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Google adwords kuponas tik US billing

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Billing address in the United States only. Nega(i)dinkit kupono kitose salyse pls...


Get $150 in free AdWords credit when you spend $150.* Use coupon code: 79PMT-6C96Q-UKWY

*Offer valid for new customers only


Jei nezinote kam naudojamas :)

Terms and conditions for this offer:

1. Offer available to customers with a billing address in the United States only. One promotional code per advertiser.

2. To activate this offer: Enter the promotional code in your account before November 05, 2015.

3. To earn the credit: Start advertising! The advertising costs you accrue in this account in the 31 days following your entry of the promotional code, excluding any taxes, will be matched with an advertising credit in the same amount, up to a maximum value of $150.

4. Once 2 and 3 are completed, the credit will typically be applied within 5 days to the Billing Summary of your account.

5. Credits apply to future advertising costs only. Credits cannot be applied to costs accrued before the code was entered.

6. You won't receive a notification once your credit is used up and any additional advertising costs will be charged to your form of payment. If you don't want to continue advertising, you can pause or delete your campaigns at any time.

7. Your account must be successfully billed by AdWords and remain in good standing in order to qualify for the promotional credit.

8. Full terms and conditions can be found here

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