Pereiti prie turinio

Domenai pigiau - bonus/coupon kodai

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Siaip... ar kas turite su jais DAUG domenu? Neturiu omeny 5-10... Na tarkim bent 50 ;-) Ar nekyla problemu?? Nes kazkaip pavarciau atsiliepimus apie sita kompanija - siurpas per nugara nuejo...


- - - - - - - - - - - - -


Krc uzrakino saskaita... po keliu dienu gavau atsakyma, kad "sorry, robotas kazka itare ir auto uzdejo flag`a". Atrakino, bet kazkaip malonumas naudotis ju paslaugom nepadidejo - pasitvirtino, kad uzsakius VIENA domena ir VIENA transfera (sumoje verta $7) man kainavo... $25.25 nes kiekviena karta, net nuluztant ju mokejimo sistemai, man nuskaiciavo nuo korteles :-( Praejo savaite bylinejimusi, siandien refundino ~$18 i banka, bet nuostolis liko - banke isviso buvo uzskaityti 4 pervedimai i USA vietoj vieno, o kiekvienas toks pervedimas man kainuoja... 1 svara sterlinga :-/

Redagavo Soldier
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 3 savaičių... bus akcija, info po 60ct, kodas: SUPERINFO


Make sure you are logged into your RegisterFly account

You must have at least one .info domain name purchase in your cart

Enter the code "SUPERINFO"




$3.75 Domain Transfer Sale has become consistently one of the fastest growing registrars in the world. In less than 5 months we have registered over 500,000 names! Our way of saying thanks to nearly 900,000 customers we have throughout the world we have decided to offer a 24 hour one time special. Transfer any .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz , name to within the next 24 hours and pay only $3.75 /ea.

DO NOT renew with your expensive registrar, transfer your domains to for only $3.75. We will add one year to the time left on your domain. If your transfer fails for any reason, we will instantly issue a refund. If you are tired of expensive prices, poor service or you wish to save a buck or two, transfer your domains to today. This is a SPECIAL sale. To learn more about how to take advantage of this special offer please see below. is offering $3.75 domain transfers. Tens of thousands of names are transferred to Consolidate all of your domains from multiple registrars into a single and trusted source, move your names to In addition to low pricing you get our many free and powerful tool and services. To transfer your domains to follow these steps:



Go to

Select Transfer my domains

Enter your domains to transfer

Enter the Transfer promotion code below






$2.99 .NET special

For the next 48 hours register any .net domain for the low price of $2.99 /ea


How to redeem my .net promotional code



Make sure you are logged into your RegisterFly account

You must have at least one .net domain name purchase in your cart

Enter the code "NETSPECIAL"




Renew early and save $2.00!

Now is the time to start renewing your domain names. For the next 3 days, renew your domain name MORE THAN 7 days from the date of expiration and get $2.00 off of the renewal price. This is a great way to save money and also do your renewal well in advance.

How to redeem my RENEWEARLY promotional code


Make sure you are logged into your RegisterFly account

You must have at least one domain name renewal in your cart

The domain name must be more than 7 days away from expiring

Enter the code "RENEWEARLY"




$6.99 .com special

For the next 48 hours register any .com domain for the low price of $6.99 /ea


How to redeem my .com promotional code



Make sure you are logged into your RegisterFly account


You must have at least one .com domain name purchase in your cart


Enter the code "COMSPECIAL"

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

cia sitie veiks tik nuo penktadienio. bent jau man taip rase. bus akcija, info po 60ct, kodas: SUPERINFO


Make sure you are logged into your RegisterFly account

You must have at least one .info domain name purchase in your cart

Enter the code "SUPERINFO"




$3.75 Domain Transfer Sale has become consistently one of the fastest growing registrars in the world. In less than 5 months we have registered over 500,000 names! Our way of saying thanks to nearly 900,000 customers we have throughout the world we have decided to offer a 24 hour one time special. Transfer any .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz , name to within the next 24 hours and pay only $3.75 /ea.

DO NOT renew with your expensive registrar, transfer your domains to for only $3.75. We will add one year to the time left on your domain. If your transfer fails for any reason, we will instantly issue a refund. If you are tired of expensive prices, poor service or you wish to save a buck or two, transfer your domains to today. This is a SPECIAL sale. To learn more about how to take advantage of this special offer please see below. is offering $3.75 domain transfers. Tens of thousands of names are transferred to Consolidate all of your domains from multiple registrars into a single and trusted source, move your names to In addition to low pricing you get our many free and powerful tool and services. To transfer your domains to follow these steps:



Go to

Select Transfer my domains

Enter your domains to transfer

Enter the Transfer promotion code below






$2.99 .NET special

For the next 48 hours register any .net domain for the low price of $2.99 /ea


How to redeem my .net promotional code

Make sure you are logged into your RegisterFly account

You must have at least one .net domain name purchase in your cart

Enter the code "NETSPECIAL"




Renew early and save $2.00!

Now is the time to start renewing your domain names. For the next 3 days, renew your domain name MORE THAN 7 days from the date of expiration and get $2.00 off of the renewal price. This is a great way to save money and also do your renewal well in advance.

How to redeem my RENEWEARLY promotional code


Make sure you are logged into your RegisterFly account

You must have at least one domain name renewal in your cart

The domain name must be more than 7 days away from expiring

Enter the code "RENEWEARLY"




$6.99 .com special

For the next 48 hours register any .com domain for the low price of $6.99 /ea


How to redeem my .com promotional code

Make sure you are logged into your RegisterFly account


You must have at least one .com domain name purchase in your cart


Enter the code "COMSPECIAL"

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na vel prasidejo akcijos registerflaye...taigi norejau uzregint viena .net bandziau gal 10 kartu...nepavyko...

va ka raso:

Transaction failed, possibly due to registry error. Please try again



tam yra supportas :)

Man taip buvo kazkada, tai supportas atsake kad cia ju technines problemos, uzsirase mano domena, ir uzregistravo ji veliau pats. (ta prasme i mano acounta irase )

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  • po 3 savaičių...
Ir you're kinda stuck with RF.

Pratęsimui galima naudoti RENEW799 coupon kodą (2$ nuolaida).

O jei jau kalbant apie prisirišimą prie registratoriaus - registerfly patartina naudotis tik tada, kai nėra kitos išeities <_ pvz. kai gali atsiskaitin tik e-gold nema problem kyla su rf. na ai n blogiausias registratorius dar galima pak : esu susid ir blogesniais.>

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.
  • Dabar naršo   0 narių

    Nei vienas registruotas narys šiuo metu nežiūri šio puslapio.

  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...