Pereiti prie turinio

PayPal paskutinis žigsnis iki sąskaitos atidarymo.

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Na va, liko paskutinis žingsnis ir ko gero turėsiu patvirtintą gerą PayPal saskaitą. Ko aš tik pastarosiomis dienomis nedariau :) Teko išsiųsti FAX'ą paypalui su žmogaus ant kurio registruota sąskaita asmens dokumentais ir panašiai. Kadangi žmogus esantis užsenyje ir turėjąs man parašyti savo debetnės kortelės duomenis sužinojo jog jo kortelė niekam tikusi (tokias išduoda emigrantams) ir PayPalui ji toli gražu netinka, teko ieškotis alternatyvos iš kitų žmonių užsenyje. Jos neradus įrašiau sąvaja kortele (Nord LB Virtuon) regis užskaite. Tačiau dabar liko paskutinis žingsnis įrašyti kažkokį Expanded Use Number na aš sunkiai išaiskinsiu tai įterpsių originalų tekstą ko prašo PayPalas:


Please check your credit card statement (monthly transaction history) online or when it arrives in the mail from the credit card issuer. On this statement, you will see a €1.50 EUR charge from PayPal. Next to this charge you will see the 4-digit Expanded Use Number, which can be found directly before the word PAYPAL. Note that it may take 3-4 working days for the number to appear on your statement.



Vertėjas iš manęs nekoks tačiau čia šiokia tokia lietuviška versija:


Prašome patikrinti savo kreditiės kortelės duomenis online arba, kai paštu atkeliaus nuo kreditinės kortelės leidėjo. tada pamatysite 1.50 eur mokestį iš PayPal. Kartu matysite 4 skaitmenų išplėstinio naudojimo numerį, kuris randasi iš kart prieš žodįi PAYPAL. Atkreipkite dėmesi, kad tai gali užtrukti 3-4 dienas kol numeris pasirodys.


Tai visgi, ar atkeliaus man į Nord LB Virtuon kortelę šitas apmokėjimas? Gal turite kokių pasiulymų ar pastabų? Jie šiuo metu man be galo reikalingi. Didelis dėkui, tikiuosi sulaukti jūsų nuomonės.




Redagavo cash4me
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Na va, atrašė PayPal'as dėl fakso.



Dear Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx,


We're sorry, but your account access limitation cannot be lifted at this

time. We need more information about your account before we can restore

full access to your account. Please complete the steps below so that we may

review your account further:


- Fax a copy of your monthly statement for the bank account ending in XX55.

The statement must show your name, address and account number exactly as

they appear in your PayPal account.


- Fax a copy of a current utility bill. The bill must show your name and

address exactly as they appear in your PayPal account.


- If you have already added one or more credit cards to your PayPal

account, please refer below for detailed instructions. If you haven't added

a credit card yet, you can do it now and then ask for your Expanded Use

Number, by following the same instructions here below.


Log in to your account at


Click the "Profile" tab.


Click the "Credit Cards" link in the "Financial Information" column.


If the status of the card is "Expanded Use Number Needed", you either need

to initiate the Expanded Use Enrollment Process, or enter the Expanded Use

Number. Please follow the instructions listed below to complete the

Expanded Use Enrollment Process:


Select the credit card of which you would like to complete the Expanded Use

Enrollment Process.


Click "Complete Expanded Use Enrollment."


You will receive the "Enroll in PayPal's Expanded Use Program" page: please

read this page and click "Get Number." (Note: If you receive the "Enter

Expanded Use Number" page instead of the "Enroll in PayPal's Expanded Use

Program" one, it means you have already requested your Expanded Use Number

to PayPal: check your credit card statement as indicated in the following

a), B) and c) points and go directly to point 5.)


On the "Expanded Use Number Sent" page, click Continue.


PayPal will charge a small Expanded Use fee to your credit card. The charge

will accompany a unique, randomly generated 4-digit Expanded Use Number.


If you have online access to your credit card activity, it takes

approximately 2-4 business days for the Expanded Use Number to appear,

depending on the cards issuing bank


Else, you'll be able to retrieve your Expanded Use Number on the hard copy

of your statement that is mailed to you by the relevant issuer


Your Expanded Use Number will be printed on your credit card statement in

the transaction description field, next to the Expanded Use Fee


In the item description section of your credit card statement, your

four-digit Expanded Use Number will be printed next to or near the PayPal

Expanded Use Fee. The number will be posted in the following format:

four-digit Expanded Use Number, the word "PAYPAL", (no space between the

numbers and the word "PAYPAL") followed by two dashes (--), followed by

*EXPUSE, (example, 1234PAYPAL--*EXPUSE).


Once you have received your 4-digit Expanded Use Number:


Log in to your account at


Click the "Profile" tab.


Click the "Credit Cards" link in the Financial Information column.


Click the "Complete Expanded Use Enrollment" button.


Enter the 4-digit Expanded Use Number in the box provided. If there is more

than one credit card listed, you must choose the credit card by using the

pull-down menu.


Click "Submit."


Please Note:


After you successfully enter your Expanded Use Number, and use that credit

card to make a payment, the Expanded Use Fee will be credited to your

PayPal account as a bonus. You will receive the bonus in the amount and

currency of the Expanded Use Fee in your PayPal account within 24 hours of

sending a payment from your PayPal account


PayPal strongly discourages users from calling their credit card companies

in order to obtain their PayPal Expanded Use Number before receiving their

monthly statement in the mail. If PayPal receives a complaint from your

card issuer regarding a phone call to your credit card company to obtain

the PayPal Expanded Use Number, your PayPal account may be permanently



Completing the Expanded Use Enrollment Process will allow you to use the

credit card or debit card in the PayPal system, however it will not always

confirm the billing address. If your address is not confirmed, PayPal

recommends adding another card. If your billing address passes our

verification system, your address will be automatically confirmed.


Due to Visa regulations, it is not possible to go through the Expanded Use

Enrollment Process with more than one Visa card per PayPal account


If you are faxing information, you must use the cover page provided by

PayPal. The cover page contains information specific to you and using it

ensures that your documents are routed and handled in a timely manner. To

print the cover page, log into your account and click on the fax documents

link on the "Limited Account Access Details" page.




PayPal Account Review Department




Kiek supratau jie dėl kažkokių aplinkybių negali patvirtinti mano duomenų. Nesuprantu kodėl? Gal galite kas nors paanalizuoti?



P.S. - primenu paskirsiu 50eurų daugiausiai padėjusiam asmeniui.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Matai jie klaidinasi del tavo pasiustu duomenu nurodei airi o pasiuntei lietuviu duomenis todel jie nori isitikinti kad tu esi airis. Cia nezinau kaip issisuksi. Arba kitas variantas turi yrodyti kad esi lietuvis taciau gyveni airijoje. Praso kokios nors sumoketos saskaitos kurioje butu tavo adresas pvz kai buna is telecomo saskaita. cia kalbu apie lietuva.



Beto pirmas zingsnis kuri turi padaryti tai nusiusti savo to airisko banko menesio ataskaita. Banko saskaitos numeris tavo baigiasi 55 tai butinai tos saskaitos. Ataskaitoje turi matytas tavo vardas saskaitos numeris etc.

Redagavo d4mn
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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