Pereiti prie turinio


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Apie domukas1991

  • Rangas
    Naujas veidas forume

Profilio informacija

  • Vardas
  1. kartais nesuprantu as ju... atrodo kaip loterija darytu vieni kelis kart gauna prie kitu ne i tema prisipisa
  2. Hello Domas, You passed the poker quiz and secured your free $50 starting capital. The free $50 are now ready to be transferred, but it's currently on hold because we are still waiting for you to confirm your registration details through the ID Check. In order to maintain and finance the high standard of poker education that makes members rank among the most successful online players, we require proof of age and identity before any $50 transfer. This way we can prevent abuse of the system with multiple registrations in an attempt to receive the free $5
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...