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Hotfile - Pinigai už upload!

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

O tai jayfellas autoposteri reik pirkt?Ar yra kur siustis, randu tik su negaliojanciu rs linku visur :/ Kazkaip nesinori pradet nes speju uzsiknisimas rankiniu budu :)


Taip jį reikia pirkti ir jis kainuoja 10 USD : ) Laužto tikrai niekur nerasi, nebent pti pati pirmoji versija, bet į ją net savo forumų negalima įdėt, taip kad kas iš tokio posterio?


Jei reginais per mane rašyk až su savo nick atsiųsiu tutorialą kaip uždirbti iš hotfile + bus paaiškinta kaip nusipirkt posterį jeigu neaišku.. :)


Sėkmės :D

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
I'd like to make some explanations:


Your acccount type will be calculated each day and depending of this your downloads will be paid regarding the Earnings table (see our Affiliate section)


We change account status daily, but we consider one week back period when we calculate your conversion ratio.


Your old downloads (before 24.06) will be counted by old prices/conditions.


Your status depends mainly on your conversion ratio - in other words, how many people that downloaded your files have become premium users.


There is progress bar in your account "My Stats" - you can check what is your position and how you performs - better or worse.


Number of postings and downloads are not indicator for your account status.

You may have lot of posts, downloads, but your users who download your links don't become premium! We pay for your downloads only from premium users who paid for their accounts.So we implemented new account types.

If your conversion ratio is good-you will be gold or platinum and for these accounts we INCREASED prices.


Other indicators are considered as well, such as:


* - how much files you upload

* - number of downloads

* - server resources load and etc



The most important indicator, however, is your conversion ratio!


With this we want to benefit all uploaders which works good, got many downloads of their files, but conversion also!


Possible low rank could affect uploaders whose traffic does not bring the proper premium users to the site. But at the same time, according to statistics, there are substantial overall increase in earnings from partners with higher-converted traffic for the past days.


About payments - we pay each Monday and so far never delayed.

Next Monday payments will be too, so don't need to speculate about this!


If you just upload, yes you may have downloads, but if we don't receive premium conversion from your users, how we supposed to pay you? Where to get money from?


We check all competitors and most of them will do the same (even RapidShare, not mentioned others).


How to convince people to become premium?

From one side-it depends on our site,download page -> this will be improved very soon

From other side-I notice people who just don't make dump links, but make some good description of their file (on their blog,site or forum), their downloaders become premium more often.


We believe this will benefit in long term all good uploaders!


About RapidShare remote upload - for all users with rank Silver+ there is no limit!

Even more - we think to offer for all Silver+ users to use remote upload, even if they don't have their premium RS account!


Right now RS changed their authentication system and we rewrite our code, hope soon all will be ready.


We are working now also for upload/download tool and other stuff, I'm sure you will be glad to use.



Čia nukopijavau žinutę parašytą vieno iš hotfile adminų.

Taigi kaip matote jie perrašinėja remote upload skriptą bei visi kas bus silver ar aukštesnio ranko galės remotint iš rapidshare be jokio premium acc. Taip pat dirba su upload/download stuff'u tad galim laukti naujovių :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Taip jį reikia pirkti ir jis kainuoja 10 USD : ) Laužto tikrai niekur nerasi, nebent pti pati pirmoji versija, bet į ją net savo forumų negalima įdėt, taip kad kas iš tokio posterio?


Jei reginais per mane rašyk až su savo nick atsiųsiu tutorialą kaip uždirbti iš hotfile + bus paaiškinta kaip nusipirkt posterį jeigu neaišku.. :)


Sėkmės :)


Per skype rasiau, bet neatsiliepei ;D

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Čia nukopijavau žinutę parašytą vieno iš hotfile adminų.

Taigi kaip matote jie perrašinėja remote upload skriptą bei visi kas bus silver ar aukštesnio ranko galės remotint iš rapidshare be jokio premium acc. Taip pat dirba su upload/download stuff'u tad galim laukti naujovių :)


Kas iš to perrašinėjimo, tegul jie perrašo kiek nori, tačiau svarbiausia tegul perrašo savo kvailus atnaujinimus. Tuoj visi paliks cooper, niekas nebeuploadins, ir jiems liks tik 2 išeitis - trauktis iš šio biznio arba panaikininti/normaliai sutvarkyti atnaujinimus. Jiems dabar aišku buvo biznis, pirko premium tol kol vartotojai uploadino, kažkiek gaudavo iš reklamos gal kokios nors, tačiau tuoj niekas nebeuploadins, niekas nebepirks, niekas nebekels failų į hotfile, iš reklamos nieko negaus ir pasibaigs jiems. Taip kad iš to rapidshare nieko gero nebus. Beto kas turi galvą, tas ir dabar šiuo momentu keliasi iš rapidshare į hotfile po 12 Mb/s ir nesuka galvos.




Įdėjo FAQ kaip greičiau tapti Platinum member'iu :D


Essentially to reach a higher status your links should sell more premium accounts. Here are few tips that may help you to be promoted to a higher type of uploader and eventually to reach the platinum status:


* - Don't post links to different file hosting sites for the same file. This kind of mirrors allows users to simultaneously download from different sites and they have less incentive to buy premium.

* - Don't switch every day to different file hosting service - that way people are less willing to buy a premium account, as they will need multiple premium accounts from different services to get all the content and that is more expensive.

* - Do not upload files that you will not promote. Used server space is also accounted when your rank is considered.

* - Put more effort into bringing more visitors to download your files, rather than to upload more files. If you are uploading 10Gb of files everyday just to have every file downloaded few times you are going to stick with Copper.

* - Don't post on resources that have popups, try to install troyans and similar stuff. This way users do not have much trust and are less willing to pay.



Jie pabrėžia kad viskas prilauso nuo premium account'u pirkimo:

Essentially to reach a higher status your links should sell more premium accounts (reiškias ne vieną ir ne du account'us turi nupirkti) . Here are few tips that may help you to be promoted to a higher type of uploader and eventually to reach the platinum status


Dar užsimenama kad rankas pakils jeigu nepostinsi mirror'u (Aš to nedarau)

Dar užsimenama kad rankas pakils jeigu nekeitinėsi su kitais konkurentais (Aš to nedarau)

Dar užsimenama kad rankas pakils jeigu neužimsi daug serverio vietos (Mano failai nesiekia daugiau nei 100 Mb, dažniausiai būna 5-30mb)

Dar užsimenama kad nereikia kelti failų už 10Gb (Aš per dieną max 1Gb įkeliu)

Dar užsimenama kad rankas pakils jeigu savo linkus nedėsi į trojanų ir kito š**o tinklapius (Aš to nedarau)


Kaip matom rankas nepakils, jeigu niekas nepirks premium acc arba jeigu nori kad rankas kiltu, upoadink 5 failus po 5Mb ir platink nuorodą, gal per dieną ir užsidirbsi po 2 USD, nes aš viskuo laikydamasis vistiek net nesugebėjau išlaikyti savo ranko net 1 dieną :) Per parą nusiritau nuo silver iki cooper :D


Na viskas aišku, čia užsidirbti, praktiškai nebeįmanoma :D

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Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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