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Ziauriai cia :) Uzuojauta visiems all in ejusiems. Tik laimingo atsitiktinumo deka pats nenuejau all in - pervelai pasiziurejau tema ir jau inplay buvo. Dasipirkt tasku nedave, tai apie pirmo kelinio pabaiga uzmeciau su +7,5 fora. Ir nemenka nuostoli uzturejau, bet bent jau ne visa sask prapyliau :)


Ir kodel as nesusilaikiau iki sausio, kaip buvau zadejes :)

Ir kas su ta sistema darosi? Tiek vilciu i ja dejau, tikejausi bent dali to ka kitur pralosiu atsilost. Kol simboliskai meciau - viskas ejo, kai tik sukeliau sumas, beveik iskart pasipyle nesekmes.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

to faitas: siek tiek perdedi, bet anyway... :)


bent jau JM sutiko su tuo ir uzskaite sia serija kaip pralaimeta, grazu is jo puses :)

Surprised that JM actually calls it a loss. Heres the email


Wow, what an amazing way to end an incredible streak of undefeated

seasons. who would have thought...but as they say, all good things

must come to an end. We've been absolutely on fire over the last 3

years of sports with an unprecedented winning streak of 221

straight winners and not one single loss! Tonight's game on Houston

has marked only the very first time when we're not able to cover in

almost 6 entire seasons of sports!


Coming into the game, Houston is one of those rare cases where a

betting series continues even though our team has won its previous

games. According to my extensive research, continuing a betting series

even though the team you're betting on has won any of the games

straight up will vastly increase the risk of your bet. Since Houston

won the game yesterday straight up (even though they did not cover the

spread), their chances of covering the [C] wager decreases dramatically.


Going forward, it is advisable to wager on the money line if the

team you're betting on is a favorite of more than 3 points. This

way, we will never again encounter a situation where we will have

to continue a betting series even though the team we're betting on

has won a game during the series, and we'll never again encounter

such a loss as in what we've experienced today with Houston.


Wagering on the Money Line would have reeled in the win for this

Houston series on the wager. However, going strictly by the

point spread we'd mark this one down as a loss. Surely it's nice to

go on such a gargantuan undefeated winning streak as we have been,

but losing is not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when" - It is a

mathematical certainty that we can't go on winning forever. Tonight

Houston has surely been a slight bump in the road, but had you been

wagering with the NBA system since the beginning of the season,

you'll still be waaayyyy ahead by a massive amount of heart-pounding

profits at this point! Many more incredible betting opportunies are

waiting ahead, and like me, I'm sure you too can't wait to cash in

on the rest of this season together!


Now let's go get our streak started again! Buckle up, and get yourself

ready for yet another mind-blowing winning ride of your life Huy!


Labai nesekmingas periodas kazkoks dabar kaip tycia ant svenciu.

Na, visad islost neimanoma, as i NHL nelendu, cia buvo pirmas man gan didelis loosas, ka darysi, kartais baudzia, kad bank managamento nesilaikai :)


sian NBA:


76ers v1 ir [C] v2.


nhl parasysiu veliau jei nieks neparasys :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Bydy dejau: ) risu su tuom lazybom, atsibodo nenormali nuotaiku kaita ir pastowus galwos apkrovimas stafkem. Dingstant is lazybu, kad labai neliudetumet sudariau sawo TOP 5 loosu :D gal kam pakels notaika.


1.Bulls pirmaudami 35taskais padaro NBA antirekorda prapisa.

2.Nesueina JM sistemos C pickas, kuris nebuwo nesuejes jau 3 metus.

3.Nesueina NHL'o C statymas.

4.Miami Doplhins prapisa 1u taskeliu ir nunesa berods kelis simtus(seniai cia)

5.Gal koki ~30stafkiu ira nesuejusiu 0.5-1taskeliu


Taip kad man jau gana irodymu per 2 metus kiek mane aplanko sekme:) zodziu, laikykites:) P.S. as sian uz sixers nededu, tai tikrai sueis, galit saut drasiai.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

C pikai is nba gerai ejo tik pernai, nes pats pirmas nesuejo, o visi kiti suejo po to, uzpernai jau buvo irgi C nesuejusiu.

Vnz, sende likusius all in, gal dar sutapetuot reik su atlanta trashers dali, nes ten irgi jau kaip ir C turetu but.

Metus laiko banko nepralosiau, nors jau centai bebuvo like, vel uzkeliau, vel prapisau ir t.t. Visalaika su tuo paciu banku :D Nors ir uz scamu tipsterius statydavau ir pats nesamones darydavau ir mokinaus dar tik :D

Atsimenu pernai per pacius naujus Bosxs dejo irgi jau vos ne all ina, tik neatsimenu ar uz 97 sistemos C beta ar uz NBA pikerio game of the year :D Va tada tai sventes buvo :D

Redagavo bundis
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Senas geras patarimas - jei nepatinka, neskaitykite : all in atveju ,kad ir koks didelis noras atlosti viska greitai , paimk 50 proc sumos , kuria nori ir dar gali investuoti ir zaisk . Turesi du variantus : a) atsilosi puse to , ka pralosei anksciau b) pralosi tik puse likusio banko :D - ir irgi busi laimingas , nes ne viska pralosei ...

O rimtai, jei netiketi sistema , bet ziureti grynai is sporto puses , tai bent as manau , kad siandien Filadelfija turi ganetinai geru sansu nepralosti 10,5-11 tasku - ir del jau sukritusiu abieju komandu seriju , ir del to, kad Portlandas visas 4 paskutines pergales pasieke nedideliais skirtumais .Sekmes ir tiems, kurie statys, ir tiems, kurie nestatys uz 76'-ers .

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

vyrai murai, nu ka jus cia dab jamat i sirdi :D vienam c nesuejus, atsilosti galima per 15 sekmingu ejimu :D patys raset :D o tai grubiai gaunasi 1 savaite :D c nesueina tik karta per metus :D na tai skaiciuokit kiek laimingu savaiciu lieka :D truktelkit tekilos ar alaus gerai, ir zaidziam toliau :D juk namu nieks neuzstatinejat, tai reiskia visx ok :D

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
First, bring your hands together as we applaud an amazing performance

by Philadelphia tonight! Our team absolutely crushed Portland on the

road by a double-digit margin! How is it possible that one of the

worst road teams in the league is able to demolish one of the best

home teams in the league in such an extraordinary fashion? It's just

the incredible magic of the system in play --

the same magic that had reeled in hundreds of nonstop winners to us

day in and day out over the years without a single loss!


As you know, we paced across a slight bump on the road with Houston

this week. It was an extremely rare case where a betting series

continued even though our team has won its previous game. I must stress

to you again that according to my extensive research, continuing a

betting series even though the team you're betting on has won any

of the games straight up will vastly increase the risk of your bet.


When Houston won the game on 12/26 against New Jersey straight up

(even though they did not cover the spread after the 3-point buy),

their chances of covering the next bet of the series decreases

dramatically. The simple fact of the matter is that it's never a

good idea to continue betting a series in the NBA once your team

has won a game straight up, regardless whether or not they had

covered the spread, even with point-buying.


I've updated the NBA system to reflect this rare phenomenon where

the team you're betting on is a favorite of more than 3 points. In

such situations, you'll need to bet on the Money Line. You still do

have the option of betting on the spread and buy 3 points if you're

not comfortable in putting down a larger risk on the Money Line,

but keep in mind that if your team manages to win the game straight

up, then the betting series is over, period!


My extensive research over the years have consistently shown that as

long as you do not continue a betting series once your team has won a

game, then you'll literally win every single betting series you'll make!


This situation is further explained in my NBA system manual, which

I have now updated to include the section on betting on favorites

of -3 or greater. You can view the system manual at:


The update can be found on pages 7 to 8.


In the recent Houston series for example, the wager would need

to be made on the Money Line. As it turned out, Houston outright

won the game and pulled in an easy win!


This is how we will approach all NBA betting series going forward.

But I do have a question that I need to ask you, and

this question is in regard to the record-keeping aspect of the system.


As you know, I've always been completely honest to you in all the

records that I keep, so I want to run this by you to see how you'd

like me to handle the situation.


The current NBA system as it stands, would produce a record of 27-0

for this season.


Before the Money Line for -3 Favorites or greater rule was added,

the system produced a record of 26-1.


How would you like me to handle the record-keeping aspect of this

going forward? Would you like me to mark the record at 27-0 since it

is the genuine record of the current NBA system with the Money Line

for -3 Favorites or greater rule, or would you like me to mark the

record at 26-1 to reflect what we've been through this season so far,

even though it does not actually follow the specifics of the NBA system?


The good thing about marking the record at 26-1 is that it reflects

the betting performance we've had so far this season.


The bad thing about not marking it at 27-0 is that it will create a

tremendous amount of confusion, especially to new system users who

like to back-test the system and without a doubt will ask "Why was

there a loss on this particular series for Houston when it should

have been a win?" Furthermore, it does not truly reflect what

results the system produced based on the filters.


One thing that I will not do is keep 2 separate records - one

reflecting the system results before the -3 favorites or greater

rule, and one after, simply because it will create even more confusion.


So, I have a few options here on how to go proceed with the records.

I'd like you to make a vote on how you think I should handle the

record-keeping at this point. Here are the options:



A) Mark the current record as 26-1. Record the Houston series as a

loss even though it should be a win based on the current rules of

the system (This reflects our betting performance so far this

season, but also will create a great deal of confusions to new

system users who will undoubtedly question why the Houston series

was recorded as a loss)


B) Mark the current record as 27-0. Record the Houston series as a

win based on the -3 Favorites or greater rule (This does not truly

reflect our betting performance so far, but it genuinely reflects

the results of the system with the current rules, and eliminate any

confusions going forward).


C) Mark the current record as 26-0. Completely discard the Houston

series as neither a win or a loss. Basically, a "best of both worlds"

option where the record more genuinely reflects our betting

performance and at the same time does not create any confusion

going forward.



Reply to this email with a either "A", "B", or "C". Yep -- all

you have to do is reply to this email with a single letter, either

"A", "B", or "C", to decide your vote on how I should handle the

record-keeping. Your opinion is very important to me, as I take

great pride in valuing your view on how I should keep records.


All the best, and have a Happy New Year

John Morrison, PhD


P.S. My v2.0 NBA system ( just

picked up another winner! It's a perfect 14-0 for the season!


PO Box 30175

Worcester, MA 01603



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Demagogas jis tai geras...

Redagavo Justakas
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
vyrai murai, nu ka jus cia dab jamat i sirdi :) vienam c nesuejus, atsilosti galima per 15 sekmingu ejimu :) patys raset :) o tai grubiai gaunasi 1 savaite :) c nesueina tik karta per metus :) na tai skaiciuokit kiek laimingu savaiciu lieka :) truktelkit tekilos ar alaus gerai, ir zaidziam toliau :) juk namu nieks neuzstatinejat, tai reiskia visx ok :)

Kam vienas, o kam ir visi trys c per mazdaug savaite nesuejo(cia statant visus NHL ir NBA oficialius ir ne). Jei dar tesiu, tai nuo siol tik oficialius. Vakar pabijojau all in mest, tai tik gana nedaug atsilosiau.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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