5.95 per month.


    • Standard Package: Dotster’s most popular package. Allows users to host up to 50 domains with one hosting package. Provides 10GB of storage, 500GB of transfer and 150 e-mail accounts.


    • Advanced Package: Perfect for business. Provides increased storage, bandwidth, and a range of features including a full library of scripts. Currently features 20GB of storage space and 1,000GB transfer. $14.95 per month.


    • Pro Package: Provides greater resources to professionals who have more complete hosting needs. Now offers 35GB of storage and 1,500GB of transfer. $19.95 per month.


    • Premium Package: Offers maximum storage and bandwidth with unlimited domains, databases, and e-mail all in one plan. Now provides 50GB of storage and 2,000GB of transfer. $24.95 per month.

  5. Jo.. copyrightai domenuose yra... Cia viename uzsienio foruma diskutavom, kad kazkoks asilas per dropinimo perioda nueme domena nueme uz 6k $ ir pardavinejo uz 10$ zalio. tai tame esme, kad pagrindine diskusija nebuvo ar vertas/nevertas tokiu pinigu.. o kaip jam su copyrirghats... Ar tipo pavyks parduotu del to.... Del domeno vertes klausimu neiskilo...


    Tikrai jeigu yra kazkas panashaus, vyksta teisminiai procesai, kurie spendzia registravimo aplinkybes ten. Kiek turi pagrindo imone teigti, kad ji teiseta to domeno savininke pagal pavadinima. Aisku jejgu tu pirmaiu uzsiregistrajuo domena, o po to isikuria ta firma ir pareiskia pretenzijas, 100% jog tu laimesi.

  6. free domenai


    :) :D :D :P :D Kodis... :P Nors.. tai yra tiesa... :D


    Bet kazkaip skamba lameriskai ( siais laikais ), kai domena metams gali nusipirkti uz 20lt.. ir dar kazkas iesko free domeno. Ant tokiu domenu rimto projekto nepakursi :P

  7. norėjau paklausti:

    - o kokią reikšmę turi interneto tiekėjai hostingo kokybei?


    dėkoju už atsakymą



    Daug kas priklauso nuo lokacijos, kur jis yra. jeigu hostingas yra kinijoj, labai idomu, ar tu noresi jame hostintis. Pvz jeigu hostingo tiekejas yra kinijoje, tai failai turetu buti laikomi serve pagal ju istatymus. o kaip zinome Kinija - koncervaryvi salis. Taipat apie rusija, Pietu koreja , brazilijas. pvz jauti koks turetu buti pingas, jeigu servas butu brazilijoj, Argentinoj arba... Australijoj? :)

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