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Reputacijos išklotinė

  1. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Kuo dirbote užsienyje?   
    dirbu kaip front office management trainee Howard Johnson 5* viešbutyje, Chengdu mieste, Kinijoje. tris mėnesius jau. prieš tai dar 3 dirbau Anji mieste, Zhejiang provincijoje, labai mažas miestukas Kinijos mąstu (400k gyventojų), tad sunku ten buvo, net mano viešbutyje tik keli darbuotojai kalbėjo angliškai. Chengdu gyvena 14 mil. žmonių, ir miestas plečiasi neįsivaizduojamu greičiu... ir Howard Johnson tarptautinis viešbutis, tad anglų kalba labai gera darbuotojų. Labai naudinga patirtis man čia... gyvenimo nuotykis galėčiau pasakyti taip :)
  2. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo arijas Zalios Kortos Loterija (DV-2018)   
    liko šiek tiek daugiau nei mėnesis laiko ir aš laimėsiu žaliosios kortos loteriją :) USA, here we come !
  3. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo arijas Zalios Kortos Loterija (DV-2018)   
    liko šiek tiek daugiau nei mėnesis laiko ir aš laimėsiu žaliosios kortos loteriją :) USA, here we come !
  4. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo arijas Zalios Kortos Loterija (DV-2018)   
    liko šiek tiek daugiau nei mėnesis laiko ir aš laimėsiu žaliosios kortos loteriją :) USA, here we come !
  5. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Loganas Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    na viskas panašu kaip ir su praktika pačioje Kinijoje, sąlygos +- tokios pat, tiesiog reikia būti studentu. Beto Tailande rusų kalbos žinios vertinamos irgi, nes ten daug turistų iš Rusijos. Pridedu brošiūrą, kur daugiau informacijos rasite :)
    Internship in Thailand info page (1).pdf
  6. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    foto yra tikrai nemažai tiek iš rytų Kinijos, tiek iš vidurio. gali rasti jas čia :) . ten šiek tiek žemiau paėjus,bus keletas albumų iš įvairių vietovių.
    darbas kartais aišku atsibosta, tokiomis dienomis, kai svečių nedaug viešbutyje, bet vistiek su kolegom surandam kaip laiką prastumti, kai nėr ką veikti. Pirmame viešbutyje, į kurį papuoliau per tą agentūra kurios nerekomenduočiau, buvo tikrai sunkios pirmos savaitės. bet pradedant nuo pradžių, vos nusileidau į Kiniją, Šanchajuje, man pačiam reikėjo nusigauti iki Anji miestelio, kuris apie 350km nuo Šanchajaus... o pirmą kartą būnant naujoje šalyje, kur paprasti žmonės angliškai nei žodžio nežino, tai gali įsivaizduoti. teko važiuoti iš oro uosto su metro iki traukinių stoties miesto centre, iš ten pėsčiomis eiti iki autobusų stoties (išgelbėjo tik tai, jog nuorodos parašytos tiek kiniškai tiek angliškai), iš ten turėjau važiuoti su autobusu iki Anji, bet paskutinis autobusas išvykęs jau buvo, tad teko važiuoti į kitą, ir tikėtis, kad iš ten bus autobusas į mano Anji. ir buvo... tikrai pirma diena buvo pilna streso. bet atvykus į viešbutį,viskas tikrai nebuvo taip kaip tikėjausi, angliškai vos pora žmonių galėjo šnekėti, bet pagrinde tai niekas nekalbėjo angliškai... buvo pirmos savaitės sunkios, bet po to pradėjo patikti, kambariokas atvyko ukrainietis studijuojantis Kinijoje, pramokau pagrindinių frazių kinų kalbos, ir tuo pačiu mano kolegos pramoko angliškai iš manęs, po pusantro mėnesio pradėjau normaliau suprasti ką svečiai klausia ar sako atėję į viešbutį, tad galiausiai, tai, jog niekas nešnekėjo angliškai, padėjo man daug greičiau pramokti kinietiškai. visgi nerekomenduočiau tokios patirties..
    po trijų mėnesių išvykau į Chengdu, mane patį agentūra susirado per LinkedIN, nes buvau papostinęs, kad ieškau praktikos kinijoje, ir dar vizą reikėjo prasitęsti, o Anji to negalėjau padaryti, nes per mažas miestukas (400k gyventojų, skaitosi kaimelis Kinijoje). Chengdu viskas buvo žyyyymiai geriau. mano departamente visi šnekėjo puikiai angliškai, visi buvo labai draugiški ir priemė mane į savo šeimą labai šiltai, gyvenau to pačio viešbučio kambaryje, susiradau panelę greitai, naktinis gyvenimas buvo nerealus tiesiog, keliaudavom daug, darbas buvo įdomus, nes mane mokė tikri profesionalai tos srities, aš buvau front office management trainee, tad man buvo apie 40 žmonių pavaldūs. kartais atsibosdavo, būdavo ir varginančių dienų, kai užimtumas viešbučio viršydavo 60-70%, tada visą dieną ant kojų, pilna reikalų. kartais atvykdavo žvaigždės, pvz Kinijos muzikos žvaigždės, politikai, buvo ir James Blunt. tikrinau jo kambarį dar ar viskas paruošta pagal protokolus. darbas viešbutyje įdomus tuom, jog kiekviena diena būna skirtinga, būdavo įvairiausių nutikimų, malonių ir nelabai:)
  7. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo justinasltu Zalios Kortos Loterija (DV-2017)   
    na ką, pildymo laikotarpis baigėsi, sėkmės visiems dalyvaujantiems! Aš paskutinę valandą spėjau į "išvažiuojantį traukinį" :D
  8. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo justinasltu Zalios Kortos Loterija (DV-2017)   
    na ką, pildymo laikotarpis baigėsi, sėkmės visiems dalyvaujantiems! Aš paskutinę valandą spėjau į "išvažiuojantį traukinį" :D
  9. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo HankRearden Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    pamėginsiu :) na būna trys skirtingos pamainos. rytinė, vakarinė ir naktinė. naktinė prasideda tik po keletos mėnesių praktikos, ir tai būna tik keletą kartų per mėnesį, bet man ji patikdavo, visiškai skirtinga patirtis, ir įdomi tuo pačiu.
    Na sakykim rytinė pamaina.Mano pareigos: Front office department management trainee [duty manager - pamainos vadovas]. Kadangi gyvenu ten kur ir dirbu, man su liftu tik 5 aukštus tereikia nusileisti ir aš jau darbo vietoje, reikėdavo ateiti maždaug 6:50 ryte. Preiš tai dar praskanuoju savo kortelę, kuri mane užsregistruoja sistemoje [už kiekvieną pavėlavimą, arba per ankstų išsiregistravimą reikia mokėti 20 juanių baudą]. Tada sėdu prie stalo, perskaitau įvykių žurnalą, kas įvyko per paskutines dvi pamainas [arba daugiau, jeigu prieš tai turėjau išeiginę]. Tada atlieku kasdienines operacijas, PMS [viešbučio administravimo operacinė sistema] : planuojamą viešbučio užimtumą tą dieną, kiek svečių planuoja išvykti, kiek VIP atvykimų, kas šiuo metu apsistoję viešbutyje, ar buvo kokių nors problemų preitose pamainose. taip pat būna handover su preitos pamainos duty manager, jis arba ji papasakoja pagrindinius jo pamainos įvykius. Tada, būna susirinkimas, kuriame dalyvauja kiekvieno front office padalinio atstovas, per jį praėjusios pamainos vadovas pasako visą pagrindinę informaciją, kas įvyko ir kas įvyks ateinančią pamainą. Padalinių atstovai taip pat pasidalina informacija, kas bus ir buvo. Tada buvusios pamainos vadovas baigia savo pamaina, ir prasideda jau pilnai mano. trumpi pusryčiai darbuotojų valgykloje [dažniausiai kiaušiniai su baidza [kinietiška bulkutė su grybais bei mėsa], pienas, ar košė. Vėliau reikia paruošti atvykstančių VIP svečių profilius PMS'e, atspausdinti jų registracijos dokumentus, paruošti kambario korteles - raktus [tris], paprašau registratūros užsakyti gėles bei vaisius į VIP kambarius. tada einu į kiekvieno atvykstančio VIP kambarius ir patikrinu ar jie paruošti pagal visus protokolus, kiekviena smulkmena yra svarbi, jei yra problemų - skambinu atitnkamo departamento atstovams. taip pat reikia pasitikti tuos VIP svečius, ir priklausomai nuo jų lygio [nes yra VIP1, VIP2, VIP3 ir VIP4] palydėti į kambarį, pasiteiratui apie jų kelionę ir t.t.t. Žinoma būna įvairiausių neplanuotų situacijų, pvz kartą per 18 aukšto lubas pradėjo lietis vanduo iš stogo, tad teko rinktis ir spręsti ką daryti su tuo aukštu - galiausiai jis buvo uždarytas laikinai. Būna ir labai "pasikėlusių" turtuolių svečių, kuriems niekas neįtinka ir jie elgiasi su darbuotojais kaip su vergais. aišku mes turim šypsotis ir kad ir ką jie sakytų ar darytų - išlikti ramūs bei blaiviai mąstyti. juk visgi 5* viešbutis :) yra tekę ir restorane padavėju pabūti porą kartų, kai ten buvo žmonių tiek daug, kad F&B departamento žmonių visiškai nebeužteko, teko ir padirbti konsjerdžu, tai yra padėti svečiams su lagaminais, taksi, ir t.t., teko pabūti ir registratūros darbuotoju, taip pat turėdavau ir reguliarias anglų kalbos pamokėles vesti guest service padaliniui FO departamento. pagrinde, žodžiai iš restorano meniu [nes daug užsieniečių tiesiog užsisako maistą iš restorano tiesiai į kambarį], o kalbant telefonu kiniečiams ne taip lengva suprasti ką jie sako, ir patiems aiškiai atsakyti, tai aš juos šiek tiek mokiau. na ir dar visokiausių dalykėlių būdavo. Chengdu miestas yra subtropinio klimato zonoje, tad ten labai karšta, nuo gegužės mėn iki rugsėjo galo, maždaug +30-40 visą laiką. kartą teko kepinant +43 laipsnių karščiui [o aš su visa uniforma, marškiniai, švarkas, tad galit įsivaizduoti kaip karšta] kartu su svečiu ir jo bagažu sudėtu ant luggage trolley [net nenutuokiu kaip šis daiktas lietuviškai vadinasi?] apie 20min nuo viešbučio keliauti gatve, nes jo draugas kažkur ten turėjo paimti bagažą. nors grįžęs buvau tiesiogine prasme visiškai kiaurai šlapias, bet arbatos 100 juanių gavau, tad vertėjo :) na, ši praktika buvo nereali patirtis, ir tai mane paskatino siekti karjeros viešbučių industrijoje, ir tikriausiai Kinijoje. jei dar kokių klausimų yra, prašom klausti:)
  10. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo MantasBl Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    jei kalbant apie praktiką viešbučiuose, tai nereikia didelio biudžeto. apie €70 vizai, €260-320 mokestis agentūrai (priklausomai nuo paketo). Be tai greit atsipirks, nes atlyginimas apie €300 per mėn viešbučiuose.
    o skrydis priklauso labai iš kur skrendama, nes pvz iš Londono ar Berlyno yra gana pigių skrydžių į Chengdu, dar pigiau iš Rumunijos skristi. o jei iš Vilniaus ar Rygos, tai kaina maždaug €400-700 į vieną pusę. kitas variantas ieškoti skrydžio į Chongqing miestą, kuris yra šalia Chengdu. CQ daug didesnis (vienas iš didžiausių pasaulio miestų, su ~30mil gyventojų įskaitant priemiesčius), ten daugiau pasirinkimų ir kainos kartais mažesnės. O iš CQ su greituoju traukiniu per valandą jau ir Chengdu. O jei visai pigiai norint, tada reiktų skristi į Šanchajų arba Pekiną, į kuriuos už €300-400 bilietus nesunku gauti, ir tada su traukiniu vykti į Chengdu, kas kainuos maždaug €70 o kelionė truks apie 35 valandas. aš iš Suzhou į Chengdu važiavau 33 valandas miegamoje vietoje. smagu, bet ir varginanti kelionė :))
  11. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo MantasBl Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    jei kalbant apie praktiką viešbučiuose, tai nereikia didelio biudžeto. apie €70 vizai, €260-320 mokestis agentūrai (priklausomai nuo paketo). Be tai greit atsipirks, nes atlyginimas apie €300 per mėn viešbučiuose.
    o skrydis priklauso labai iš kur skrendama, nes pvz iš Londono ar Berlyno yra gana pigių skrydžių į Chengdu, dar pigiau iš Rumunijos skristi. o jei iš Vilniaus ar Rygos, tai kaina maždaug €400-700 į vieną pusę. kitas variantas ieškoti skrydžio į Chongqing miestą, kuris yra šalia Chengdu. CQ daug didesnis (vienas iš didžiausių pasaulio miestų, su ~30mil gyventojų įskaitant priemiesčius), ten daugiau pasirinkimų ir kainos kartais mažesnės. O iš CQ su greituoju traukiniu per valandą jau ir Chengdu. O jei visai pigiai norint, tada reiktų skristi į Šanchajų arba Pekiną, į kuriuos už €300-400 bilietus nesunku gauti, ir tada su traukiniu vykti į Chengdu, kas kainuos maždaug €70 o kelionė truks apie 35 valandas. aš iš Suzhou į Chengdu važiavau 33 valandas miegamoje vietoje. smagu, bet ir varginanti kelionė :))
  12. Patinka
    Fenix2010 sureagavo į native23 Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Idomu, as pats Kinijoje esu virs 3 metu (siuo metu taip pat cia), beveik visa si laika praleidau Guangzhou mieste, aisku turiu galimybiu persikelti kitur, taciau esu prisirises prie sio miesto. Ir tikrai nezinau koks pasiulymas mane isgrustu is cia :)
    Temos autoriaus isgyvenimai truputeli skiriasi nuo mano, bet tai normalu, nes cia esu visai kitokiomis aplinkybemis, bei i gyvenima cia atvykdamas neturedamas darbo. Skirtingai nei ankstesnius kartus kai atvykdavau i Kinija (pvz.: 2009 metais), galiu sneketi, rasyti bei skaityti ju kalba, taip pat pazystamuju ratas nuo anksciau. Pazystami, kurie man padeda kaip tik gali. Igauti kinu pasitikejima nera sunku, tik reikia tuo uzsiimti, pavyzdziui mano namu seimininke neima jokio depozito is manes.
    Kas del europietiskos isvaizdos (baltaodis), aisku, kinams tai patinka, budavo pries 6 metus kai tai erzindavo, su laiku ipratau or ir uzsenieciu mieste pagausejo per tuos metus. Daugelis kinu supranta, kad esu Kinijoje netrumpa laika. Klausiu kodel, o sie atsako jog as elgiuosi ne kaip turistas ar naujokas. Platesnio paaiskinimo negaunu. Esu skaites studentu ispudzius bei pats bendraves su jais apie gyvenima Kinijoje. Poziuriai skiriasi, jie visuomet pabrezia blogus dalykus atgalios nepasakydami nieko teigiamo. Apskritai labai sudetinga ju klausytis kai sneka apie gyvenimo ipatumus Kinijoje, kai patys mokosi universitete, gyvena duotame kambaryje, bei gauna stipendija. Nors nepatiria kasdienines rutina kai ieskai darbo ir gyvenamosios vietos, keliesi eiti i darba.
    Darbai Kinijoje: aisku reikia tureti sertifikata kuris susijes su dabu i kuri taikaisi, galima uzdirbti gan nemazai, tik reikia ieskoti. Isoriniu tinklapiu tam nezinau. Taciau Kinijos viduje pats populiariausias . Pats daugiau dirbes kaip anglu kalbos mokytojas, alga puiki, ieskau darbu cia kai reikia (algos parasytos tikros). Pavyzdziui man nera lengvi uzsiimimai su mazais vaikais, nors darzelyje galeciau pradeti dirbti kad ir nuo rytojaus. Gerai tai jog turiu patirties mokytojaujant vyresnio amziaus mokinius bei suaugusius. Tad galiu taikytis i lengvesnius darbus sau net nebudamas "native English speaker" kas norint isitvirtinti dideiame Kinijos mieste daznai yra butina.
    Taip, visur kinai kalba skamba kiek kitaip, nes tiksliau mandarinu yra primesta visai Kinijai is valdzios. Nemazai vietoviu turi savo kalba, kuri labai kuo panasi i mandarinu. Siuo atveju autoriaus mineta Kantono kalba, daugelis ja laiko tik eiliniu dialektu, nors realiai ji skiriasi kaip diena ir naktis. O ir rasyboje kone puse zenklu turi skirtingas savokas ir ju isdestymas skiriasi. Viesose vietose kantono stiliaus rasyba nenaudojama, nes atvykeliu is aplinkiniu vietu yra gan nemazai. Galiu susisneketi is Kantonu, bet cia jau sudetingiau. Pati sudetingiausia lokali kalba su kuria susiduriau yra Shantou hua. O jeigu kalbant apie mandarinu kalbos akcentus, tai man paciam sudetingiausia suprasti GuangXi ChongQing zmones.
    Del vizos i Kinija. Per pastaruosius keleta metu vizu isdavimo rezimas ypac pasikeite, dar 2013 metais ja galimejo prasitesti ilgam laikotarpiui nekeliaujant toli, uztekdavo nulekti iki HK ar Macao. BEt po siai dienai ten vizos jau nebegalima pasidaryti. Norint gauti darbo viza reikia tureti atitinkamus dokunmentus darbui i kuri prasaisi, jei mokytojauti, tai reikia Tesol, tefl ar celta sertifikatu,bakalauro, plius turi buti "native English speaker" jei nori papulti i didesni miesta. Kitiems darbams taikoma tas pats, turi tureti susijusius dokumentus. Verslo viza, cia reikia pakvietimo laisko, jei neturi imones kuri tave pakviestu, bei ju laiskas butu pakankamai geras kad irodytu ka veiksi ten pvz metus, tada ne problema. Jeigu neturi, tuomet tenka pirkti.
    Beto, zmones is Guangdong (Kantonas - Guangzhou) save laiko kinais, jie nepatenkinti tik tuo, kad mokyklose draudziama naudoti Kantono kalba :)
    Autoriau, pridek mane per QQ 1211907092 (wechat tas pats), paplepesim :)
  13. Patinka
  14. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo HankRearden Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    pamėginsiu :) na būna trys skirtingos pamainos. rytinė, vakarinė ir naktinė. naktinė prasideda tik po keletos mėnesių praktikos, ir tai būna tik keletą kartų per mėnesį, bet man ji patikdavo, visiškai skirtinga patirtis, ir įdomi tuo pačiu.
    Na sakykim rytinė pamaina.Mano pareigos: Front office department management trainee [duty manager - pamainos vadovas]. Kadangi gyvenu ten kur ir dirbu, man su liftu tik 5 aukštus tereikia nusileisti ir aš jau darbo vietoje, reikėdavo ateiti maždaug 6:50 ryte. Preiš tai dar praskanuoju savo kortelę, kuri mane užsregistruoja sistemoje [už kiekvieną pavėlavimą, arba per ankstų išsiregistravimą reikia mokėti 20 juanių baudą]. Tada sėdu prie stalo, perskaitau įvykių žurnalą, kas įvyko per paskutines dvi pamainas [arba daugiau, jeigu prieš tai turėjau išeiginę]. Tada atlieku kasdienines operacijas, PMS [viešbučio administravimo operacinė sistema] : planuojamą viešbučio užimtumą tą dieną, kiek svečių planuoja išvykti, kiek VIP atvykimų, kas šiuo metu apsistoję viešbutyje, ar buvo kokių nors problemų preitose pamainose. taip pat būna handover su preitos pamainos duty manager, jis arba ji papasakoja pagrindinius jo pamainos įvykius. Tada, būna susirinkimas, kuriame dalyvauja kiekvieno front office padalinio atstovas, per jį praėjusios pamainos vadovas pasako visą pagrindinę informaciją, kas įvyko ir kas įvyks ateinančią pamainą. Padalinių atstovai taip pat pasidalina informacija, kas bus ir buvo. Tada buvusios pamainos vadovas baigia savo pamaina, ir prasideda jau pilnai mano. trumpi pusryčiai darbuotojų valgykloje [dažniausiai kiaušiniai su baidza [kinietiška bulkutė su grybais bei mėsa], pienas, ar košė. Vėliau reikia paruošti atvykstančių VIP svečių profilius PMS'e, atspausdinti jų registracijos dokumentus, paruošti kambario korteles - raktus [tris], paprašau registratūros užsakyti gėles bei vaisius į VIP kambarius. tada einu į kiekvieno atvykstančio VIP kambarius ir patikrinu ar jie paruošti pagal visus protokolus, kiekviena smulkmena yra svarbi, jei yra problemų - skambinu atitnkamo departamento atstovams. taip pat reikia pasitikti tuos VIP svečius, ir priklausomai nuo jų lygio [nes yra VIP1, VIP2, VIP3 ir VIP4] palydėti į kambarį, pasiteiratui apie jų kelionę ir t.t.t. Žinoma būna įvairiausių neplanuotų situacijų, pvz kartą per 18 aukšto lubas pradėjo lietis vanduo iš stogo, tad teko rinktis ir spręsti ką daryti su tuo aukštu - galiausiai jis buvo uždarytas laikinai. Būna ir labai "pasikėlusių" turtuolių svečių, kuriems niekas neįtinka ir jie elgiasi su darbuotojais kaip su vergais. aišku mes turim šypsotis ir kad ir ką jie sakytų ar darytų - išlikti ramūs bei blaiviai mąstyti. juk visgi 5* viešbutis :) yra tekę ir restorane padavėju pabūti porą kartų, kai ten buvo žmonių tiek daug, kad F&B departamento žmonių visiškai nebeužteko, teko ir padirbti konsjerdžu, tai yra padėti svečiams su lagaminais, taksi, ir t.t., teko pabūti ir registratūros darbuotoju, taip pat turėdavau ir reguliarias anglų kalbos pamokėles vesti guest service padaliniui FO departamento. pagrinde, žodžiai iš restorano meniu [nes daug užsieniečių tiesiog užsisako maistą iš restorano tiesiai į kambarį], o kalbant telefonu kiniečiams ne taip lengva suprasti ką jie sako, ir patiems aiškiai atsakyti, tai aš juos šiek tiek mokiau. na ir dar visokiausių dalykėlių būdavo. Chengdu miestas yra subtropinio klimato zonoje, tad ten labai karšta, nuo gegužės mėn iki rugsėjo galo, maždaug +30-40 visą laiką. kartą teko kepinant +43 laipsnių karščiui [o aš su visa uniforma, marškiniai, švarkas, tad galit įsivaizduoti kaip karšta] kartu su svečiu ir jo bagažu sudėtu ant luggage trolley [net nenutuokiu kaip šis daiktas lietuviškai vadinasi?] apie 20min nuo viešbučio keliauti gatve, nes jo draugas kažkur ten turėjo paimti bagažą. nors grįžęs buvau tiesiogine prasme visiškai kiaurai šlapias, bet arbatos 100 juanių gavau, tad vertėjo :) na, ši praktika buvo nereali patirtis, ir tai mane paskatino siekti karjeros viešbučių industrijoje, ir tikriausiai Kinijoje. jei dar kokių klausimų yra, prašom klausti:)
  15. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Sveiki, pirmiausiai norėčiau paprašyti, kad nepriimtumėte šios temos kaip reklamos, aš už tai ką čia rašau nieko negaunu mainais ir darau tai tiesiog norėdamas suteikti tautiečiams galimybę, kuri tikrai nepasitaiko kasdien, o jos įgyvendinimas yra žymiai paprastesnis nei dauguma įsivaizduoja.
    Taigi - praktika Kinijoje, pirmiausiai norėčiau pažymėti, jog nėra tokio kriterijaus, kad priimami žmonės kurie šiuo metu studijuoja. Į šią praktiką gali vykti tiek studijuojantys tiek ne, ir amžius nėra labai svarbus. Svarbiausiai yra noras, anglų kalbos žinios bei drąsa.
    Praktika būna atliekama arba hospitality sektoriuje arba business sektoriuje, tačiau hospitality sąlygos yra kur kas geresnės. Tikiuosi neužpyksite, jog tekstas sekančiose pastraipose bus angliškas, nes jo yra nemažai, o versti nelabai yra prasmės, kadangi susidomėję žmonės angliškai bet kokiu atveju turi mokėti. :) Finansiškai tai taip pat visiškai nesikandžioja. Hospitality praktikai vienkartinis mokestis tėra 264 arba 342 eurai €570 (laikai keičiasi - naujos 2017 kainos). Palyginimui - vidutiniškai viešbutyje praktikantas gauna 300-350€ per mėnesį, plius gyvena to pačio viešbučio kambaryje nemokamai (o patikėkite, gyvenimas 5* viešbutyje - nerealus), taip pat ir valgo viešbučio restorane kartą per dieną nemokamai, bei tris kartus darbuotojų restorane. Tad išlaidos tik asmeninės - kelionėms, pramogoms ir t.t., priklauso nuo jūsų, bet nepatarčiau taupyti pinigų, ir praleisti nerealią progą patyrinėti nuostabią Kinijos gamtą bei kultūrą, istoriją.
    Aš pats vykau per šią agentūrą atlikti praktikos Chengdu mieste (prieš tai buvau dar rytų Kinijoje tris mėnesius kitame viešbutyje (Anji miestelyje, trys šimtai km nuo Šanchajaus), bet tos agentūros kuri mane ten nusiuntė tikrai nerekomenduočiau, jei kam įdomu bus, galiu papasakoti, kas per nuotykiai ten manęs laukė), Howard Johnson 5 žvaigždučių Hi-Tech Plaza viešbutyje, ir nuoširdžiai sakant, tiek praktika, tiek gyvenimas buvo nuostabi patirtis: kelionės po Kiniją, naktinis Chengdu, maistas, kultūra, žmonės, subtropinis klimatas. Buvau tiesiog kaip sapne, ir dabar, praėjus jau pusei metų nuo grįžimo į Europą, vis rimčiau ir rimčiau svarstau grįžti į Kiniją, ir ilgam, pirmiausiai mokytis kalbos, o tada jau sugrįžti į turizmo industriją. Išviso praleidau Kinijoje aštuonis mėnesius. Tad net paskaičius žemiau esantį teksta, prašom klausti bet kokių klausimų, pasistengsiu atsakyti.
    Internships in China, Chengdu city.
    Hey there! If you are reading this text I assume you are at least curious about a possibility to have your internship in China. More than a year ago I was just like you. One day I just woke up with an idea to go to China for my internship! But I didn't know where or how to start, how much does it cost, what agency's services should I use and so on... I know you all have many questions and doubts, it might be scary and unclear what is waiting for you in the other side of the world. But I am here to help you and answer all of your questions. I had two internships in China, the first one was so so, in a remote area, in a local boutique hotel, where almost nobody could speak English...therefore I would not recommend "Your Career China" agency to anyone... The second internship was in Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza 5* Hotel in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China. I came there through SII agency and now I can confirm that this agency was one the best things that happened to me, because of it I had the most wonderful time of my life. I can 100% recommend it to you, and now I am one of its representatives in Europe. Anyway, in my second internship I was Front Office management trainee and it's been a truly wonderful time among the best professionals of hospitality industry. I've gained lots of new knowledge, skills, connections, friends, memories and besides that you get paid more than you'll ever spend! Additionally, I've been living in the same hotel I worked. Life in 5* hotel is quite luxurious, believe me. As well as free meals in 5* restaurant and staff canteen. Besides the work there was plenty of time to explore the amazing China, have some massive, wild & crazy parties, have a chinese girlfriend, meet so many wonderful people with whom I am still in touch and they became my good friends. After 8 months in China, the saddest thing was to leave it, but in my mind I knew that I will return here and it will happen soon. People in Chengdu say "Once you come to Chengdu you will not want to leave". And all this is not a fairytale, it can be done much more easier than you think, keep on reading & Chengdu welcomes you! You don't even have to be a student.

    The downtown of Chengdu (city population: 14 000 000)
    Chengdu is the city that the Chinese have dubbed a Heaven on Earth! The international business community recently named Chengdu as the #1 developing market in Asia over the next 10 years. This is a city that seamlessly combines modern and traditional environments – not to mention, it’s the home turf of the giant panda! Chengdu has 14 million inhabitants, urban downtown full of skyscrapers, worldwide famous brand shops, cafes, etc. There is a very convenient subway system, you can catch taxi anytime anywhere, en route buses until late night, city bikes - and everything for a very cheap price. Of the eight major schools of China's culinary art, Sichuan cuisine is perhaps the most popular. Originating in Sichuan Province of western China, Sichuan cuisine, known as Chuan Cai in Chinese, enjoys an international reputation for being spicy and flavorful. Yet the highly distinctive pungency is not its only characteristic. In fact, Sichuan cuisine boasts a variety of flavors and different methods of cooking, featuring the taste of hot, sweet, sour, salty, or tongue-numbing.
    Hospitality Internships are our specialty! We are offering various positions in 5 Star international hotels in Chengdu. Accommodation and basic salary are included. Hospitality Internships are 6-12 months long. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Our interns have the opportunity to experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of their logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Top International Hotel Experience
    Experience the international hotel environment in one of the world’s top
    business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    Guaranteed placement in a 5 star hotel
    Accommodation in the host hotel
    3 meals a day
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative ( optional)
    SII welcome kit
    City orientation meeting (optional)
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    BASIC PACKAGE - 1900 RMB/ €264
    Guaranteed Position
    We guarantee that we will find an internship position for you based on your career goals, background, and availability.
    Accommodation + Meals
    You will be provided with a place of stay whether inside the hotel or an apartment nearby. Your meals will be provided for you by the hotel when you are on the clock.
    Letter of Invitation (Needed For Your Visa)
    We will make sure you receive your letter of invitation in a timely manner from the specified hotel in order for you to apply for your visa.

    Personal Care and Service
    We are not McDonald’s, we do not operate with an anonymous internship assembly line. We put time and effort into finding the most suitable internship positions for each intern. Since we have been based in Chengdu, China for quite some time, we are extremely familiar with the local and international business scenes, as well as the special nuances of the city. The SII team consists of both Chinese and Westerners who understand your needs and will be available to you from the moment you arrive.
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people!
    As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    Your Accommodation and Meals
    Your accommodation and meals are provided for you by the hotel at which you will be employed at no extra fee.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country, and if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required. SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Support Service
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you.

    What's included?
    Basic package +
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    SII Welcome Package
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu

    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China.
    We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, check out our Chinese Friend Program, our Chinese Study program or contact us for more information.
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees – if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    What kind of positions do we offer in our Hospitality Internship?
    There are various positions available in our Hospitality Internship such as:
    Front Desk
    Guest Services
    Food & Beverage
    ...and more!
    Company Name:
    5 Stars Multinational Hotel Group
    Company Description:
    There are 555 well-appointed guest rooms, including Club International Suites and grand Presidential Mansion. The hotel specializes in paring ideal meeting venues with impeccable service, the International Convention Center offers a wide variety of exclusive venues for meetings, conferences and private functions. The hotel also features 6 food & beverage outlets, including all day dinging Café, Italian Restaurant, French Restaurant, Lobby lounge and Tea lounge, etc.
    Role Description:
    Guest Service in Rooms Division and Food & Beverage Department
    Greeting customers in hotel area and service area
    Meeting and communicating with customers to collecting customer comments and promoting hotel products.
    Conducting language trainings in department
    Serving customers in hotel area and service area
    Handling guest inquiries and offer assistance to hotel customers
    Work Hours:
    Shift duty, 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week
    RMB3000\month (~€350/month)
    3 working meals/day including one meal in Hotel Café
    Accommodation in hotel apartment
    Reasonable laundry in hotel
    Interested? Contact me via Facebook, LinkedIN, email ([email protected]) or mobile phone +45 42658493.
    Application Process:

    We offer short term and long term business internship positions. These opportunities are uniquely flexible as we cater to your interests and timing. Any of our business internships can be combined with Chinese Academics Study. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends. Basic packages start at 4250RMB (or €524).
    Business Environment Experience
    Experience the international business environment in one of the world’s
    top business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    What's included?
    Program includes:
    Guaranteed internship placement
    Accommodation in SII intern’s apartment include all utility bills, free wifi connection and more as shown in our accommodation page
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative
    SII welcome kit as mentioned in our internship page
    City orientation meeting
    Introduction and showing the way to your host company
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    Guaranteed Placement
    Once we begin the interview, a placement within a top international business is guaranteed! We partner with many corporations in Chengdu and will do our best to match your top needs with the right positions.
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    Booking Your Accomodation
    Our team will arrange accommodation for your first few days in Chengdu, or will advise you if you prefer to make your own arrangements.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country. if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required.
    SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Service and Support
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you!
    SII Welcome Kit
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit upon arrival that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu
    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China. We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, you can purchase our Chinese Academic Study Add-On or our Chinese Aid Program!
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people! As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    OPTIONAL ADD-ONS (additional pricing)
    Chinese Academic Study- price varies upon length of study
    Take Chinese Language classes at one of the top universities in China: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). These classes will for sure give you an upper hand in the growing business world. What better way to learn the language than in China itself where you would be using it on a daily basis?
    Chinese Friend Program
    Our Chinese Friend Program is a unique program specially designed in response to our interns needs. When coming to China for an internship, you should aim to best take advantage of your limited time. In our Chinese Friend Program, we match every intern with a Chinese student as a friend and mentor. They will assist you with logistical matters, especially during your first days in Chengdu, teach you Chinese, and simply be a friend to show you around the city, go out at night, or have a cup of tea in the park. Interested? Find more information here.
    Basic Business internship prices
    Suitable for thous who would like to do internship in the business sector and includes accommodation and full support package. (prices in Chinese RMB)
    4 weeks
    8 weeks
    12 weeks
    16 weeks
    20 weeks
    24 weeks
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees –
    if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    susidomėję - prašau parašyti man į pm, arba komentaruose. jei šiaip klausimų turite, pasistengsiu atsakyti :)
  16. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Ramūnas Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Labas, na dar nebuvo nei vieno atvejo, jog praktikanto atliekančio praktiką viešbutyje, jame ne apgyvendintų.
    SII puslapyje kainos kai kurios yra neatitinkančios dabartinių kainų, tiesiog neatnaujintos dar. Kainos dabartinės, tokios kaip parašiau šioje temoje. Aš su SII palaikau glaudžius ryšius ir galbūt ateityje joje dirbsiu, tad visa informacija gaunu naujausią, nes nemažai žmonių ir iš mano universiteto užsinorėjo ten vykti, kai aš grįžau :) welcome package naudingas aišku, bet nebūtinas, jei norima sutaupyti pinigų. Man asmeniškai po 6 mėn išminusavus skrydžio bilietus atgal (kuriuos tik 2 savaitėm likus iki išvykimo pirkau) dar liko pinigų tikrai ne nulis. O jei nebūčiau tiek tūsinęs, bei keliavęs ir grynai taupęs, būtų ir dar daugiau likę, bet niekam nepatarčiau taip taupyti ir praleisti unikalią progą apkeliauti bent nedidelę dalį milžiniškos Kinijos bei patirti nerealų naktinį megapolio gyvenimą:)
  17. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Sveiki, pirmiausiai norėčiau paprašyti, kad nepriimtumėte šios temos kaip reklamos, aš už tai ką čia rašau nieko negaunu mainais ir darau tai tiesiog norėdamas suteikti tautiečiams galimybę, kuri tikrai nepasitaiko kasdien, o jos įgyvendinimas yra žymiai paprastesnis nei dauguma įsivaizduoja.
    Taigi - praktika Kinijoje, pirmiausiai norėčiau pažymėti, jog nėra tokio kriterijaus, kad priimami žmonės kurie šiuo metu studijuoja. Į šią praktiką gali vykti tiek studijuojantys tiek ne, ir amžius nėra labai svarbus. Svarbiausiai yra noras, anglų kalbos žinios bei drąsa.
    Praktika būna atliekama arba hospitality sektoriuje arba business sektoriuje, tačiau hospitality sąlygos yra kur kas geresnės. Tikiuosi neužpyksite, jog tekstas sekančiose pastraipose bus angliškas, nes jo yra nemažai, o versti nelabai yra prasmės, kadangi susidomėję žmonės angliškai bet kokiu atveju turi mokėti. :) Finansiškai tai taip pat visiškai nesikandžioja. Hospitality praktikai vienkartinis mokestis tėra 264 arba 342 eurai €570 (laikai keičiasi - naujos 2017 kainos). Palyginimui - vidutiniškai viešbutyje praktikantas gauna 300-350€ per mėnesį, plius gyvena to pačio viešbučio kambaryje nemokamai (o patikėkite, gyvenimas 5* viešbutyje - nerealus), taip pat ir valgo viešbučio restorane kartą per dieną nemokamai, bei tris kartus darbuotojų restorane. Tad išlaidos tik asmeninės - kelionėms, pramogoms ir t.t., priklauso nuo jūsų, bet nepatarčiau taupyti pinigų, ir praleisti nerealią progą patyrinėti nuostabią Kinijos gamtą bei kultūrą, istoriją.
    Aš pats vykau per šią agentūrą atlikti praktikos Chengdu mieste (prieš tai buvau dar rytų Kinijoje tris mėnesius kitame viešbutyje (Anji miestelyje, trys šimtai km nuo Šanchajaus), bet tos agentūros kuri mane ten nusiuntė tikrai nerekomenduočiau, jei kam įdomu bus, galiu papasakoti, kas per nuotykiai ten manęs laukė), Howard Johnson 5 žvaigždučių Hi-Tech Plaza viešbutyje, ir nuoširdžiai sakant, tiek praktika, tiek gyvenimas buvo nuostabi patirtis: kelionės po Kiniją, naktinis Chengdu, maistas, kultūra, žmonės, subtropinis klimatas. Buvau tiesiog kaip sapne, ir dabar, praėjus jau pusei metų nuo grįžimo į Europą, vis rimčiau ir rimčiau svarstau grįžti į Kiniją, ir ilgam, pirmiausiai mokytis kalbos, o tada jau sugrįžti į turizmo industriją. Išviso praleidau Kinijoje aštuonis mėnesius. Tad net paskaičius žemiau esantį teksta, prašom klausti bet kokių klausimų, pasistengsiu atsakyti.
    Internships in China, Chengdu city.
    Hey there! If you are reading this text I assume you are at least curious about a possibility to have your internship in China. More than a year ago I was just like you. One day I just woke up with an idea to go to China for my internship! But I didn't know where or how to start, how much does it cost, what agency's services should I use and so on... I know you all have many questions and doubts, it might be scary and unclear what is waiting for you in the other side of the world. But I am here to help you and answer all of your questions. I had two internships in China, the first one was so so, in a remote area, in a local boutique hotel, where almost nobody could speak English...therefore I would not recommend "Your Career China" agency to anyone... The second internship was in Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza 5* Hotel in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China. I came there through SII agency and now I can confirm that this agency was one the best things that happened to me, because of it I had the most wonderful time of my life. I can 100% recommend it to you, and now I am one of its representatives in Europe. Anyway, in my second internship I was Front Office management trainee and it's been a truly wonderful time among the best professionals of hospitality industry. I've gained lots of new knowledge, skills, connections, friends, memories and besides that you get paid more than you'll ever spend! Additionally, I've been living in the same hotel I worked. Life in 5* hotel is quite luxurious, believe me. As well as free meals in 5* restaurant and staff canteen. Besides the work there was plenty of time to explore the amazing China, have some massive, wild & crazy parties, have a chinese girlfriend, meet so many wonderful people with whom I am still in touch and they became my good friends. After 8 months in China, the saddest thing was to leave it, but in my mind I knew that I will return here and it will happen soon. People in Chengdu say "Once you come to Chengdu you will not want to leave". And all this is not a fairytale, it can be done much more easier than you think, keep on reading & Chengdu welcomes you! You don't even have to be a student.

    The downtown of Chengdu (city population: 14 000 000)
    Chengdu is the city that the Chinese have dubbed a Heaven on Earth! The international business community recently named Chengdu as the #1 developing market in Asia over the next 10 years. This is a city that seamlessly combines modern and traditional environments – not to mention, it’s the home turf of the giant panda! Chengdu has 14 million inhabitants, urban downtown full of skyscrapers, worldwide famous brand shops, cafes, etc. There is a very convenient subway system, you can catch taxi anytime anywhere, en route buses until late night, city bikes - and everything for a very cheap price. Of the eight major schools of China's culinary art, Sichuan cuisine is perhaps the most popular. Originating in Sichuan Province of western China, Sichuan cuisine, known as Chuan Cai in Chinese, enjoys an international reputation for being spicy and flavorful. Yet the highly distinctive pungency is not its only characteristic. In fact, Sichuan cuisine boasts a variety of flavors and different methods of cooking, featuring the taste of hot, sweet, sour, salty, or tongue-numbing.
    Hospitality Internships are our specialty! We are offering various positions in 5 Star international hotels in Chengdu. Accommodation and basic salary are included. Hospitality Internships are 6-12 months long. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Our interns have the opportunity to experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of their logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Top International Hotel Experience
    Experience the international hotel environment in one of the world’s top
    business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    Guaranteed placement in a 5 star hotel
    Accommodation in the host hotel
    3 meals a day
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative ( optional)
    SII welcome kit
    City orientation meeting (optional)
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    BASIC PACKAGE - 1900 RMB/ €264
    Guaranteed Position
    We guarantee that we will find an internship position for you based on your career goals, background, and availability.
    Accommodation + Meals
    You will be provided with a place of stay whether inside the hotel or an apartment nearby. Your meals will be provided for you by the hotel when you are on the clock.
    Letter of Invitation (Needed For Your Visa)
    We will make sure you receive your letter of invitation in a timely manner from the specified hotel in order for you to apply for your visa.

    Personal Care and Service
    We are not McDonald’s, we do not operate with an anonymous internship assembly line. We put time and effort into finding the most suitable internship positions for each intern. Since we have been based in Chengdu, China for quite some time, we are extremely familiar with the local and international business scenes, as well as the special nuances of the city. The SII team consists of both Chinese and Westerners who understand your needs and will be available to you from the moment you arrive.
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people!
    As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    Your Accommodation and Meals
    Your accommodation and meals are provided for you by the hotel at which you will be employed at no extra fee.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country, and if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required. SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Support Service
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you.

    What's included?
    Basic package +
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    SII Welcome Package
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu

    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China.
    We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, check out our Chinese Friend Program, our Chinese Study program or contact us for more information.
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees – if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    What kind of positions do we offer in our Hospitality Internship?
    There are various positions available in our Hospitality Internship such as:
    Front Desk
    Guest Services
    Food & Beverage
    ...and more!
    Company Name:
    5 Stars Multinational Hotel Group
    Company Description:
    There are 555 well-appointed guest rooms, including Club International Suites and grand Presidential Mansion. The hotel specializes in paring ideal meeting venues with impeccable service, the International Convention Center offers a wide variety of exclusive venues for meetings, conferences and private functions. The hotel also features 6 food & beverage outlets, including all day dinging Café, Italian Restaurant, French Restaurant, Lobby lounge and Tea lounge, etc.
    Role Description:
    Guest Service in Rooms Division and Food & Beverage Department
    Greeting customers in hotel area and service area
    Meeting and communicating with customers to collecting customer comments and promoting hotel products.
    Conducting language trainings in department
    Serving customers in hotel area and service area
    Handling guest inquiries and offer assistance to hotel customers
    Work Hours:
    Shift duty, 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week
    RMB3000\month (~€350/month)
    3 working meals/day including one meal in Hotel Café
    Accommodation in hotel apartment
    Reasonable laundry in hotel
    Interested? Contact me via Facebook, LinkedIN, email ([email protected]) or mobile phone +45 42658493.
    Application Process:

    We offer short term and long term business internship positions. These opportunities are uniquely flexible as we cater to your interests and timing. Any of our business internships can be combined with Chinese Academics Study. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends. Basic packages start at 4250RMB (or €524).
    Business Environment Experience
    Experience the international business environment in one of the world’s
    top business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    What's included?
    Program includes:
    Guaranteed internship placement
    Accommodation in SII intern’s apartment include all utility bills, free wifi connection and more as shown in our accommodation page
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative
    SII welcome kit as mentioned in our internship page
    City orientation meeting
    Introduction and showing the way to your host company
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    Guaranteed Placement
    Once we begin the interview, a placement within a top international business is guaranteed! We partner with many corporations in Chengdu and will do our best to match your top needs with the right positions.
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    Booking Your Accomodation
    Our team will arrange accommodation for your first few days in Chengdu, or will advise you if you prefer to make your own arrangements.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country. if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required.
    SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Service and Support
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you!
    SII Welcome Kit
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit upon arrival that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu
    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China. We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, you can purchase our Chinese Academic Study Add-On or our Chinese Aid Program!
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people! As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    OPTIONAL ADD-ONS (additional pricing)
    Chinese Academic Study- price varies upon length of study
    Take Chinese Language classes at one of the top universities in China: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). These classes will for sure give you an upper hand in the growing business world. What better way to learn the language than in China itself where you would be using it on a daily basis?
    Chinese Friend Program
    Our Chinese Friend Program is a unique program specially designed in response to our interns needs. When coming to China for an internship, you should aim to best take advantage of your limited time. In our Chinese Friend Program, we match every intern with a Chinese student as a friend and mentor. They will assist you with logistical matters, especially during your first days in Chengdu, teach you Chinese, and simply be a friend to show you around the city, go out at night, or have a cup of tea in the park. Interested? Find more information here.
    Basic Business internship prices
    Suitable for thous who would like to do internship in the business sector and includes accommodation and full support package. (prices in Chinese RMB)
    4 weeks
    8 weeks
    12 weeks
    16 weeks
    20 weeks
    24 weeks
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees –
    if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    susidomėję - prašau parašyti man į pm, arba komentaruose. jei šiaip klausimų turite, pasistengsiu atsakyti :)
  18. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Sveiki, pirmiausiai norėčiau paprašyti, kad nepriimtumėte šios temos kaip reklamos, aš už tai ką čia rašau nieko negaunu mainais ir darau tai tiesiog norėdamas suteikti tautiečiams galimybę, kuri tikrai nepasitaiko kasdien, o jos įgyvendinimas yra žymiai paprastesnis nei dauguma įsivaizduoja.
    Taigi - praktika Kinijoje, pirmiausiai norėčiau pažymėti, jog nėra tokio kriterijaus, kad priimami žmonės kurie šiuo metu studijuoja. Į šią praktiką gali vykti tiek studijuojantys tiek ne, ir amžius nėra labai svarbus. Svarbiausiai yra noras, anglų kalbos žinios bei drąsa.
    Praktika būna atliekama arba hospitality sektoriuje arba business sektoriuje, tačiau hospitality sąlygos yra kur kas geresnės. Tikiuosi neužpyksite, jog tekstas sekančiose pastraipose bus angliškas, nes jo yra nemažai, o versti nelabai yra prasmės, kadangi susidomėję žmonės angliškai bet kokiu atveju turi mokėti. :) Finansiškai tai taip pat visiškai nesikandžioja. Hospitality praktikai vienkartinis mokestis tėra 264 arba 342 eurai €570 (laikai keičiasi - naujos 2017 kainos). Palyginimui - vidutiniškai viešbutyje praktikantas gauna 300-350€ per mėnesį, plius gyvena to pačio viešbučio kambaryje nemokamai (o patikėkite, gyvenimas 5* viešbutyje - nerealus), taip pat ir valgo viešbučio restorane kartą per dieną nemokamai, bei tris kartus darbuotojų restorane. Tad išlaidos tik asmeninės - kelionėms, pramogoms ir t.t., priklauso nuo jūsų, bet nepatarčiau taupyti pinigų, ir praleisti nerealią progą patyrinėti nuostabią Kinijos gamtą bei kultūrą, istoriją.
    Aš pats vykau per šią agentūrą atlikti praktikos Chengdu mieste (prieš tai buvau dar rytų Kinijoje tris mėnesius kitame viešbutyje (Anji miestelyje, trys šimtai km nuo Šanchajaus), bet tos agentūros kuri mane ten nusiuntė tikrai nerekomenduočiau, jei kam įdomu bus, galiu papasakoti, kas per nuotykiai ten manęs laukė), Howard Johnson 5 žvaigždučių Hi-Tech Plaza viešbutyje, ir nuoširdžiai sakant, tiek praktika, tiek gyvenimas buvo nuostabi patirtis: kelionės po Kiniją, naktinis Chengdu, maistas, kultūra, žmonės, subtropinis klimatas. Buvau tiesiog kaip sapne, ir dabar, praėjus jau pusei metų nuo grįžimo į Europą, vis rimčiau ir rimčiau svarstau grįžti į Kiniją, ir ilgam, pirmiausiai mokytis kalbos, o tada jau sugrįžti į turizmo industriją. Išviso praleidau Kinijoje aštuonis mėnesius. Tad net paskaičius žemiau esantį teksta, prašom klausti bet kokių klausimų, pasistengsiu atsakyti.
    Internships in China, Chengdu city.
    Hey there! If you are reading this text I assume you are at least curious about a possibility to have your internship in China. More than a year ago I was just like you. One day I just woke up with an idea to go to China for my internship! But I didn't know where or how to start, how much does it cost, what agency's services should I use and so on... I know you all have many questions and doubts, it might be scary and unclear what is waiting for you in the other side of the world. But I am here to help you and answer all of your questions. I had two internships in China, the first one was so so, in a remote area, in a local boutique hotel, where almost nobody could speak English...therefore I would not recommend "Your Career China" agency to anyone... The second internship was in Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza 5* Hotel in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China. I came there through SII agency and now I can confirm that this agency was one the best things that happened to me, because of it I had the most wonderful time of my life. I can 100% recommend it to you, and now I am one of its representatives in Europe. Anyway, in my second internship I was Front Office management trainee and it's been a truly wonderful time among the best professionals of hospitality industry. I've gained lots of new knowledge, skills, connections, friends, memories and besides that you get paid more than you'll ever spend! Additionally, I've been living in the same hotel I worked. Life in 5* hotel is quite luxurious, believe me. As well as free meals in 5* restaurant and staff canteen. Besides the work there was plenty of time to explore the amazing China, have some massive, wild & crazy parties, have a chinese girlfriend, meet so many wonderful people with whom I am still in touch and they became my good friends. After 8 months in China, the saddest thing was to leave it, but in my mind I knew that I will return here and it will happen soon. People in Chengdu say "Once you come to Chengdu you will not want to leave". And all this is not a fairytale, it can be done much more easier than you think, keep on reading & Chengdu welcomes you! You don't even have to be a student.

    The downtown of Chengdu (city population: 14 000 000)
    Chengdu is the city that the Chinese have dubbed a Heaven on Earth! The international business community recently named Chengdu as the #1 developing market in Asia over the next 10 years. This is a city that seamlessly combines modern and traditional environments – not to mention, it’s the home turf of the giant panda! Chengdu has 14 million inhabitants, urban downtown full of skyscrapers, worldwide famous brand shops, cafes, etc. There is a very convenient subway system, you can catch taxi anytime anywhere, en route buses until late night, city bikes - and everything for a very cheap price. Of the eight major schools of China's culinary art, Sichuan cuisine is perhaps the most popular. Originating in Sichuan Province of western China, Sichuan cuisine, known as Chuan Cai in Chinese, enjoys an international reputation for being spicy and flavorful. Yet the highly distinctive pungency is not its only characteristic. In fact, Sichuan cuisine boasts a variety of flavors and different methods of cooking, featuring the taste of hot, sweet, sour, salty, or tongue-numbing.
    Hospitality Internships are our specialty! We are offering various positions in 5 Star international hotels in Chengdu. Accommodation and basic salary are included. Hospitality Internships are 6-12 months long. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Our interns have the opportunity to experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of their logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Top International Hotel Experience
    Experience the international hotel environment in one of the world’s top
    business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    Guaranteed placement in a 5 star hotel
    Accommodation in the host hotel
    3 meals a day
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative ( optional)
    SII welcome kit
    City orientation meeting (optional)
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    BASIC PACKAGE - 1900 RMB/ €264
    Guaranteed Position
    We guarantee that we will find an internship position for you based on your career goals, background, and availability.
    Accommodation + Meals
    You will be provided with a place of stay whether inside the hotel or an apartment nearby. Your meals will be provided for you by the hotel when you are on the clock.
    Letter of Invitation (Needed For Your Visa)
    We will make sure you receive your letter of invitation in a timely manner from the specified hotel in order for you to apply for your visa.

    Personal Care and Service
    We are not McDonald’s, we do not operate with an anonymous internship assembly line. We put time and effort into finding the most suitable internship positions for each intern. Since we have been based in Chengdu, China for quite some time, we are extremely familiar with the local and international business scenes, as well as the special nuances of the city. The SII team consists of both Chinese and Westerners who understand your needs and will be available to you from the moment you arrive.
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people!
    As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    Your Accommodation and Meals
    Your accommodation and meals are provided for you by the hotel at which you will be employed at no extra fee.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country, and if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required. SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Support Service
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you.

    What's included?
    Basic package +
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    SII Welcome Package
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu

    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China.
    We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, check out our Chinese Friend Program, our Chinese Study program or contact us for more information.
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees – if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    What kind of positions do we offer in our Hospitality Internship?
    There are various positions available in our Hospitality Internship such as:
    Front Desk
    Guest Services
    Food & Beverage
    ...and more!
    Company Name:
    5 Stars Multinational Hotel Group
    Company Description:
    There are 555 well-appointed guest rooms, including Club International Suites and grand Presidential Mansion. The hotel specializes in paring ideal meeting venues with impeccable service, the International Convention Center offers a wide variety of exclusive venues for meetings, conferences and private functions. The hotel also features 6 food & beverage outlets, including all day dinging Café, Italian Restaurant, French Restaurant, Lobby lounge and Tea lounge, etc.
    Role Description:
    Guest Service in Rooms Division and Food & Beverage Department
    Greeting customers in hotel area and service area
    Meeting and communicating with customers to collecting customer comments and promoting hotel products.
    Conducting language trainings in department
    Serving customers in hotel area and service area
    Handling guest inquiries and offer assistance to hotel customers
    Work Hours:
    Shift duty, 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week
    RMB3000\month (~€350/month)
    3 working meals/day including one meal in Hotel Café
    Accommodation in hotel apartment
    Reasonable laundry in hotel
    Interested? Contact me via Facebook, LinkedIN, email ([email protected]) or mobile phone +45 42658493.
    Application Process:

    We offer short term and long term business internship positions. These opportunities are uniquely flexible as we cater to your interests and timing. Any of our business internships can be combined with Chinese Academics Study. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends. Basic packages start at 4250RMB (or €524).
    Business Environment Experience
    Experience the international business environment in one of the world’s
    top business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    What's included?
    Program includes:
    Guaranteed internship placement
    Accommodation in SII intern’s apartment include all utility bills, free wifi connection and more as shown in our accommodation page
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative
    SII welcome kit as mentioned in our internship page
    City orientation meeting
    Introduction and showing the way to your host company
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    Guaranteed Placement
    Once we begin the interview, a placement within a top international business is guaranteed! We partner with many corporations in Chengdu and will do our best to match your top needs with the right positions.
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    Booking Your Accomodation
    Our team will arrange accommodation for your first few days in Chengdu, or will advise you if you prefer to make your own arrangements.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country. if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required.
    SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Service and Support
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you!
    SII Welcome Kit
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit upon arrival that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu
    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China. We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, you can purchase our Chinese Academic Study Add-On or our Chinese Aid Program!
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people! As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    OPTIONAL ADD-ONS (additional pricing)
    Chinese Academic Study- price varies upon length of study
    Take Chinese Language classes at one of the top universities in China: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). These classes will for sure give you an upper hand in the growing business world. What better way to learn the language than in China itself where you would be using it on a daily basis?
    Chinese Friend Program
    Our Chinese Friend Program is a unique program specially designed in response to our interns needs. When coming to China for an internship, you should aim to best take advantage of your limited time. In our Chinese Friend Program, we match every intern with a Chinese student as a friend and mentor. They will assist you with logistical matters, especially during your first days in Chengdu, teach you Chinese, and simply be a friend to show you around the city, go out at night, or have a cup of tea in the park. Interested? Find more information here.
    Basic Business internship prices
    Suitable for thous who would like to do internship in the business sector and includes accommodation and full support package. (prices in Chinese RMB)
    4 weeks
    8 weeks
    12 weeks
    16 weeks
    20 weeks
    24 weeks
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees –
    if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    susidomėję - prašau parašyti man į pm, arba komentaruose. jei šiaip klausimų turite, pasistengsiu atsakyti :)
  19. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo haxas Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Ne atlyginime esmė, o patirtyje kurią ten įgauni, susirandi naujų draugų, galbūt netgi antrąja pusę kaip aš, pakeliauji nemažai, aš galėčiau dar ilgai vardint , bet ir šiaip tas atlyginimas 300-350€ Kinijoje yra dideli pinigai, kai vidutiniškai žmonės virš 100€ tegauna... Ir šiaip perspektyvų po praktikos daug. Per tą laikotarpį pasidarai daaaug kontaktų iš turizmo industrijos, su žmonėmis iš kitų viešbučių, tad pasibaigus praktikai ir norint pasilikti Kinijoje dirbti ir gyventi - vieni niekai. Aš pats asmeniskai planuoju grįžti į Kiniją, šį kartą ilgam, mokytis kinų kalbos ir tada sugrįžti į viešbučių pasaulį. Yra tokia ES ir Kinijos vyriausybės bendradarbiavimo programa, kuri kasmet 200-300 žmonių patvirtina stipendijas visam mokslo periodui, suteikia būstą, vieną viešąjį transportą apmoka mieste, ir dar moka pašalpą apie 1500 rmb per mėnesį... Yra daug galimybių, bet apie jas mažai kas žino :)
    Nemažai žmonių klausinėjo apie finansus bei apskritai papasakoti daugiau, tad pasistengsiu paaiškinti kiek plačiau . viskas yra realistiškose ribose. Perkant lėktuvo bilietą į vieną pusę maždaug pusantro mėnesio prieš skrendant, kaina maždaug 300-400€, čia dar priklauso nuo pigių bilietu ieškojimo įgūdžių:) viza kainuoja $82, o daugiau kaip ir nėr išlaidų. Gyveni pačiam viešbutyje, ir valgai ten, tad pragyvenimui išlaidų irgi nėr, ką aš išleisdavau, tai pagrinde pramogoms (nors Pvz kai nueini į kokį naktinį klubą, labai dažnai tau visi aplinkui "stato", ar panelės ar vaikinai, nes jie tiesiog dievina užsieniečius iš Vakarų) bei kelionėms Kinijoje. Aplankiau gal 6-7 didelius miestus, taip pat gamtos kampelius, pasivažinėjimas 500km/h mag-level traukiniu, bet taip pat teko važiuoti ir laiko mašina-traukiniu. Kokių 40 metų senumo, kai lauke +43C, o traukinyje oro kondicionierių nėra, tik primityvūs vedintuvai pakabinti ant lubų, o visi traukinyje dar ir rūko:)) teko vakarieniauti labai autentiškai pas kaimiečius gudžiame Kinijos kaimelyje, tai labai gilų įspūdį padarė. Teko per savo viešnagę Kinijoje valgyti įvairiausių keistų patiekalų, pvz sraigės, varles, kiaulės smegenis, skrudintą triušio galvą ir t.t. Tie kas planuojate vykti į Chengdu - tai miestas kuriame yra aštriausias maistas Kinijoje, tad prakiškai 90% patieklaų yra paaštrinti gerokai. Ir tas aštrumas žymiai stipresnis nei Europoje :) bet priprasite per pora savaičių.
    Grįžtant prie finansų - minėtas atlyginimas maždaug 300-350€ per mėnesį, vizai pratęsti daug nereikia, apie 30-40€. Žodžiu, aš visiems nuoširdžiai patariu, nepraleisti tokios progos, tai gyvenimo nuotykis !:)
  20. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Sveiki, pirmiausiai norėčiau paprašyti, kad nepriimtumėte šios temos kaip reklamos, aš už tai ką čia rašau nieko negaunu mainais ir darau tai tiesiog norėdamas suteikti tautiečiams galimybę, kuri tikrai nepasitaiko kasdien, o jos įgyvendinimas yra žymiai paprastesnis nei dauguma įsivaizduoja.
    Taigi - praktika Kinijoje, pirmiausiai norėčiau pažymėti, jog nėra tokio kriterijaus, kad priimami žmonės kurie šiuo metu studijuoja. Į šią praktiką gali vykti tiek studijuojantys tiek ne, ir amžius nėra labai svarbus. Svarbiausiai yra noras, anglų kalbos žinios bei drąsa.
    Praktika būna atliekama arba hospitality sektoriuje arba business sektoriuje, tačiau hospitality sąlygos yra kur kas geresnės. Tikiuosi neužpyksite, jog tekstas sekančiose pastraipose bus angliškas, nes jo yra nemažai, o versti nelabai yra prasmės, kadangi susidomėję žmonės angliškai bet kokiu atveju turi mokėti. :) Finansiškai tai taip pat visiškai nesikandžioja. Hospitality praktikai vienkartinis mokestis tėra 264 arba 342 eurai €570 (laikai keičiasi - naujos 2017 kainos). Palyginimui - vidutiniškai viešbutyje praktikantas gauna 300-350€ per mėnesį, plius gyvena to pačio viešbučio kambaryje nemokamai (o patikėkite, gyvenimas 5* viešbutyje - nerealus), taip pat ir valgo viešbučio restorane kartą per dieną nemokamai, bei tris kartus darbuotojų restorane. Tad išlaidos tik asmeninės - kelionėms, pramogoms ir t.t., priklauso nuo jūsų, bet nepatarčiau taupyti pinigų, ir praleisti nerealią progą patyrinėti nuostabią Kinijos gamtą bei kultūrą, istoriją.
    Aš pats vykau per šią agentūrą atlikti praktikos Chengdu mieste (prieš tai buvau dar rytų Kinijoje tris mėnesius kitame viešbutyje (Anji miestelyje, trys šimtai km nuo Šanchajaus), bet tos agentūros kuri mane ten nusiuntė tikrai nerekomenduočiau, jei kam įdomu bus, galiu papasakoti, kas per nuotykiai ten manęs laukė), Howard Johnson 5 žvaigždučių Hi-Tech Plaza viešbutyje, ir nuoširdžiai sakant, tiek praktika, tiek gyvenimas buvo nuostabi patirtis: kelionės po Kiniją, naktinis Chengdu, maistas, kultūra, žmonės, subtropinis klimatas. Buvau tiesiog kaip sapne, ir dabar, praėjus jau pusei metų nuo grįžimo į Europą, vis rimčiau ir rimčiau svarstau grįžti į Kiniją, ir ilgam, pirmiausiai mokytis kalbos, o tada jau sugrįžti į turizmo industriją. Išviso praleidau Kinijoje aštuonis mėnesius. Tad net paskaičius žemiau esantį teksta, prašom klausti bet kokių klausimų, pasistengsiu atsakyti.
    Internships in China, Chengdu city.
    Hey there! If you are reading this text I assume you are at least curious about a possibility to have your internship in China. More than a year ago I was just like you. One day I just woke up with an idea to go to China for my internship! But I didn't know where or how to start, how much does it cost, what agency's services should I use and so on... I know you all have many questions and doubts, it might be scary and unclear what is waiting for you in the other side of the world. But I am here to help you and answer all of your questions. I had two internships in China, the first one was so so, in a remote area, in a local boutique hotel, where almost nobody could speak English...therefore I would not recommend "Your Career China" agency to anyone... The second internship was in Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza 5* Hotel in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China. I came there through SII agency and now I can confirm that this agency was one the best things that happened to me, because of it I had the most wonderful time of my life. I can 100% recommend it to you, and now I am one of its representatives in Europe. Anyway, in my second internship I was Front Office management trainee and it's been a truly wonderful time among the best professionals of hospitality industry. I've gained lots of new knowledge, skills, connections, friends, memories and besides that you get paid more than you'll ever spend! Additionally, I've been living in the same hotel I worked. Life in 5* hotel is quite luxurious, believe me. As well as free meals in 5* restaurant and staff canteen. Besides the work there was plenty of time to explore the amazing China, have some massive, wild & crazy parties, have a chinese girlfriend, meet so many wonderful people with whom I am still in touch and they became my good friends. After 8 months in China, the saddest thing was to leave it, but in my mind I knew that I will return here and it will happen soon. People in Chengdu say "Once you come to Chengdu you will not want to leave". And all this is not a fairytale, it can be done much more easier than you think, keep on reading & Chengdu welcomes you! You don't even have to be a student.

    The downtown of Chengdu (city population: 14 000 000)
    Chengdu is the city that the Chinese have dubbed a Heaven on Earth! The international business community recently named Chengdu as the #1 developing market in Asia over the next 10 years. This is a city that seamlessly combines modern and traditional environments – not to mention, it’s the home turf of the giant panda! Chengdu has 14 million inhabitants, urban downtown full of skyscrapers, worldwide famous brand shops, cafes, etc. There is a very convenient subway system, you can catch taxi anytime anywhere, en route buses until late night, city bikes - and everything for a very cheap price. Of the eight major schools of China's culinary art, Sichuan cuisine is perhaps the most popular. Originating in Sichuan Province of western China, Sichuan cuisine, known as Chuan Cai in Chinese, enjoys an international reputation for being spicy and flavorful. Yet the highly distinctive pungency is not its only characteristic. In fact, Sichuan cuisine boasts a variety of flavors and different methods of cooking, featuring the taste of hot, sweet, sour, salty, or tongue-numbing.
    Hospitality Internships are our specialty! We are offering various positions in 5 Star international hotels in Chengdu. Accommodation and basic salary are included. Hospitality Internships are 6-12 months long. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Our interns have the opportunity to experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of their logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Top International Hotel Experience
    Experience the international hotel environment in one of the world’s top
    business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    Guaranteed placement in a 5 star hotel
    Accommodation in the host hotel
    3 meals a day
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative ( optional)
    SII welcome kit
    City orientation meeting (optional)
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    BASIC PACKAGE - 1900 RMB/ €264
    Guaranteed Position
    We guarantee that we will find an internship position for you based on your career goals, background, and availability.
    Accommodation + Meals
    You will be provided with a place of stay whether inside the hotel or an apartment nearby. Your meals will be provided for you by the hotel when you are on the clock.
    Letter of Invitation (Needed For Your Visa)
    We will make sure you receive your letter of invitation in a timely manner from the specified hotel in order for you to apply for your visa.

    Personal Care and Service
    We are not McDonald’s, we do not operate with an anonymous internship assembly line. We put time and effort into finding the most suitable internship positions for each intern. Since we have been based in Chengdu, China for quite some time, we are extremely familiar with the local and international business scenes, as well as the special nuances of the city. The SII team consists of both Chinese and Westerners who understand your needs and will be available to you from the moment you arrive.
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people!
    As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    Your Accommodation and Meals
    Your accommodation and meals are provided for you by the hotel at which you will be employed at no extra fee.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country, and if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required. SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Support Service
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you.

    What's included?
    Basic package +
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    SII Welcome Package
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu

    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China.
    We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, check out our Chinese Friend Program, our Chinese Study program or contact us for more information.
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees – if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    What kind of positions do we offer in our Hospitality Internship?
    There are various positions available in our Hospitality Internship such as:
    Front Desk
    Guest Services
    Food & Beverage
    ...and more!
    Company Name:
    5 Stars Multinational Hotel Group
    Company Description:
    There are 555 well-appointed guest rooms, including Club International Suites and grand Presidential Mansion. The hotel specializes in paring ideal meeting venues with impeccable service, the International Convention Center offers a wide variety of exclusive venues for meetings, conferences and private functions. The hotel also features 6 food & beverage outlets, including all day dinging Café, Italian Restaurant, French Restaurant, Lobby lounge and Tea lounge, etc.
    Role Description:
    Guest Service in Rooms Division and Food & Beverage Department
    Greeting customers in hotel area and service area
    Meeting and communicating with customers to collecting customer comments and promoting hotel products.
    Conducting language trainings in department
    Serving customers in hotel area and service area
    Handling guest inquiries and offer assistance to hotel customers
    Work Hours:
    Shift duty, 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week
    RMB3000\month (~€350/month)
    3 working meals/day including one meal in Hotel Café
    Accommodation in hotel apartment
    Reasonable laundry in hotel
    Interested? Contact me via Facebook, LinkedIN, email ([email protected]) or mobile phone +45 42658493.
    Application Process:

    We offer short term and long term business internship positions. These opportunities are uniquely flexible as we cater to your interests and timing. Any of our business internships can be combined with Chinese Academics Study. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends. Basic packages start at 4250RMB (or €524).
    Business Environment Experience
    Experience the international business environment in one of the world’s
    top business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    What's included?
    Program includes:
    Guaranteed internship placement
    Accommodation in SII intern’s apartment include all utility bills, free wifi connection and more as shown in our accommodation page
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative
    SII welcome kit as mentioned in our internship page
    City orientation meeting
    Introduction and showing the way to your host company
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    Guaranteed Placement
    Once we begin the interview, a placement within a top international business is guaranteed! We partner with many corporations in Chengdu and will do our best to match your top needs with the right positions.
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    Booking Your Accomodation
    Our team will arrange accommodation for your first few days in Chengdu, or will advise you if you prefer to make your own arrangements.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country. if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required.
    SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Service and Support
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you!
    SII Welcome Kit
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit upon arrival that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu
    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China. We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, you can purchase our Chinese Academic Study Add-On or our Chinese Aid Program!
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people! As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    OPTIONAL ADD-ONS (additional pricing)
    Chinese Academic Study- price varies upon length of study
    Take Chinese Language classes at one of the top universities in China: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). These classes will for sure give you an upper hand in the growing business world. What better way to learn the language than in China itself where you would be using it on a daily basis?
    Chinese Friend Program
    Our Chinese Friend Program is a unique program specially designed in response to our interns needs. When coming to China for an internship, you should aim to best take advantage of your limited time. In our Chinese Friend Program, we match every intern with a Chinese student as a friend and mentor. They will assist you with logistical matters, especially during your first days in Chengdu, teach you Chinese, and simply be a friend to show you around the city, go out at night, or have a cup of tea in the park. Interested? Find more information here.
    Basic Business internship prices
    Suitable for thous who would like to do internship in the business sector and includes accommodation and full support package. (prices in Chinese RMB)
    4 weeks
    8 weeks
    12 weeks
    16 weeks
    20 weeks
    24 weeks
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees –
    if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    susidomėję - prašau parašyti man į pm, arba komentaruose. jei šiaip klausimų turite, pasistengsiu atsakyti :)
  21. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Sveiki, pirmiausiai norėčiau paprašyti, kad nepriimtumėte šios temos kaip reklamos, aš už tai ką čia rašau nieko negaunu mainais ir darau tai tiesiog norėdamas suteikti tautiečiams galimybę, kuri tikrai nepasitaiko kasdien, o jos įgyvendinimas yra žymiai paprastesnis nei dauguma įsivaizduoja.
    Taigi - praktika Kinijoje, pirmiausiai norėčiau pažymėti, jog nėra tokio kriterijaus, kad priimami žmonės kurie šiuo metu studijuoja. Į šią praktiką gali vykti tiek studijuojantys tiek ne, ir amžius nėra labai svarbus. Svarbiausiai yra noras, anglų kalbos žinios bei drąsa.
    Praktika būna atliekama arba hospitality sektoriuje arba business sektoriuje, tačiau hospitality sąlygos yra kur kas geresnės. Tikiuosi neužpyksite, jog tekstas sekančiose pastraipose bus angliškas, nes jo yra nemažai, o versti nelabai yra prasmės, kadangi susidomėję žmonės angliškai bet kokiu atveju turi mokėti. :) Finansiškai tai taip pat visiškai nesikandžioja. Hospitality praktikai vienkartinis mokestis tėra 264 arba 342 eurai €570 (laikai keičiasi - naujos 2017 kainos). Palyginimui - vidutiniškai viešbutyje praktikantas gauna 300-350€ per mėnesį, plius gyvena to pačio viešbučio kambaryje nemokamai (o patikėkite, gyvenimas 5* viešbutyje - nerealus), taip pat ir valgo viešbučio restorane kartą per dieną nemokamai, bei tris kartus darbuotojų restorane. Tad išlaidos tik asmeninės - kelionėms, pramogoms ir t.t., priklauso nuo jūsų, bet nepatarčiau taupyti pinigų, ir praleisti nerealią progą patyrinėti nuostabią Kinijos gamtą bei kultūrą, istoriją.
    Aš pats vykau per šią agentūrą atlikti praktikos Chengdu mieste (prieš tai buvau dar rytų Kinijoje tris mėnesius kitame viešbutyje (Anji miestelyje, trys šimtai km nuo Šanchajaus), bet tos agentūros kuri mane ten nusiuntė tikrai nerekomenduočiau, jei kam įdomu bus, galiu papasakoti, kas per nuotykiai ten manęs laukė), Howard Johnson 5 žvaigždučių Hi-Tech Plaza viešbutyje, ir nuoširdžiai sakant, tiek praktika, tiek gyvenimas buvo nuostabi patirtis: kelionės po Kiniją, naktinis Chengdu, maistas, kultūra, žmonės, subtropinis klimatas. Buvau tiesiog kaip sapne, ir dabar, praėjus jau pusei metų nuo grįžimo į Europą, vis rimčiau ir rimčiau svarstau grįžti į Kiniją, ir ilgam, pirmiausiai mokytis kalbos, o tada jau sugrįžti į turizmo industriją. Išviso praleidau Kinijoje aštuonis mėnesius. Tad net paskaičius žemiau esantį teksta, prašom klausti bet kokių klausimų, pasistengsiu atsakyti.
    Internships in China, Chengdu city.
    Hey there! If you are reading this text I assume you are at least curious about a possibility to have your internship in China. More than a year ago I was just like you. One day I just woke up with an idea to go to China for my internship! But I didn't know where or how to start, how much does it cost, what agency's services should I use and so on... I know you all have many questions and doubts, it might be scary and unclear what is waiting for you in the other side of the world. But I am here to help you and answer all of your questions. I had two internships in China, the first one was so so, in a remote area, in a local boutique hotel, where almost nobody could speak English...therefore I would not recommend "Your Career China" agency to anyone... The second internship was in Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza 5* Hotel in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China. I came there through SII agency and now I can confirm that this agency was one the best things that happened to me, because of it I had the most wonderful time of my life. I can 100% recommend it to you, and now I am one of its representatives in Europe. Anyway, in my second internship I was Front Office management trainee and it's been a truly wonderful time among the best professionals of hospitality industry. I've gained lots of new knowledge, skills, connections, friends, memories and besides that you get paid more than you'll ever spend! Additionally, I've been living in the same hotel I worked. Life in 5* hotel is quite luxurious, believe me. As well as free meals in 5* restaurant and staff canteen. Besides the work there was plenty of time to explore the amazing China, have some massive, wild & crazy parties, have a chinese girlfriend, meet so many wonderful people with whom I am still in touch and they became my good friends. After 8 months in China, the saddest thing was to leave it, but in my mind I knew that I will return here and it will happen soon. People in Chengdu say "Once you come to Chengdu you will not want to leave". And all this is not a fairytale, it can be done much more easier than you think, keep on reading & Chengdu welcomes you! You don't even have to be a student.

    The downtown of Chengdu (city population: 14 000 000)
    Chengdu is the city that the Chinese have dubbed a Heaven on Earth! The international business community recently named Chengdu as the #1 developing market in Asia over the next 10 years. This is a city that seamlessly combines modern and traditional environments – not to mention, it’s the home turf of the giant panda! Chengdu has 14 million inhabitants, urban downtown full of skyscrapers, worldwide famous brand shops, cafes, etc. There is a very convenient subway system, you can catch taxi anytime anywhere, en route buses until late night, city bikes - and everything for a very cheap price. Of the eight major schools of China's culinary art, Sichuan cuisine is perhaps the most popular. Originating in Sichuan Province of western China, Sichuan cuisine, known as Chuan Cai in Chinese, enjoys an international reputation for being spicy and flavorful. Yet the highly distinctive pungency is not its only characteristic. In fact, Sichuan cuisine boasts a variety of flavors and different methods of cooking, featuring the taste of hot, sweet, sour, salty, or tongue-numbing.
    Hospitality Internships are our specialty! We are offering various positions in 5 Star international hotels in Chengdu. Accommodation and basic salary are included. Hospitality Internships are 6-12 months long. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Our interns have the opportunity to experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of their logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Top International Hotel Experience
    Experience the international hotel environment in one of the world’s top
    business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    Guaranteed placement in a 5 star hotel
    Accommodation in the host hotel
    3 meals a day
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative ( optional)
    SII welcome kit
    City orientation meeting (optional)
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    BASIC PACKAGE - 1900 RMB/ €264
    Guaranteed Position
    We guarantee that we will find an internship position for you based on your career goals, background, and availability.
    Accommodation + Meals
    You will be provided with a place of stay whether inside the hotel or an apartment nearby. Your meals will be provided for you by the hotel when you are on the clock.
    Letter of Invitation (Needed For Your Visa)
    We will make sure you receive your letter of invitation in a timely manner from the specified hotel in order for you to apply for your visa.

    Personal Care and Service
    We are not McDonald’s, we do not operate with an anonymous internship assembly line. We put time and effort into finding the most suitable internship positions for each intern. Since we have been based in Chengdu, China for quite some time, we are extremely familiar with the local and international business scenes, as well as the special nuances of the city. The SII team consists of both Chinese and Westerners who understand your needs and will be available to you from the moment you arrive.
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people!
    As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    Your Accommodation and Meals
    Your accommodation and meals are provided for you by the hotel at which you will be employed at no extra fee.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country, and if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required. SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Support Service
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you.

    What's included?
    Basic package +
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    SII Welcome Package
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu

    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China.
    We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, check out our Chinese Friend Program, our Chinese Study program or contact us for more information.
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees – if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    What kind of positions do we offer in our Hospitality Internship?
    There are various positions available in our Hospitality Internship such as:
    Front Desk
    Guest Services
    Food & Beverage
    ...and more!
    Company Name:
    5 Stars Multinational Hotel Group
    Company Description:
    There are 555 well-appointed guest rooms, including Club International Suites and grand Presidential Mansion. The hotel specializes in paring ideal meeting venues with impeccable service, the International Convention Center offers a wide variety of exclusive venues for meetings, conferences and private functions. The hotel also features 6 food & beverage outlets, including all day dinging Café, Italian Restaurant, French Restaurant, Lobby lounge and Tea lounge, etc.
    Role Description:
    Guest Service in Rooms Division and Food & Beverage Department
    Greeting customers in hotel area and service area
    Meeting and communicating with customers to collecting customer comments and promoting hotel products.
    Conducting language trainings in department
    Serving customers in hotel area and service area
    Handling guest inquiries and offer assistance to hotel customers
    Work Hours:
    Shift duty, 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week
    RMB3000\month (~€350/month)
    3 working meals/day including one meal in Hotel Café
    Accommodation in hotel apartment
    Reasonable laundry in hotel
    Interested? Contact me via Facebook, LinkedIN, email ([email protected]) or mobile phone +45 42658493.
    Application Process:

    We offer short term and long term business internship positions. These opportunities are uniquely flexible as we cater to your interests and timing. Any of our business internships can be combined with Chinese Academics Study. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends. Basic packages start at 4250RMB (or €524).
    Business Environment Experience
    Experience the international business environment in one of the world’s
    top business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    What's included?
    Program includes:
    Guaranteed internship placement
    Accommodation in SII intern’s apartment include all utility bills, free wifi connection and more as shown in our accommodation page
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative
    SII welcome kit as mentioned in our internship page
    City orientation meeting
    Introduction and showing the way to your host company
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    Guaranteed Placement
    Once we begin the interview, a placement within a top international business is guaranteed! We partner with many corporations in Chengdu and will do our best to match your top needs with the right positions.
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    Booking Your Accomodation
    Our team will arrange accommodation for your first few days in Chengdu, or will advise you if you prefer to make your own arrangements.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country. if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required.
    SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Service and Support
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you!
    SII Welcome Kit
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit upon arrival that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu
    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China. We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, you can purchase our Chinese Academic Study Add-On or our Chinese Aid Program!
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people! As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    OPTIONAL ADD-ONS (additional pricing)
    Chinese Academic Study- price varies upon length of study
    Take Chinese Language classes at one of the top universities in China: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). These classes will for sure give you an upper hand in the growing business world. What better way to learn the language than in China itself where you would be using it on a daily basis?
    Chinese Friend Program
    Our Chinese Friend Program is a unique program specially designed in response to our interns needs. When coming to China for an internship, you should aim to best take advantage of your limited time. In our Chinese Friend Program, we match every intern with a Chinese student as a friend and mentor. They will assist you with logistical matters, especially during your first days in Chengdu, teach you Chinese, and simply be a friend to show you around the city, go out at night, or have a cup of tea in the park. Interested? Find more information here.
    Basic Business internship prices
    Suitable for thous who would like to do internship in the business sector and includes accommodation and full support package. (prices in Chinese RMB)
    4 weeks
    8 weeks
    12 weeks
    16 weeks
    20 weeks
    24 weeks
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees –
    if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    susidomėję - prašau parašyti man į pm, arba komentaruose. jei šiaip klausimų turite, pasistengsiu atsakyti :)
  22. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo haxas Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Ne atlyginime esmė, o patirtyje kurią ten įgauni, susirandi naujų draugų, galbūt netgi antrąja pusę kaip aš, pakeliauji nemažai, aš galėčiau dar ilgai vardint , bet ir šiaip tas atlyginimas 300-350€ Kinijoje yra dideli pinigai, kai vidutiniškai žmonės virš 100€ tegauna... Ir šiaip perspektyvų po praktikos daug. Per tą laikotarpį pasidarai daaaug kontaktų iš turizmo industrijos, su žmonėmis iš kitų viešbučių, tad pasibaigus praktikai ir norint pasilikti Kinijoje dirbti ir gyventi - vieni niekai. Aš pats asmeniskai planuoju grįžti į Kiniją, šį kartą ilgam, mokytis kinų kalbos ir tada sugrįžti į viešbučių pasaulį. Yra tokia ES ir Kinijos vyriausybės bendradarbiavimo programa, kuri kasmet 200-300 žmonių patvirtina stipendijas visam mokslo periodui, suteikia būstą, vieną viešąjį transportą apmoka mieste, ir dar moka pašalpą apie 1500 rmb per mėnesį... Yra daug galimybių, bet apie jas mažai kas žino :)
    Nemažai žmonių klausinėjo apie finansus bei apskritai papasakoti daugiau, tad pasistengsiu paaiškinti kiek plačiau . viskas yra realistiškose ribose. Perkant lėktuvo bilietą į vieną pusę maždaug pusantro mėnesio prieš skrendant, kaina maždaug 300-400€, čia dar priklauso nuo pigių bilietu ieškojimo įgūdžių:) viza kainuoja $82, o daugiau kaip ir nėr išlaidų. Gyveni pačiam viešbutyje, ir valgai ten, tad pragyvenimui išlaidų irgi nėr, ką aš išleisdavau, tai pagrinde pramogoms (nors Pvz kai nueini į kokį naktinį klubą, labai dažnai tau visi aplinkui "stato", ar panelės ar vaikinai, nes jie tiesiog dievina užsieniečius iš Vakarų) bei kelionėms Kinijoje. Aplankiau gal 6-7 didelius miestus, taip pat gamtos kampelius, pasivažinėjimas 500km/h mag-level traukiniu, bet taip pat teko važiuoti ir laiko mašina-traukiniu. Kokių 40 metų senumo, kai lauke +43C, o traukinyje oro kondicionierių nėra, tik primityvūs vedintuvai pakabinti ant lubų, o visi traukinyje dar ir rūko:)) teko vakarieniauti labai autentiškai pas kaimiečius gudžiame Kinijos kaimelyje, tai labai gilų įspūdį padarė. Teko per savo viešnagę Kinijoje valgyti įvairiausių keistų patiekalų, pvz sraigės, varles, kiaulės smegenis, skrudintą triušio galvą ir t.t. Tie kas planuojate vykti į Chengdu - tai miestas kuriame yra aštriausias maistas Kinijoje, tad prakiškai 90% patieklaų yra paaštrinti gerokai. Ir tas aštrumas žymiai stipresnis nei Europoje :) bet priprasite per pora savaičių.
    Grįžtant prie finansų - minėtas atlyginimas maždaug 300-350€ per mėnesį, vizai pratęsti daug nereikia, apie 30-40€. Žodžiu, aš visiems nuoširdžiai patariu, nepraleisti tokios progos, tai gyvenimo nuotykis !:)
  23. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo haxas Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Ne atlyginime esmė, o patirtyje kurią ten įgauni, susirandi naujų draugų, galbūt netgi antrąja pusę kaip aš, pakeliauji nemažai, aš galėčiau dar ilgai vardint , bet ir šiaip tas atlyginimas 300-350€ Kinijoje yra dideli pinigai, kai vidutiniškai žmonės virš 100€ tegauna... Ir šiaip perspektyvų po praktikos daug. Per tą laikotarpį pasidarai daaaug kontaktų iš turizmo industrijos, su žmonėmis iš kitų viešbučių, tad pasibaigus praktikai ir norint pasilikti Kinijoje dirbti ir gyventi - vieni niekai. Aš pats asmeniskai planuoju grįžti į Kiniją, šį kartą ilgam, mokytis kinų kalbos ir tada sugrįžti į viešbučių pasaulį. Yra tokia ES ir Kinijos vyriausybės bendradarbiavimo programa, kuri kasmet 200-300 žmonių patvirtina stipendijas visam mokslo periodui, suteikia būstą, vieną viešąjį transportą apmoka mieste, ir dar moka pašalpą apie 1500 rmb per mėnesį... Yra daug galimybių, bet apie jas mažai kas žino :)
    Nemažai žmonių klausinėjo apie finansus bei apskritai papasakoti daugiau, tad pasistengsiu paaiškinti kiek plačiau . viskas yra realistiškose ribose. Perkant lėktuvo bilietą į vieną pusę maždaug pusantro mėnesio prieš skrendant, kaina maždaug 300-400€, čia dar priklauso nuo pigių bilietu ieškojimo įgūdžių:) viza kainuoja $82, o daugiau kaip ir nėr išlaidų. Gyveni pačiam viešbutyje, ir valgai ten, tad pragyvenimui išlaidų irgi nėr, ką aš išleisdavau, tai pagrinde pramogoms (nors Pvz kai nueini į kokį naktinį klubą, labai dažnai tau visi aplinkui "stato", ar panelės ar vaikinai, nes jie tiesiog dievina užsieniečius iš Vakarų) bei kelionėms Kinijoje. Aplankiau gal 6-7 didelius miestus, taip pat gamtos kampelius, pasivažinėjimas 500km/h mag-level traukiniu, bet taip pat teko važiuoti ir laiko mašina-traukiniu. Kokių 40 metų senumo, kai lauke +43C, o traukinyje oro kondicionierių nėra, tik primityvūs vedintuvai pakabinti ant lubų, o visi traukinyje dar ir rūko:)) teko vakarieniauti labai autentiškai pas kaimiečius gudžiame Kinijos kaimelyje, tai labai gilų įspūdį padarė. Teko per savo viešnagę Kinijoje valgyti įvairiausių keistų patiekalų, pvz sraigės, varles, kiaulės smegenis, skrudintą triušio galvą ir t.t. Tie kas planuojate vykti į Chengdu - tai miestas kuriame yra aštriausias maistas Kinijoje, tad prakiškai 90% patieklaų yra paaštrinti gerokai. Ir tas aštrumas žymiai stipresnis nei Europoje :) bet priprasite per pora savaičių.
    Grįžtant prie finansų - minėtas atlyginimas maždaug 300-350€ per mėnesį, vizai pratęsti daug nereikia, apie 30-40€. Žodžiu, aš visiems nuoširdžiai patariu, nepraleisti tokios progos, tai gyvenimo nuotykis !:)
  24. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    Sveiki, pirmiausiai norėčiau paprašyti, kad nepriimtumėte šios temos kaip reklamos, aš už tai ką čia rašau nieko negaunu mainais ir darau tai tiesiog norėdamas suteikti tautiečiams galimybę, kuri tikrai nepasitaiko kasdien, o jos įgyvendinimas yra žymiai paprastesnis nei dauguma įsivaizduoja.
    Taigi - praktika Kinijoje, pirmiausiai norėčiau pažymėti, jog nėra tokio kriterijaus, kad priimami žmonės kurie šiuo metu studijuoja. Į šią praktiką gali vykti tiek studijuojantys tiek ne, ir amžius nėra labai svarbus. Svarbiausiai yra noras, anglų kalbos žinios bei drąsa.
    Praktika būna atliekama arba hospitality sektoriuje arba business sektoriuje, tačiau hospitality sąlygos yra kur kas geresnės. Tikiuosi neužpyksite, jog tekstas sekančiose pastraipose bus angliškas, nes jo yra nemažai, o versti nelabai yra prasmės, kadangi susidomėję žmonės angliškai bet kokiu atveju turi mokėti. :) Finansiškai tai taip pat visiškai nesikandžioja. Hospitality praktikai vienkartinis mokestis tėra 264 arba 342 eurai €570 (laikai keičiasi - naujos 2017 kainos). Palyginimui - vidutiniškai viešbutyje praktikantas gauna 300-350€ per mėnesį, plius gyvena to pačio viešbučio kambaryje nemokamai (o patikėkite, gyvenimas 5* viešbutyje - nerealus), taip pat ir valgo viešbučio restorane kartą per dieną nemokamai, bei tris kartus darbuotojų restorane. Tad išlaidos tik asmeninės - kelionėms, pramogoms ir t.t., priklauso nuo jūsų, bet nepatarčiau taupyti pinigų, ir praleisti nerealią progą patyrinėti nuostabią Kinijos gamtą bei kultūrą, istoriją.
    Aš pats vykau per šią agentūrą atlikti praktikos Chengdu mieste (prieš tai buvau dar rytų Kinijoje tris mėnesius kitame viešbutyje (Anji miestelyje, trys šimtai km nuo Šanchajaus), bet tos agentūros kuri mane ten nusiuntė tikrai nerekomenduočiau, jei kam įdomu bus, galiu papasakoti, kas per nuotykiai ten manęs laukė), Howard Johnson 5 žvaigždučių Hi-Tech Plaza viešbutyje, ir nuoširdžiai sakant, tiek praktika, tiek gyvenimas buvo nuostabi patirtis: kelionės po Kiniją, naktinis Chengdu, maistas, kultūra, žmonės, subtropinis klimatas. Buvau tiesiog kaip sapne, ir dabar, praėjus jau pusei metų nuo grįžimo į Europą, vis rimčiau ir rimčiau svarstau grįžti į Kiniją, ir ilgam, pirmiausiai mokytis kalbos, o tada jau sugrįžti į turizmo industriją. Išviso praleidau Kinijoje aštuonis mėnesius. Tad net paskaičius žemiau esantį teksta, prašom klausti bet kokių klausimų, pasistengsiu atsakyti.
    Internships in China, Chengdu city.
    Hey there! If you are reading this text I assume you are at least curious about a possibility to have your internship in China. More than a year ago I was just like you. One day I just woke up with an idea to go to China for my internship! But I didn't know where or how to start, how much does it cost, what agency's services should I use and so on... I know you all have many questions and doubts, it might be scary and unclear what is waiting for you in the other side of the world. But I am here to help you and answer all of your questions. I had two internships in China, the first one was so so, in a remote area, in a local boutique hotel, where almost nobody could speak English...therefore I would not recommend "Your Career China" agency to anyone... The second internship was in Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza 5* Hotel in Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China. I came there through SII agency and now I can confirm that this agency was one the best things that happened to me, because of it I had the most wonderful time of my life. I can 100% recommend it to you, and now I am one of its representatives in Europe. Anyway, in my second internship I was Front Office management trainee and it's been a truly wonderful time among the best professionals of hospitality industry. I've gained lots of new knowledge, skills, connections, friends, memories and besides that you get paid more than you'll ever spend! Additionally, I've been living in the same hotel I worked. Life in 5* hotel is quite luxurious, believe me. As well as free meals in 5* restaurant and staff canteen. Besides the work there was plenty of time to explore the amazing China, have some massive, wild & crazy parties, have a chinese girlfriend, meet so many wonderful people with whom I am still in touch and they became my good friends. After 8 months in China, the saddest thing was to leave it, but in my mind I knew that I will return here and it will happen soon. People in Chengdu say "Once you come to Chengdu you will not want to leave". And all this is not a fairytale, it can be done much more easier than you think, keep on reading & Chengdu welcomes you! You don't even have to be a student.

    The downtown of Chengdu (city population: 14 000 000)
    Chengdu is the city that the Chinese have dubbed a Heaven on Earth! The international business community recently named Chengdu as the #1 developing market in Asia over the next 10 years. This is a city that seamlessly combines modern and traditional environments – not to mention, it’s the home turf of the giant panda! Chengdu has 14 million inhabitants, urban downtown full of skyscrapers, worldwide famous brand shops, cafes, etc. There is a very convenient subway system, you can catch taxi anytime anywhere, en route buses until late night, city bikes - and everything for a very cheap price. Of the eight major schools of China's culinary art, Sichuan cuisine is perhaps the most popular. Originating in Sichuan Province of western China, Sichuan cuisine, known as Chuan Cai in Chinese, enjoys an international reputation for being spicy and flavorful. Yet the highly distinctive pungency is not its only characteristic. In fact, Sichuan cuisine boasts a variety of flavors and different methods of cooking, featuring the taste of hot, sweet, sour, salty, or tongue-numbing.
    Hospitality Internships are our specialty! We are offering various positions in 5 Star international hotels in Chengdu. Accommodation and basic salary are included. Hospitality Internships are 6-12 months long. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Our interns have the opportunity to experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of their logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends.
    Top International Hotel Experience
    Experience the international hotel environment in one of the world’s top
    business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    Guaranteed placement in a 5 star hotel
    Accommodation in the host hotel
    3 meals a day
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative ( optional)
    SII welcome kit
    City orientation meeting (optional)
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    BASIC PACKAGE - 1900 RMB/ €264
    Guaranteed Position
    We guarantee that we will find an internship position for you based on your career goals, background, and availability.
    Accommodation + Meals
    You will be provided with a place of stay whether inside the hotel or an apartment nearby. Your meals will be provided for you by the hotel when you are on the clock.
    Letter of Invitation (Needed For Your Visa)
    We will make sure you receive your letter of invitation in a timely manner from the specified hotel in order for you to apply for your visa.

    Personal Care and Service
    We are not McDonald’s, we do not operate with an anonymous internship assembly line. We put time and effort into finding the most suitable internship positions for each intern. Since we have been based in Chengdu, China for quite some time, we are extremely familiar with the local and international business scenes, as well as the special nuances of the city. The SII team consists of both Chinese and Westerners who understand your needs and will be available to you from the moment you arrive.
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people!
    As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    Your Accommodation and Meals
    Your accommodation and meals are provided for you by the hotel at which you will be employed at no extra fee.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country, and if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required. SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Support Service
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you.

    What's included?
    Basic package +
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    SII Welcome Package
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu

    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China.
    We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, check out our Chinese Friend Program, our Chinese Study program or contact us for more information.
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees – if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    What kind of positions do we offer in our Hospitality Internship?
    There are various positions available in our Hospitality Internship such as:
    Front Desk
    Guest Services
    Food & Beverage
    ...and more!
    Company Name:
    5 Stars Multinational Hotel Group
    Company Description:
    There are 555 well-appointed guest rooms, including Club International Suites and grand Presidential Mansion. The hotel specializes in paring ideal meeting venues with impeccable service, the International Convention Center offers a wide variety of exclusive venues for meetings, conferences and private functions. The hotel also features 6 food & beverage outlets, including all day dinging Café, Italian Restaurant, French Restaurant, Lobby lounge and Tea lounge, etc.
    Role Description:
    Guest Service in Rooms Division and Food & Beverage Department
    Greeting customers in hotel area and service area
    Meeting and communicating with customers to collecting customer comments and promoting hotel products.
    Conducting language trainings in department
    Serving customers in hotel area and service area
    Handling guest inquiries and offer assistance to hotel customers
    Work Hours:
    Shift duty, 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week
    RMB3000\month (~€350/month)
    3 working meals/day including one meal in Hotel Café
    Accommodation in hotel apartment
    Reasonable laundry in hotel
    Interested? Contact me via Facebook, LinkedIN, email ([email protected]) or mobile phone +45 42658493.
    Application Process:

    We offer short term and long term business internship positions. These opportunities are uniquely flexible as we cater to your interests and timing. Any of our business internships can be combined with Chinese Academics Study. Experience working and living in the heart of China while we care for all of your logistical needs. From preparing for your arrival in China until your departure, our team is always available to help resolve any issue - not only as customers but also as friends. Basic packages start at 4250RMB (or €524).
    Business Environment Experience
    Experience the international business environment in one of the world’s
    top business hot-spots.
    Experience a unique and fascinating culture
    Life Experience
    Experience the time of your life in one of the most vibrant and exciting
    cities in China – work hard and play hard!!
    What's included?
    Program includes:
    Guaranteed internship placement
    Accommodation in SII intern’s apartment include all utility bills, free wifi connection and more as shown in our accommodation page
    Visa application assistance and invitation letter
    Visa extension assistance.
    Airport pick and transfer to accommodation by SII representative
    SII welcome kit as mentioned in our internship page
    City orientation meeting
    Introduction and showing the way to your host company
    Taking part in occasional business and culture activities
    Be part of SII interns community
    Police registration
    24\7 support during your stay in china
    Guaranteed Placement
    Once we begin the interview, a placement within a top international business is guaranteed! We partner with many corporations in Chengdu and will do our best to match your top needs with the right positions.
    Airport Pick-Up
    An SII representative will be waiting at the airport to greet you and will escort you to your pre-arranged accommodation.
    Booking Your Accomodation
    Our team will arrange accommodation for your first few days in Chengdu, or will advise you if you prefer to make your own arrangements.
    Visa Application and Extension Guidance
    The process of applying for a Chinese visa varies from country to country. if you are coming for a long-term internship, an extension of your visa will be required.
    SII will guide you through the application process. This includes providing you with an invitation letter from your host company if the need arises.
    24/7 Service and Support
    We are available to you 24/7 for any issue that may arise or in case of an emergency.
    We keep in touch with our interns in the city and check up on them regularly. You are welcome to contact us with any problem or question you have, or even just drop by for coffee if the mood strikes you!
    SII Welcome Kit
    Every intern will receive a China survival kit upon arrival that contains:
    Chinese-English city map
    SII’s Survival Chinese Phrasebook
    Local SIM card (pre-charged with 50 RMB)
    Bus\Subway card (pre-charged with 30 RMB)
    City orientation reading materials
    Discount coupons for popular bars and restaurants
    Useful information page with addresses and contact information
    Local magazine in English with great information on international community events in Chengdu
    City Orientation
    An SII representative will meet with you to discuss practical matters of living in Chengdu, give you some helpful tips about Chinese culture, and answer any questions you may have.
    Welcome Dinner
    We invite every intern for a spectacular first meal in China in the finest Chinese tradition!
    Survival Chinese Class
    We provide one free survival Chinese class to every intern taking part in our program. This class helps you get a feel for the Chinese language and learn some useful words and phrases that can help you in your daily life in China. We strongly recommend that anyone who chooses to live in China, even for a short period of time, learn at least basic Chinese. Speaking the language will allow you to communicate with locals, and generally help you better understand the way of life in China. If you want to study Chinese on a regular basis during your internship, you can purchase our Chinese Academic Study Add-On or our Chinese Aid Program!
    Business and Networking Events
    In order to understand business in China, it is essential to get out of the office and meet people! As a result of having worked in business consulting in Chengdu for over ten years, SII has established strong connections within the local and foreign business communities, including with the Chamber of Commerce and the local government. We arrange for our interns to participate in business events taking place in the city, as well as visits to interesting business and cultural exhibitions.
    OPTIONAL ADD-ONS (additional pricing)
    Chinese Academic Study- price varies upon length of study
    Take Chinese Language classes at one of the top universities in China: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). These classes will for sure give you an upper hand in the growing business world. What better way to learn the language than in China itself where you would be using it on a daily basis?
    Chinese Friend Program
    Our Chinese Friend Program is a unique program specially designed in response to our interns needs. When coming to China for an internship, you should aim to best take advantage of your limited time. In our Chinese Friend Program, we match every intern with a Chinese student as a friend and mentor. They will assist you with logistical matters, especially during your first days in Chengdu, teach you Chinese, and simply be a friend to show you around the city, go out at night, or have a cup of tea in the park. Interested? Find more information here.
    Basic Business internship prices
    Suitable for thous who would like to do internship in the business sector and includes accommodation and full support package. (prices in Chinese RMB)
    4 weeks
    8 weeks
    12 weeks
    16 weeks
    20 weeks
    24 weeks
    International insurance
    Personal expenses
    Bank transfer fees –
    if you are paying for your internship fees by bank transfer, you will bear any bank fees applied by your bank
    Visa, visa extension, and travel document fees
    susidomėję - prašau parašyti man į pm, arba komentaruose. jei šiaip klausimų turite, pasistengsiu atsakyti :)
  25. Patinka
    Fenix2010 gavo reakciją nuo Auksinis Praktika Kinijoje, Chengdu mieste. (biznio ir 5⍟viešbučių)   
    foto yra tikrai nemažai tiek iš rytų Kinijos, tiek iš vidurio. gali rasti jas čia :) . ten šiek tiek žemiau paėjus,bus keletas albumų iš įvairių vietovių.
    darbas kartais aišku atsibosta, tokiomis dienomis, kai svečių nedaug viešbutyje, bet vistiek su kolegom surandam kaip laiką prastumti, kai nėr ką veikti. Pirmame viešbutyje, į kurį papuoliau per tą agentūra kurios nerekomenduočiau, buvo tikrai sunkios pirmos savaitės. bet pradedant nuo pradžių, vos nusileidau į Kiniją, Šanchajuje, man pačiam reikėjo nusigauti iki Anji miestelio, kuris apie 350km nuo Šanchajaus... o pirmą kartą būnant naujoje šalyje, kur paprasti žmonės angliškai nei žodžio nežino, tai gali įsivaizduoti. teko važiuoti iš oro uosto su metro iki traukinių stoties miesto centre, iš ten pėsčiomis eiti iki autobusų stoties (išgelbėjo tik tai, jog nuorodos parašytos tiek kiniškai tiek angliškai), iš ten turėjau važiuoti su autobusu iki Anji, bet paskutinis autobusas išvykęs jau buvo, tad teko važiuoti į kitą, ir tikėtis, kad iš ten bus autobusas į mano Anji. ir buvo... tikrai pirma diena buvo pilna streso. bet atvykus į viešbutį,viskas tikrai nebuvo taip kaip tikėjausi, angliškai vos pora žmonių galėjo šnekėti, bet pagrinde tai niekas nekalbėjo angliškai... buvo pirmos savaitės sunkios, bet po to pradėjo patikti, kambariokas atvyko ukrainietis studijuojantis Kinijoje, pramokau pagrindinių frazių kinų kalbos, ir tuo pačiu mano kolegos pramoko angliškai iš manęs, po pusantro mėnesio pradėjau normaliau suprasti ką svečiai klausia ar sako atėję į viešbutį, tad galiausiai, tai, jog niekas nešnekėjo angliškai, padėjo man daug greičiau pramokti kinietiškai. visgi nerekomenduočiau tokios patirties..
    po trijų mėnesių išvykau į Chengdu, mane patį agentūra susirado per LinkedIN, nes buvau papostinęs, kad ieškau praktikos kinijoje, ir dar vizą reikėjo prasitęsti, o Anji to negalėjau padaryti, nes per mažas miestukas (400k gyventojų, skaitosi kaimelis Kinijoje). Chengdu viskas buvo žyyyymiai geriau. mano departamente visi šnekėjo puikiai angliškai, visi buvo labai draugiški ir priemė mane į savo šeimą labai šiltai, gyvenau to pačio viešbučio kambaryje, susiradau panelę greitai, naktinis gyvenimas buvo nerealus tiesiog, keliaudavom daug, darbas buvo įdomus, nes mane mokė tikri profesionalai tos srities, aš buvau front office management trainee, tad man buvo apie 40 žmonių pavaldūs. kartais atsibosdavo, būdavo ir varginančių dienų, kai užimtumas viešbučio viršydavo 60-70%, tada visą dieną ant kojų, pilna reikalų. kartais atvykdavo žvaigždės, pvz Kinijos muzikos žvaigždės, politikai, buvo ir James Blunt. tikrinau jo kambarį dar ar viskas paruošta pagal protokolus. darbas viešbutyje įdomus tuom, jog kiekviena diena būna skirtinga, būdavo įvairiausių nutikimų, malonių ir nelabai:)
  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...