Pereiti prie turinio

Parduodu reklama affablesite

Rekomenduojami pranešimai


Turiu akaute virs 1000$, stai ka galiu pasiulyti as, o ka jus rasykit, jei man bus priimtina, parduosiu :D:

Email worth 10 cents to all members (No more than 10 lines) (no timer) NO SEARCHES! - $250.00

Email worth 20 cents to all members (Less than 20 Lines) (10 sec) NO Searches! - $300.00

International Search Email worth 30 cents to all members(20sec) - $500.00

5,000 Banner Impression(please no html code it messes up the redemption) - $120.00

10,000 Banner Impression(please no html code it messes up the redemption) - $200.00

25,000 Banner Impression (please no html code it messes up the redemption) - $400.00

50,000 Banner Impression (please no html code it messes up the redemption) - $620.00

100,000 Banner Impression (please no html code it messes up the redemption) - $1000.00

2,500 30c Paid To Click (20 sec) NO Searches! *please no html code>! - $500.00

500 30c Paid To Click (20 sec) NO Searches(please no html code it messes up the redemption)! - $200.00

5,000 30c Paid To Click (20 sec) NO Searches! (please no html code it messes up the redemption) - $800.00

5,000 40c Paid To Click (30 sec) NO Searches! (please no html code it messes up the redemption) - $1000.00

2,500 40c Paid To Click (30 sec) Search ONLY! - $600.00

500 40c Paid To Click (30 sec) Search ONLY! - $250.00

5000 40c Paid To Click (30 sec) Search ONLY! - $1000.00

500 10c Paid To Click (no timer) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $100.00

2,500 20c Paid To Click (30 sec) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $400.00

500 20c Paid To Click (30 sec) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $150.00

2,500 10c Paid To Click (no timer) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $300.00

5,000 10c Paid To Click (no timer) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $500.00

5,000 20c Paid To Click (30 sec) Pay to Promote Sites ONLY - $700.00

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