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Kaip ten tie taškai strategy points renkas? Aš šnd lošiau ~6h, išlošiau ~17$ bet tu taškų negavau :? , ar ten ne iškarto juos perveda?


Edit: Beje gal kas rinkot taškus Kokiu būdu greičiausiai juos susirinkt? :)

Redagavo vytska123
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Kaip ten tie taškai strategy points renkas? Aš šnd lošiau ~6h, išlošiau ~17$ bet tu taškų negavau :? , ar ten ne iškarto juos perveda?


Edit: Beje gal kas rinkot taškus Kokiu būdu greičiausiai juos susirinkt? :)

1$ rake = 2 party points. 1 party point= 1 pokerstrategy point. Kartais jie daro akcija, tada 1PP = 2 arba 1,5 pokerstrategy points. Renkasi normaliai ir greitai. Strategy taškus gali pamatyti sekančia diena. Taškai atnaujinami kiekviena diena pokerstrategy svetaineje.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
You are in late position with pocket queens before the flop. What do you do when two players raise ahead of you?


You fold.



Galit man kazkas sita paaiskint ? niekaip nesuprantu kaip su QQ pafoldint yra teisingiausias sprendimas ???


Taip tai FOLD. :). Tu loši pagal SSS ( short stake strategy). Čia patys NL pagrindai. Tau nera žinomi dar priešininko statsai, tu nenaudoji jokiu papildomu softu, tu dar nežinai kas tai per "žveris" PT, HM ar dar koks softas. Tu neturi "call button" ( lošiant pagal šia strategija yra tik raise, fold arba all inn ). Vienu žodžiu Fold ir viskas. Tavo range po 2 raise yra KK, AA visos kitos rankos distancijoje būs EV-.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
You are in late position with pocket queens before the flop. What do you do when two players raise ahead of you?


You fold.



Galit man kazkas sita paaiskint ? niekaip nesuprantu kaip su QQ pafoldint yra teisingiausias sprendimas ???


Visa SSS taktika yra paremta matematika, tam kad naujiems zaidejams reiketu kuo maziau sprendimu priimti patiems. Gal QQ pries kai kuriuos zaidejus neapsimoketu foldint niekada, o pries kai kuriuos visada, bet cia paremta visu zaideju vidurkiu, nes naujokai (ir ne tik) gali klaidingai vertinti kitus zaidejus.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sveiki visi. Pasirode naujas quiz, su naujais klausimais, gal visi kartu isprendziam? :D po klausimais parasysiu savo nuomone. Zinau, kad ne visus gerai atsakiau.


1/20: You raise before the flop with Ace King and two opponents call. The flop arrives with King, Queen, and Nine in different suits. The first opponent bets, the second opponent raises. What do you do?

You call.

You raise.

You fold.



2/20: You're in early position before the flop and hold Ace Queen. One player before you calls. What do you do?

You raise

You fold

You call



3/20: You have $120 in your poker balance. What is the highest limit you can play at with this amount?

NL10 (The big blind is $0.10).

NL4 (The big blind is $0.04).

NL2 (the big blind is $0.02).

...NL10 (The big blind is $0.10)(jei su 50$, gali jau zaist SSS, tai kodel su 120$ nebutu galima)


4/20: You're in late position and hold a pair of Queens. One player before you raises, then another player re-raises. What do you do?

You call.

You fold.

You raise.



5/20: You raise before the flop with two Queens. Two opponents call. The flop brings two Nines and a Seven. You bet. The first opponent folds, the second raises your bet. What do you do?

You raise again.

You call.

You fold.

... raise again? :D


6/20: All players before you fold before the flop. You want to raise. How many big blinds worth do you raise?

6 big blinds

3 big blinds

4 big blinds

...4 BB


7/20: Sometimes it doesn't quite work out right away, so you'd be better off moving down a limit. What's the rule in this scenario?

Move down when you have 30 buy-ins for the next lower limit in your balance.

Move down when you have 20 buy-ins for the next lower limit in your balance.

Move down when you have 25 buy-ins for the next lower limit in your balance.

...30 BI


8/20: You're on the flop and bet. Your bet is a value bet if...

opponents with weaker cards call.

opponents with better cards fold.

you at least hold a top pair.



9/20: Two players call before the flop. You want to raise. How many big blinds worth should you raise?

6 big blinds

4 big blinds

8 big blinds



10/20: Which of the following plays doesn't come under the category "pot control"?

You check on the turn and check on the river.

You bet on the turn and go all-in on the river.

You bet on the turn and check on the river.

... trecias?


11/20: You've got two pair on the flop. An opponent bets. In what case should you raise immediately?

If you raised before the flop.

If you have only one opponent.

If strong draws are likely.

... have no idea


12/20: You can burn through quite a bit of money when bluffing. When does it make sense to bluff, if at all?

When your hand could still improve.

When the chances of your hand improving are pretty slim.

If the pot is small.



13/20: You want to move up a limit. Which of the following guidelines is correct?

You need to have at least 35 buy-ins (for the higher limit) in your balance.

You need to have at least 25 buy-ins (for the higher limit) in your balance.

You need to have at least 20 buy-ins (for the higher limit) in your balance.

... kiek zinau reikia 30 BI, maziau neimciau, tada lieka 35, taip?


14/20: You have $90 in your poker balance. What is the highest limit you can play at with this amount?

NL4 (the big blind is $0.04).

NL10 (the big blind is $0.10).

NL2 (the big blind is $0.02).

...vel NL10


15/20: Which of these three flops is best suited for a bluff played with a continuation bet?

Queen, Nine, Eight in different suits.

Queen, Nine, Five with 2 face cards.

Queen, Nine, Two in different suits.

...idomus klausimas, tecias variantas butu mano pasirinkimas


16/20: If you're protecting your cards, what action are you performing?

You're making it as expensive as possible for players to see the upcoming community cards.

You're making the showdown as expensive as possible.

You're driving all opponents out of the pot.



17/20: You're in late position before the flop and hold a Five and a Four, both of different suits. All players before you fold. What do you do?

You fold.

You raise.

You call.



18/20: When does slowplay make sense?

When your opponents are playing in aggressive mode.

When you are playing in aggressive mode.

When your opponents are playing in passive mode.

...pries pasyvius?


19/20: What's Bankroll Management good for?

It tells you at what point, depending on how large your chipstack is, you should leave the table.

It tells you at what point, depending on how much you've lost, you should leave the table.

It tells you when you can move up a limit, as well as when you should move down a limit.



20/20: You're in late position before the flop and hold a Five and a Four, both hearts. All players before you fold. What do you do?

You call.

You raise.

You fold.

... na ant BSS raise, bet manau ant SS tai negalioja, tai fold


Laukiu jusu atsakymu

Redagavo wertaliotas
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Hm, kodel idomu wertaliotui dave vienonius Testo klausimus, o man kitokius... Ar as gal ne ten kazkur nueinu, kuri ten teksta reikia daryti? Galite patarti? Is visu 20 wertalioto Testo klausimu sutapo VOS 4 klausimai (3 pirmieji klausimai ir 17 kl). Gal padekime vieni kitiems ir parasykite teisingus visiems atsakymus. Nukopinau visus 20 klausimu si vakara:



1/20: You raise before the flop with Ace King and two opponents call. The flop arrives with King, Queen, and Nine in different suits. The first opponent bets, the second opponent raises. What do you do?


You call.

You raise.

You fold.



2/20: You're in early position before the flop and hold Ace Queen. One player before you calls. What do you do?


You raise

You fold

You call



3/20: You have $120 in your poker balance. What is the highest limit you can play at with this amount?


NL10 (The big blind is $0.10).

NL4 (The big blind is $0.04).

NL2 (the big blind is $0.02).



4/20: Sometimes you just lose over a series of games. At some point you must move down a limit and play smaller stakes. Why should you move down?


Because you should always move down a limit if you are going through a losing phase.

Because by not moving down a limit, you risk losing everything.

Because your losses clearly show that your game isn't strong enough for a higher limit yet.



5/20: What does playing "for value" mean?


It means picking your starting cards very carefully.

It means getting money in the pot from the weaker card holders, whien holding stronger cards.

It means playing draws in such a manner, as if they were already complete.



6/20: When does slowplay make sense?


When your opponents are playing in aggressive mode.

When your opponents are playing in passive mode.

When you are playing in aggressive mode.



7/20: You have $50 in your poker balance. What is the highest limit you can play at with this amount?


NL4 (the big blind is $0.04).

NL2 (the big blind is $0.02).

NL10 (the big blind is $0.10).



8/20: You can burn through quite a bit of money when bluffing. When does it make sense to bluff, if at all?


When the chances of your hand improving are pretty slim.

If the pot is small.

When your hand could still improve.



9/20: You're in middle position before the flop and hold a pair of Twos. One player before you calls. What do you do?


You fold

You call

You raise



10/20: Two players call before the flop. You want to raise. How many big blinds worth should you raise?


4 big blinds

6 big blinds

8 big blinds



11/20: You raise before the flop with Ace King and an opponent calls. The flop brings 2 spades and a King. You're the first to act and bet. The next player calls. The turn arrives with a third spade. You're the first to act again. What do you?


You check and decide to fold if there are any further bets.

You bet.

You check and decide to call any further bets.



12/20: Sometimes it doesn't quite work out right away, so you'd be better off moving down a limit. What's the rule in this scenario?


Move down when you have 20 buy-ins for the next lower limit in your balance.

Move down when you have 25 buy-ins for the next lower limit in your balance.

Move down when you have 30 buy-ins for the next lower limit in your balance.



13/20: Which of these three flops is best suited for a bluff played with a continuation bet?


Queen, Nine, Five with 2 face cards.

Queen, Nine, Two in different suits.

Queen, Nine, Eight in different suits.



14/20: You raise before the flop with two Queens. Two opponents call. The flop brings two Nines and a Seven. You bet. The first opponent folds, the second raises your bet. What do you do?


You fold.

You call.

You raise again.



15/20: You're in early position before the flop and hold a pair of Nines. One player before you calls. What do you do?


You call

You raise

You fold



16/20: You want to move up a limit. Which of the following guidelines is correct?


You need to have at least 25 buy-ins (for the higher limit) in your balance.

You need to have at least 20 buy-ins (for the higher limit) in your balance.

You need to have at least 35 buy-ins (for the higher limit) in your balance.



17/20: If you're protecting your cards, what action are you performing?


You're making the showdown as expensive as possible.

You're driving all opponents out of the pot.

You're making it as expensive as possible for players to see the upcoming community cards.



18/20: Which of the following plays doesn't come under the category "pot control"?


You bet on the turn and check on the river.

You bet on the turn and go all-in on the river.

You check on the turn and check on the river.



19/20: You're playing NL10 with the big blind at $0.10. All players before you fold before the flop. You want to raise. How much do you raise?







20/20: You're in late position before the flop and hold a Five and a Four, both hearts. All players before you fold. What do you do?


You raise.

You call.

You fold

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sulaukiau snd skambuciopries ~1h :D) Visai maloniai pakalbejom, paklausinejo, bet ant galo uzdave du klusimus is quizo. klause kiek reik turet norint zaist NL25. a) 125 , b) 250 , c)335 pasakiau, kad 250 ir dabar labai dvejoju del atsakymo. antras buvo tipo as esu middle position preflop turiu 22 vienas pries mane call, ka as darau? pasakiau raise, o dabar irgi delto abejoju :D))

Redagavo kephii
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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