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$25-$50 PokerSpace sponsorship for WalkerPoker

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Sweiki, gal kas norit pirkt pokerspace user points. Turiu virs 6000. Ten uz juos gaima pasimt daiktu visokiu ;) Tajgi ar bus susidomejusiu?


O juos galima kitam PokerSpace nariui pervesti?? Kodėl nepasiėmi grynais į MoneyBookers?..

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 3 savaičių...

Jau atsibodo, pats dariau neišlaikiau, po to dariau susigooglindamas atsakymus, tai panašu, kad tų kurių radau analizės irgi ne kokios nes išvis tik 3/10 gavos ;D


Gal kas nors padės, ateičiai gal pravers atsakymai:


1.What are the chances your pocket pair will flop a set or quads?


a 1/7.7

b 1/8.7

c 1/9

d 1/8.5


2. our deep in a tournament with the blinds 500/1k. It's folded around to the Cut-off who raises to 3k. (Starting Stack 20k). Fortunately you have a few key pieces of information about your opponent in the cut-off. He has an aggressive-passive style and just recently took a few bad beats and often does not like playing against opponents who come over the top. You're dealt Jh9h on the button (Starting Stack 50k) and re-raise to 8k. It folds around to your opponent who moves all-in! What odds do you face on the worst possible scenario?


a You're a 1.91 to 1 underdog

b You're a 4.03 to 1 underdog

c You're a 4.76 to 1 underdog

d You're a 5.53 to 1 underdog

e You're a 6.21 to 1 underdog


3. 5/10 NL. $1,000 stacks. You raise to $40 from late position. A loose aggressive player in the big blind (who has been re-raising from the blinds a lot) re-raises to $130 and you call.


Your image is also loose aggressive. You and the BB have been in a few big re-raised pots so far--both of you have been bluffing and semi bluffing relentlessly. Flop is:


2c 6d 10s


He makes a $200 continuation bet. Which hand is best if you plan to raise all-in on this flop?


a 88

b AK

c A9

d JJ


4. 6 man table. 5/10 NL with $1500 stacks. A loose aggressive player in middle postion makes a raise to $40 and your on the button QcJc and re-raise $120. Your opponent calls the raise and the flop comes:


The Flop:


Ad 5c 4c


Your opponent leads out for $120 - You raise to $300 and your opponent quickly calls.


The Flop:




Your opponent fires out a bet for $550. Whats your move?


a Raise all in, you're getting great implied odds on the river

b Fold, Your opponent likely holds a big hand and your only drawing to a flush

c Call, Your opponent likely holds a big ace and you will likely take his entire stack if you hit a flush

d Raise all in, it's even money and potentially a large pot to win

e Disconnect, see the river for free


5. Calculate the number of 'outs' opponent 2 has to outright win the hand given all players have moved all in on the turn:


Opponent 1: Qc Qs Opponent 2: Kc 8h Opponent 3: 9h 9s




Jc 10c 9c 5h


a 10

b 11

c 12

d 13

e 14


6. What does "your reverse implied odds are terrible" mean?


If you're in a pot and you're getting 3-to-1 to call, but the chances of you hitting are 4-to-1. This deems your reverse implied odds are terrible.


You'll either win a small pot or lose a big one


You'll either win a big pot or a lose a small one


If you're in a pot and you're getting 4-to-1 to call and the chances of you hitting are 3-to-1. This deems your reverse implied odds are terrible, but your implied odds go

7. 5/10 NL. $1,000 stacks. One player limps in early, you limp in late with:


6h 7h


SB folds and BB checks. Flop is:


4d 5h 9h


BB bets $30, limper folds, you raise to $100. BB thinks and re-raises to $300.


The BB is loose aggressive and relentlessly bluffs and semibluffs. What is your best move?


a Raise all-in

b Call

c Fold


8. Tournament. 300/600 blinds with 220 players left (top 100 pay). You've got 30,000 in chips. It's folded to you on the button and you raise to 1600 with10h7h. Both blinds call.


Flop is:

8c 6h 2h


Blinds check, you bet 2800, small blind raises to 7500, you call. Turn is:




Small blind pushes all-in for 8500k


What's the best move?


a Fold, you're beat and the odds aren't good enough

b Fold, odds are likely there but if he has a higher flush draw you're dominated

c Call, the odds justify the call

d Call, because odds aren't quite there but you've got plenty of chips


9. 3/6 NL HU. $1,200 stacks. You decided to make a standard raise to $18 and the BB re raises to $54. You both are consistently making continuation bets after raising/re-raising. You call with:

Js Jh


BB makes a continuation bet of $75 on a flop of:


Qd Jc 7s


You raise to $200 and he flat calls. The bb checks a turn of:




You bet $200 on the turn and he flat calls. The river is:




He checks the river and you bet $300 and he ends up instantly pushing over the top of your bet. What is he most likely holding?


a KK

b QQ

c 77

d 55


10. Single table tournament. Blinds 200-400. You have 1600 chips. The average stack at the table is 6000 chips and you're in the small blind and it is folded to you.

You hold:


Ah 10h


What should you do?


a Raise

b Call

c All-in

d Fold

Redagavo Desperado
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Aš irgi labai ilgai knisaus kol įvykdžiau tą testą, atsimenu, kad ataskymai labai kategorški būdavo arba all-in arba fold :)

O po to ten kur mokykla yra galim ranką keltis ir yra mini testukai po 5 klausimus, tai vieną dieną prie teisingo varianto priekyje taškas padėtas būdavo, tai viską 100% praėjau :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Aš tai kažkada lyg ir išsprendęs jį buvau, bet tada rašė, kad tuo metu nėra bonusų pasiūlymų ar kažkas panašaus, o pats testas ir sudėtingas ir dviprasmiškas ir dažnai net su klaidom, tarkim pirmą kart laikant buvo klausimas su pavyzdžiu kur ant stalo pasirodo dvi identiškos kortos :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 2 savaičių...

Na va praeitą savaitę išlaikiau šiaip ne taip tą testą, o šiandien gavau pinigus, tik toks klausimas kilo, ten premija 10+25 ir kai prisijungiau parašė kažką tokio "Congratulations you get 25$ credit", nors ten yra tik 10$, kokiu būdu tie +25$ turėtų atsirasti?

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tai niekas nežinot ko tiksliai reikia, kad įvykdyt tą jų bonusą WalkerPokeryje? Be to gal žinot ar kur nors yra jų Lessions atsakymai (ne IQ testo, bet pamokų), nes kiek pastebėjau už taškus įmanoma įsigyt visokių daiktų, o iš tų pamokų galima gaut nemažai taškų, nors ir išlaikau nesunkiai, tačiau jei negauni idealiai 5 iš 5 tai ir tašku gauni daug mažiau tarkim už 3 iš 5 teisingus atsakymus tik 30 taškų, kai už 5 iš 5 visą 100

Redagavo Desperado
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

galit gal padet atsakyt?

# Which style works best against tight-aggressive opponents?









# Which is a philosophy of a "Loose aggressive player" (LAG)?

Plays only position


Will rise with only suited connectors


Usually moves all-in with Aces/Kings pre-flop


Any two cards can win


# Which of the following player styles is considered the most reckless and unpredictable?









# Which of the following player styles is considered the most profitable?









# The terms passive and aggressive are adjectives to describe what about a poker player?



Betting style


Stack size


His position

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
galit gal padet atsakyt?


# Which is a philosophy of a "Loose aggressive player" (LAG)?

Plays only position


Will rise with only suited connectors


Usually moves all-in with Aces/Kings pre-flop


Any two cards can win


# Which of the following player styles is considered the most reckless and unpredictable?









# Which of the following player styles is considered the most profitable?









# The terms passive and aggressive are adjectives to describe what about a poker player?



Betting style


Stack size


His position


Manau šie, beje norintiems rinkti taškus pastebėjau dar vieną neblogą būdą, atrodo kas savaitę būna tokie kaip galvosukiai "riddle" už kuriuos galima gauti taškus, kuo anksčiau išsprendi tuo daugiau taškų gauni, nes kuo daugiau žmonių juos išsprendžia tuo taškų skaičius už atsakymus tampa mažesnis. Kai kurie tikrai sunkūs ir tenka pasukt galvą.

Redagavo Desperado
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

aciu sunkiai bet isprendziau :)


ir jei nesunku sita , ir bandysiu IQ testa

Starting Hands I


1. If you're holding 7h7d which hand would you least like to be up against?









2. What style is most often adopted at high stakes ring games?









3. Why do Pro's prefer in early position to play a hand like AhQh as opposed to 4d4c?

They're suited connectors


AhQh is statistically favored against low pocket pairs


AhQh has a better chance of winning against multiple opponents than a low pocket pair


AhQh is a strong a hand to move all-in early on in a tournament


4. What is the major flaw that most new player's have when learning how to play poker?

They're overly passive


They're overly aggressive


They make abnormal size raises


They play too many hands


5. Which of the following is not true about low pocket pairs?

They're usually great hands to play to river on a rainbow flop with no straight draws


They're strong hands to raise in early position with


They always pay dividends when you flop a set on an ace high board


% wise they're favored against two live cards; but they often don't make it past the flop unless you make a set

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Na va perejau ta nesamone is 3cio karto.

Situose 7/10 teisingi, gal kam pravers.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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