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domukas1991 Pranešimai

  1. Hello Domas,


    You passed the poker quiz and secured your free $50 starting capital. The free $50 are now ready to be transferred, but it's currently on hold because we are still waiting for you to confirm your registration details through the ID Check.


    In order to maintain and finance the high standard of poker education that makes members rank among the most successful online players, we require proof of age and identity before any $50 transfer.


    This way we can prevent abuse of the system with multiple registrations in an attempt to receive the free $50 multiple times - money that, to the disadvantage of our members, and therefore you, cannot then be invested in new articles, poker videos, coaching sessions, or promotions.


    Additionally with the ID Check, you verify that you are 18 or over. Should you not be at least 18 years old, we would be unable to transfer the free $50 to your account. The same applies if you?ve already received the $50 previously.



    How the ID Check works: You only need to send an email



    With an ID Check you will be confirming that the registration details you gave us are correct, that you are at least 18 years old, and that you are receiving the free $50 from for the very first time.

    To this end, please send us an email from the email address you used when registering with us, to:


    # [email protected]


    Please attach a scanned image (or a mobile phone, webcam, or digital camera image) of a document that verifies your age and your address ? these should match the details you gave us during registration.


    Please send us a copy of one of the following:


    * Front and back of your ID card

    * Your passport

    * Front and back of your driver?s license (except for Germany)


    Please send only colour images. Black and white images are less readable and have been forged in the past.


    Should your address details on the document be different from the ones you entered on please send us additional proof of your current address e.g. a copy of your electric bill.


    You can send images in *.jpg, *.png, *.tif formats, as *.pdf, or as *.doc files.



    Guaranteed Data Protection



    You can rest assured that we will only use these copies in the context of the ID check and your information will be handled absolutely securely.


    The copy of your passport/identity card will only be handled by carefully selected, 100% trustworthy employees, who are overseen using the four-eyes-principle, as they compare it to your registration details. Once the verification is complete, your entire email and all images will be permanently deleted.


    You can read more about the privacy policy here:




    Feel free to ask one of our over 2.5 million other members about their experiences with the ID Check on the forum or search the internet for information from independent sources.





    Alternative to E-Mail: Fax your image or upload it



    Alternatively you could also upload the image to a web-space or image-hosting service, such as,


    Send an email to [email protected] with the URL or web address where the image is, written out as plain text.


    If you'd rather fax the documents, then please write your username on the paper.


    # Fax No. for Gibraltar: 00350 200 43218



    The alternative to the ID Check: Go for a poker bonus instead



    Should you not wish to proceed with the ID Check, you can still access our advanced articles, videos, coaching sessions, and forum areas, by playing your way through them, by getting started with a bonus from one of our partner poker rooms.


    The minimum deposit is $10 and with you?ll get the best deal on your first deposit bonus.

    A complete overview of our bonuses, with all details and reviews of the poker rooms, is available here:




    Your free $50 starting capital will still available for you by the way. Should you decide differently down the line, simply contact our customer support, complete the ID Check and you?ll receive your free $50 starting capital.


    Please note: The bonus offers on some poker rooms differ, based on whether you registered with them for a bonus listed in our Poker Rooms section, or to receive the free $50 starting capital from us. Compare the offers to see what is best for you and feel free to register with another poker room if it would be more beneficial to you.



    Still got questions?



    If you have further questions, simply contact our customer support:




    Or ask our other members in the forum about their tips and experiences with the ID Check:




    Thank you for your trust, and your assistance, in this matter.

    Your Team


    PS: If you don?t wish to go through with the ID Check, don?t forget, you can still play using poker bonuses to access all of our content. Your free $50 will still be there anytime you choose to receive it, and you can change your mind any time.







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