Pereiti prie turinio

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Taip, reikės mokėti. Kada pinigai bus grąžinti atgal pirkėjui, padarysi Cancel item'o, ir tau grąžins atgal Final Fee. Bet insertation mokeščių berods negrąžins.


o kaip padaryt ta cancel item? Arba, kad sutikote su pardavėju nutraukti pardavimą.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

limited nes gavau daugiau nei €2,500 per metus


o held tai del sito visi




Dear karolis patasovas,


You have received a payment that we believe may not have been authorized by

the PayPal account holder. Here are the details of the transaction we are




Transaction Details




Buyer's name: Mary Palacios

Buyer's email: [email protected]

Transaction ID: 2NU850692F675801U


Transaction date: Dec 6, 2013

Transaction amount: $160.00 USD

Your transaction ID: 8X029141BC402110G

Case number: PP-002-819-816-969


We recommend that you don’t ship the item until our investigation is

complete. If you’ve already shipped the item, please log in to your PayPal

account and go to the Resolution Center to provide the shipping details.


In order to continue our investigation, we need some additional information

from you.


Here’s how to provide us the information we need:


1. Log in to your PayPal account.

2. Click “Resolution Center” near the top of the page.

3. Click "Resolve" in the Action column to view the information we need.

4. You can either fax or upload your documents to us.


You can fax your documents to us at: +1-402-537-5760


Please include a fax cover sheet that includes the email address registered

on your PayPal account and your case ID number.


Here’s how to upload your documents:


1. Log in to your PayPal account.

2. Click “Resolution Center” near the top of the page.

3. Find your case under "Resolution Center cases," then click "Resolve"

next to the request for documentation.

4. Click “Upload Files.”

5. Click “Browse” to find the file you want to send, and then click


6. Enter a title for the file.

7. Select the type of evidence, and then click “Attach This File.”

8. Attach any other files, and then click “Send Files to PayPal.”


Please provide this information within 7 days.


This payment will remain on hold and unavailable to you until we complete

our investigation. We will email you when we complete our investigation.


Yours sincerely,


Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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