Pereiti prie turinio


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Visas -LeXas- turinys

  1. Tikiuosi, neatsauks ^^
  2. Taip, tau taskus jau turejo sugrazinti. Beto ta ceki gausi i pasto dezute, ne i emaila B-)
  3. eimi, parasysiu siandien tau kaip pasileist ta autofill B-)
  4. deja, bet negalesi redeemint antra karta, pasiskaityk: Support Auto Email: For those of you who are writing in regards to today's redemption: PTZ levels were incorrect (too high) on today's redemption, due to an error on our part. 1) We will have another redemption tomorrow (Friday) at the CORRECT price levels 2) If you redeemed today, we will refund the difference between the correct price levels and today's price levels to your account. 3) If you redeemed a desktop wallpaper, you are eligible to redeem again. We are so sorry for any confusion or upset this may have caused-thanks for giving u
  5. respect lockerz ;DD beto gali bandyt imt ta best buy didesne suma, gal prastumsi kokiam uzdarbieciui, ar prekiu uzsakys :)
  6. Tai tik si redeema macas taip ilgai stovi, ktia redeema iseis taip greit kaip ir visa kita :)
  7. best buy siuncia tik i USA ^^ as nesiaukojau, del tu keliu baksu, geriau dar pataupysiu ptz ir ka geresnio paimsiu, nei 75$.. reikejo i eketronika eit..
  8. ###### kokia nesamone, 3x kaians padare!! BBD!! NESAMONE! sake nekels kainu! As galejau paimt 75$, bet ###### 9k ikist i 5$ tai sudu ######.. pataupysiu gal dar..
  9. papostino taisykles antra karta, 90%, kad siandien redeemas.
  10. Senas jau tas punktas. Pagal viska tai siandien tarp 22-24 valandu bus redeemas, nes paskutiniai 3 redeemai vyko tokiu metu ketvirtadieni :)
  11. Imk bite, nenusivilsi.. Puiki kokybe bei kaina tikrai geriau uz t2.
  12. kiek zinau, tai uzdarbyje yra uzdrausta pardavineti akauntus. Ir beto, neperziuretum tu visu video, nebent sedetum prie pc non-stop ir ziuretum apie 40+ valandu :) akauntai iki 10k nieko neverti. Ir beto, lockerz yra uzdrausta pardavineti akauntus, nusipirkes zmogus praras visus taskus :)
  13. Kiek zinau tai kekviena diena nebus tu 1k prize poole, bet kovot reik del vietos prie stalo, taip? :D
  14. Ready to learn the next set of members who will be part of our VIP Guaranteed Redemption? 1) Mori G, Petah TIkva 2) Jesus M, Phoenix 3) Piotr S, Krakow Congrats! These are members who qualified by watching the most videos in PLAY in the last six hours and now they will have VIP service in a special redemption! Only six more hours left for three more members to qualify by watching videos! Next announcement: around 9:30 PM. Net ir jezus lankosi lockerz :DD
  15. Galvojau meginsiu patekti i ta top24, bet nemanau, kad pavyks tai nutrauksiu ziurejima, nors perziurejau jau kokia 100+ :/
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