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Rekomenduojami pranešimai


sumasciau isbandyti pirktinius pickus. Mane domina visos sporto sakos. Orentuojuosi ne i kiekybe,o i kokybe :) .Statistika ir kainas,bei kitus niuansus rasykite privaciai. B)

P.S. visokios "Petriuku" paslaugos neidomios (kreipkites tik su rimtais pasiulymais)


Kainas bei statistika gali lengvai panagrineti :D

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 5 mėnesių...
RakasBets ir geras ir patikimas :)


Siaip uz rugpjuti dabar jei nebus pelno tai grazinam pinigus, todel kad praktiskai esame tikri kad pelna pasiekti pavyks.



Rakai,tau lazybos pragyvenimo saltinis? beje jei ne paslaptis kiek turi klientu?


Pasai po kokiu puse metu zadu versliuka daryt :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

sumasciau isbandyti pirktinius pickus. Mane domina visos sporto sakos. Orentuojuosi ne i kiekybe,o i kokybe :) .Statistika ir kainas,bei kitus niuansus rasykite privaciai. B)

P.S. visokios "Petriuku" paslaugos neidomios (kreipkites tik su rimtais pasiulymais)


Ka turi pries Petriukus :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Gal kas nors esat pirke pickus is cia arba is cia

gaudavau is toptencappers picku,galiu pasakyt kad sunku atsirinkt uz ka statyt,nes skirtingai labai duoda ir su nepriekaistingais aprasymais :)) ten kas antras pickeris vos ne 12-0 serija turi ir pan :) nu nezinau,man tai ten pasirode per daug perdeta viskas,nors cia senokai buvo,dabar gal kitaip

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
gaudavau is toptencappers picku,galiu pasakyt kad sunku atsirinkt uz ka statyt,nes skirtingai labai duoda ir su nepriekaistingais aprasymais :)) ten kas antras pickeris vos ne 12-0 serija turi ir pan :) nu nezinau,man tai ten pasirode per daug perdeta viskas,nors cia senokai buvo,dabar gal kitaip



Tai gal pats is kur nors perki ar zinai kokiu normaliu puslapiu , galetum parasyti :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Tame puslapije statistika atrodo normaliai , o kaip ten yra is tikro neaisku , gal kas esat is ten pirke ? As irgi is kur nors zadu pirkti tik nesugalvoju is kur :)

Kokia statistika ten yra toks ir pliusas. Tik jeigu turėt lygiai tokį, tai reiktų maždaug ~8 bendrovėse pinigų turėt, kad statyt tokią forą/totalą kokį siūlo. Čia apie rakasbets, esu paėmęs :-)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Kokia statistika ten yra toks ir pliusas. Tik jeigu turėt lygiai tokį, tai reiktų maždaug ~8 bendrovėse pinigų turėt, kad statyt tokią forą/totalą kokį siūlo. Čia apie rakasbets, esu paėmęs :-)


Daba atsidarineju saskaitas ivairiose bendrovese nes tik pora teturejau ,jauciu reiks bandyti imti is to rako paziuresim kas gausis :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Aš iš Rako perku lgą laiką, seniau pirkdavau paprastus pikus iš tinklapio, dabar perku special picks paką :)

Visa statistika ir viskas vedama tvarkingai, profitas irgi pastovus.



O Jurbarkas :) daznai ten bunu :) .O tas special pakas kur ten raso 50 euru ?

Redagavo waidosas
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na čia seniau taip buvo, dabar jau viskas keičiasi...


Dear members of "special picks",


There were a lot of thoughts lately, a lot of situations comparison and I made my desicion about this kind of picks.


First of all, as most of you know, I wanted to make my service different, only for Lithuanians, with bookmakers like Orakulas, Omnibet or Topsport, with monthly payment depending on my results, but some facts made me change my mind and I wrote it to the lithuanian users, so I decided not to provide picks like this.


Second of all, there are only several punters in the team now and there are some situations out of it as well:

1. When we get to 10-12 members in this team - the odds are changing quite fast, the lines move by 0,5, 1 or sometimes even 2pts which is a bit different (but as I mentioned a lot of times - takable as well in most cases). So this means I can not have 10-12 or more people in this team cause you all will be unsatisfied, that means I have to stick to 5-7 people.

2. The second situation is: do I need to make this section for special picks? Trust me - I really spend a lot of time taking out the picks and sending it for you, trying to satisfy your needs and giving extra profit, but if you know economics you will know me - my time spent on this kind of picks is big - the ammount I get for this is very little.


So, I have two suggestions for you and for me as well and then I will make up my mind about the upcoming month:


1st suggestion - I've set up the price with which I would be satisfied and with which my time spent would pay me back. The cost for February would be 130 euros. We would continue the same way, I would send you the picks via email. If it is NBA players - it is mostly between 10-11 in the evening, very rarely I send the picks 11-12. If it is BBL or LKL I send it at the day time, mostly from 2 to 4 o'clock. If it is Euroleague players - you can expect them to come anytime at a day as well. It used to be the pick taken out or changed total by a lot of pts, but now - with a lot lower number of customers you can get the pick at the same odds or with a little difference.


2nd suggestion - you can say "no" and I will simply take you out of the list and if the number of customers drop to 2-4 I will suggest this to the guys who are waiting for my offer in the queue. If there will not be 5-7 persons in the list - I will simply say "no" as well.


So, there are several of you, who's answers I would like to hear and then I will decide wheather to go on or not. There are 7 people in the list lately. If everyone of you say "yes", I will not take any more punter and we will continue that way. If some of you say "no" I will understand you and I will offer this method to 5 people who asked me about joining "special picks".


Now, about your staking - it shouldn't be more than your average main picks. I have an average unit of 6,84 in mains, so what I want to say is that your stake shouldn't be more than 3/10 or 5/10. That is my suggestion. Talking about the sum of money - my strong recomendation would be from 80 to 150 euros on one pick so in this way you should have profit. If you bet more - I would suggest to lower your stake.


So, 7 people, 7 answers for me. I will be waiting for your answers as soon as possible, because I want to be everything clear during this week. I hope you will answer me today and I can make my desicion about everything. So count everything clearly, see if it is still profitable for you and give me an answer. I think you got used to this method during the last months, you got to see how the lines are changing and simply you know if you are able to place everything or not. Please understand that the odds will be chaning mostly, the lines could change as well, but that is normal and that is how the bookies try to save their money... Also know that it is up on your own risk. I suggest, I bet - you bet, we win or lose, there are no guarantees, but I promise I will give next month for free if February could be somehow not profitable for all of us.


P.S. those who has paid for December, January and February, your 50 euros is counted as paid, so if you are not going with us the next month - you will get your money back, if you are with us - you will have to pay only the difference.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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