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Aur3 Pranešimai

  1. Dekui, bet visi failai is ten jau istrinti.Nebus dar minciu? kaip matau, ne man vienam tokia problema iskilo.


    Che, pas mane kai buvo problemos, pasirodo buvo padaryta, kad virtuali atmintis (paging file) nustatyta ant 10gb, tai ir buvo sukurtas paleptas failas D diske pavadinimu 'pagefile.sys' uzimantis 10GB nors ir nenaudodavau tiek, tu virtualiu RAM'u ar ko cia :) Veliau per 'Performance Options-->>Virtual Memory' susimazinau iki 768MB.

  2. Jennifear's Cashout strategy for SNG/Multitable SNG/MTT


    Pay yourself according to volume, not results.


    Remove the following from your bankroll every time you play these games:


    HU: 2% of your buyin

    STTs: 3% of your buyin

    18-man: 4% of your buyin

    45-man: 5% of your buyin

    90-man: 6% of your buyin

    180-man/MTT: 8% of your buyin

    Also remove all Rakeback/Bonuses earned


    When your total cashouts reach the site's minimum cashout requirements, then cash out as soon as you can.




    - If you are a high buyin player, you may be playing a SNG where you are only expected to attain a very small ROI. In that case, divide your expected long-term ROI by 2 and cash out that much per game. For instance, if you are a $320 STT player who expects to make 2% ROI, cash out 1% ($3.30) per game played. That sounds small, but most of your income is coming from rakeback/bonuses anyway.

    - For hyper/superturbo SNGs, only remove 1.5% per game.


    Cash'ui cashout sistemos neteko matyti, tai manau galime truputi pakoregavus naudoti sita.


    Tarkim jei musu winrate NL10 limite yra 6BB/100 , tai galim nuo kiekvienu suzaistu 100ranku, atsideti po 2BB (0.20$) cashout'ui.


    Ir kuomet pasiekiame minimuma withdrawinimo suma tame poker kambaryje (pvz yra 10$ galimas minimum cashout'as), taip ir padarome.


    O, kad pasiekt 10$, atsidedant kas 100 ranku po 2BB (NL10 limite), mums reik suzaist 5k handu.


    Tad galime tiesiog, kas 5000 suzaistu ranku, cashout'inti po 10$ ir taip iki tol, kol is likusio winrate, (4BB/100), susikrausime Bankroll'a aukstesniam limitui.


    Jame viska apskaiciuosime is naujo, nes tikriausiai aukstesniame limite musu winrate bus zemesnis (pvz, tarkim koks 3BB/100 NL25 limite) , tad jame galesim taikyt 1BB atsidejima kas 100ranku (0.25$) , ir cashout'insim 10$ kas 4k suzaistu ranku.

  3. Welcome to Smoking Aces Poker




    Congratulations to all the players who successfully completed their deposit, and verified their identity and credit card details. We are sure that your withdrawal has reached your account, and that you are satisfied.









    15 EURO NO DEPOSIT BONUS-Valid till end Thursday14th July 2011



    To all new registered players, we would like to thank you for your support. We do need to stress the importance of making the 1st minimum deposit, and clearing your Bonus winnings.


    1st deposit is required for the following reasons, and is a legal requirement.

    Credit Card Verification: We need to know that you are in fact the credit card holder, and where to pay the winnings to

    With a valid credit card we know that you are of legal age to use the software


    Personal Verification

    Identity Document: Should be the same as the name on the card used for deposit

    Should be the same as the Personal ID used in registration process.


    Once the following has been verified, and first deposit has been made, you would need to rake 1 cash hand for every bonus Euro held to clear the funds. We can under no circumstances bend the rules for non-compliance. Rules are there to ensure fair game play for all.




    Bonus terms and conditions can be viewed on our site under Promotions Tab at the following address:


    We wish you the best of Luck at the tables




    Smoking Aces Support Team


    You have received this e-mail as you are a registered player at Smoking Aces Poker.


    Dar dvi dienas dalins ta 15E no deposit bonusa naujiems zaidejams.



  4. Pas mane nepasijungia Cake poker, is pradziu rasant parase kad netinka framework, bet parsisiunciau du kartus, vistiek nepadejo, parsisiunciau du kartus pokerio clinet irgi du kartus, taip pat nepadejo. Pokeris pasijungia, pats langas ir automatiskai issijungia per 1-2 sekundes. Gal kas buvot susidures su sia problema?


    P.S. dingo LT kalba

    Istrink sia parsiusta 2.0 versija ir ysirasyk 1.0 ;) is cia beto senesne versija isvis beveik nelagina ir daug patogesnis lobby isdestymas, bent jau man :)

  5. Keli laiskai, kuriuos gavo zmones is supporto, cia is rusu forumo:


    "The ones that have accumulated cash still need to make 1st deposit so that I know where to pay the withdrawal to. I will also need scan copies of the front of the card and identity document or passport so that I can ensure that it is all the same. Once I have received all documents, and I only require them once, they can withdraw at any time. They should have money within a few hours of verification


    here is a letter from them'''



    '"Players must make a minimum deposit of 15 Euro's to withdraw. If they have

    won money from bonus money issued, all they need to do is play cash tables,

    and rake a cash hand per Euro held to clear. ""



    "'It's very simple.

    There are two variants of the deposit - credit card and MoneBookers. In the first case, a minimum deposit of 15 euros in the second 25. After making a deposit and send the documents (passport scan) you can withdraw the entire amount, except for a bonus 15 euro.""



    Tipo 5 zmones jau yr issiieme is sio roomo, pasak ano forumo, bet kolkas nei vienas nera ydejes, yrodymams, screenshot'u, kad tai tikrai patvirtintu.



  6. Kokios sąlygos norint nusiimt?


    Yra standartine, "nerasyta", taisykle visiems no deposit bonusams beveik visuose poker room'uose. Padarai depozita, ir gali issiimti viska, ka esi issiloses virs duoto no deposit bonuso, nerenkant jokiu tasku. Nes taskus reikia surinkt tik tam, jog galetum issiimti paty bonusa. Tarkim mums duoda 10$ is kuriu issilosiam iki 200$, tuomet padarom depozita 5$, 10$, 15$ ar 20$ (priklausomai nuo minimumo, kuri leidzia kambarys) ir galim issiimti viska, paliekant saskaitoj 10$. Juos issiimti galime tik surinkus reikiamus taskus. O siaip, siame, CakePoker kamabryje, kad issiimti tuos 10$, taigi visiems paraso y e-meila, kai gaunat juos, ka reik daryt.. 'All you have to do is earn 1,000 Frequent Player Points or make a real money deposit at any time and you can increase your stake level and your entire cash balance is yours to keep.'

  7. Bonusas gautas, dekui.

    Ar yra kazkoks laiko limitas per kiek dienu reikia isgryninti bonusa?


    Nera lyg ir, nes neraso. Su gautais 10$ galima zaist pasirinktinai pokeri arba jei nori galima ir y kazino kazkiek tai persivest, duoda 1taska uz 1$ pastatyta, nesvarbu ar tai zaisi prie pokerio stalo ir sustumsi all-in 4$, gausi 4taskus, ar zaisi kazino blackjack'e ir statysi 2$ - gausi 2taskus.

  8. jus geriau paaiskinkit del ko man net clientas pokerio nepasileidzia? Spaudziu I Agree ir nieko nedaro, galiu taip visa diena. wtf? kaip ta poker clienta paleist? webe pasijungiau tai raso kad 15euru turiu, bet kad neina cliento pasileisti, viska susinstalinau ir krc... kaip ji zaist ######? pirma kart man taip. nenaujokas gi esu.

    Gal nesuinstaliaves esi naujausios "Adobe AIR"? Puslapio pradzioj gi parasyta instrukcijos visos ka daryti, ten po apacia, po PLAY NOW mygtuko. 'At first install Adobe AIR. Then download and install our client, version: 3.0.14.'

  9. man ir nerodo nekarta buvau alline po 10$ ir daugiau ir nei 1 pointo nepridejo :D

    Tik kas diena atnaujina tuos taskus. Greiciausiai tasku rinkt gali (maziau rizikuodamas), kai esi tarkim SB ir visi nusimeta iki taves, o BB sedi koks shortStackas su 20cnt, tuomet stumi Ax, any pair, ir siaip geresnes kortas, tuomet jei sustumi 10$ iskart gauni 10tasku. Vakar biski pazaides tokiu budu NL4 limite per 4stalus apie 15min, siandian ziuriu jau 78taskai :) o cashouta, kad leistu daryt, raso, jog reikia 500tasku surinkt.

  10. Einam y uzsiregistruojam yvesdami y langeli Promo code: "POKER FISH" (be kabuciu ir su tarpu). Poto, kai jau uzsiregistravom, galime parsisiuti ju pokerio kambari. Bonusa turetu pervesti mazdaug iki 1h, man pervede per ~5min. Cashout'ui reikia €50 rake padaryt. Si akcija gali greit baigtis, tad skubekit ;)


    P.S registracijoje yra ten toks langelis PERSONAL ID: , tai nezinau ka reikia vesti ten, bet vienam forume maciau, jog zmones veda tiesiog savo paso korteles nr, pats irgi tai vedziau, praejo, nors turbut beleka ten galima vesti, nes veliau vistiek galima redaguoti per nustatymus, bet del visa pikto.




    Beto, 1 FreeRollo bilieto verte 2.25€ , nes tokia ypirka y turnyrus, be bilieto, tad gaunasi vien is bilietu dar + 22.5€ ;)

  11. Registruojames y parsisiunte is ju poker kambario programa. Programoje, poto kai uzsiregistruojame, spaudziam 'EZpay' mygtuka ir aktyvuojame savo saskaita. 10$ gausite y pagrindine saskaita, todel norint juos persivesti y pokerio kambari, reikes atsidaryti pokerio kambari 'real money' rezimu ir joje paspausti 'Cashier' apacioje desineje bus, prie pinigu balanso.Ten galesite persivesti pinigus is pagr. saskaitos y pokeri, arba is jo, kai noresite daryti cashout'a. Cashout'ui reikia surinkti 500 tasku. 1 taskas duodamas kai yra betinamas 1$ . Pvz, zaidziam NL4, esam velyvoje pozicijoje ir sugalvojame vogti blaindus sustume all-in (4$) , visi nusimeta, o mes gaunam nuvogtus blaindus (0.06$) ir 4 taskus, uz tai jog betinome 4$.


    Apie sia akcija





    Iskart sakau, jog zmoniu cia nedaug ( apie 40-80), bet zaist galima.



  12. Sveiki, noreciau, kad pakomentuotumete kaip buvo suzaistas sis handas. Zaidimas cash (NL2):


    Table Table 201166 (No DP) (Real Money)

    Seat 4 is the button

    Total number of players : 8/9

    Seat 2: Bzeskas ( $2 USD )

    Seat 5: G_teknic123 ( $2.34 USD )

    Seat 3: Lucass4 ( $0.92 USD )

    Seat 7: Schusselei ( $2.85 USD )

    Seat 1: blackriver96 ( $2.12 USD )

    Seat 9: knpr21 ( $0.60 USD )

    Seat 6: kristipo ( $2.44 USD )

    Seat 4: yhcuaCdnamA ( $2.16 USD )

    G_teknic123 posts small blind [$0.01 USD].

    kristipo posts big blind [$0.02 USD].

    ** Dealing down cards **

    Dealt to Bzeskas [ Qc Ac ]

    Schusselei raises [$0.06 USD]

    blackriver96 folds

    Bzeskas calls [$0.06 USD]

    Lucass4 folds

    yhcuaCdnamA folds

    G_teknic123 folds

    WoWAddicted has joined the table.

    kristipo folds

    ** Dealing Flop ** [ 3c, Kc, 7h ]

    Schusselei checks

    Bzeskas bets [$0.08 USD]

    Schusselei raises [$0.16 USD]

    Bzeskas calls [$0.08 USD]

    ** Dealing Turn ** [ 2s ]

    Schusselei checks

    Bzeskas checks

    ** Dealing River ** [ Ah ]

    Schusselei bets [$0.22 USD]

    Bzeskas raises [$0.55 USD]

    Schusselei raises [$0.66 USD]

    Bzeskas is all-In [$1.23 USD]

    Schusselei calls [$0.90 USD]


    River: call jo pirmaji beta. Bet, kadangi sumastem jy minreizinti ir gavome varzovo pakartotiny minreiza, tai callinam ir viskas, nera prasmes stumti all-in, nes nelabai cia yra blogesniu ranku, kurios callins mus, tik geresnes.




  13. Pozicijos:


    Žalia - Late position

    Mėlyna - Middle position

    Raudona - Early position


    Va, tie man patinka, kurie rodo Blindu zaidima kaip Early Position, o nea tai kaip PokerStrategy ar kiti, kurie skaito Blindus kaip Late pozicija ir siulo zaisti Loose Agressive, nors ir esi durniausiose pozicijose.




  14. Dekui, gaila, kad hotfile visi failai istrinti del copyright.

    O ten reikia visus failus atsisiusti, kad galeciau juos isskleisti? :/


    Kad butu lengviau orientuotis kokia dali siustis pagal video, cia yra listas (*nepilnas) ju: Pavyzdziui HokieGreg'o (man labiausiai patinkantis instruktorius) jo video yra tarp 9 - 13 .rar daliu.



    2 Tabling $200-300 HU SNGs.flv 84.5 MB

    2 Tabling $220 HU SNGs.mp4 36.4 MB

    2 Tabling $33 HU SNGs.flv 109.8 MB

    2 Tabling $55 HU SNGs.flv 63.3 MB

    2 Tabling High Buyin Heads Up SNGs.flv 77.7 MB

    2 Tabling High Buyin Heads Up SNGs.mp4 69 MB

    4 Tabling $22 HU SNGs.mp4 95.8 MB

    4 Tabling Stars $115 HU SNGs.flv 96 MB Cog Dissonance Deep Stack Series Video 1 - $5.25 Level.wmv 42.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Deep Stack Series Video 2 - $21 and $31.50 Levels.wmv 39.8 MB

    Cog Dissonance Deep Stack Series Video 3 - $105 Level.wmv 30.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Super Turbo Series Part 1 - Starting Out.wmv 39.8 MB

    Cog Dissonance Super Turbo Series Part 2 - $5 and $10 Levels.wmv 36.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Super Turbo Series Part 3 - $20 and $35 levels.wmv 50.4 MB

    Cog Dissonance Super Turbo Series Part 4 - $50 and $100 Levels.wmv 40.9 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 1 - Playing a Semi Aggressive Bluffer.wmv 32 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 10 - Small Balling Against a Small Baller.wmv 20.6 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 11 - Against A 9% Winner.wmv 28.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 12 - Bluff Catching.wmv 24.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 13 - Live Play.wmv 39.2 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 14 - Playing Two Bluffers.wmv 21.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 15_wcoop.wmv 40 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 16_wcoop2.wmv 19.4 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 17 - Heads Up Fundamentals - Tight.wmv 26.4 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 18_wcoop3.wmv 21.7 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 19_wcoop4part2.wmv 18.7 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 2 - Facing a Tough Min Bettor.wmv 27.6 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 20 - Overcoming a Large Deficit.wmv 19.2 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 21_chemztry.wmv 17.1 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 22 - $105 Regular Speed on Full Tilt.wmv 19.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 23_compton.wmv 22.2 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 24 - $105 Against a Tricky Opponent.wmv 24.3 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 25 - Dealing With Negative Variance.wmv 22 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 26_105210regs.wmv 26 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 27 - Playing Tight Aggressive Opponent.wmv 22.7 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 28 - $105 vs Agreus.wmv 29.2 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 29 - Vs Rocky2810.wmv 17.4 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 3 - $105 Against a Tight Winner.wmv 19 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 30 - Playing a Poor Tight Aggressive Opponent.wmv 24 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 31 - Four $21 Games on Ipoker.wmv 44.4 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 35 - Vs PokerBot102.wmv 19.8 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 36 - Two Winners at $105.wmv 26.8 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 37 - Playing a Sharkscope Star $105 Regular.wmv 25.7 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 38 - Playing Fydor_8.wmv 19.9 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 39 - $11.50 Full Tilt Turbo Speed.wmv 31.9 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 4 - Adapting Aggressively to an Opponent.mp4 41 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 40 - Super Turbos.wmv 22.8 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 41 - Postflop Play.wmv 17.7 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 42 - $23 Turbos.wmv 38.2 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 43 - $10.50s.wmv 51.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 44 - The Importance of Focus.wmv 11.3 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 5 - Playing a Hybrid Opponent.wmv 17.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 6 - Playing a Pot Stabber.wmv 16.7 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 7 - Playing a Calling Station.wmv 25.5 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 8 - Playing Passive Opponents.wmv 26.4 MB

    Cog Dissonance Video 9 - Playing a Good Opponent.wmv 25.5 MB

    CroixDawg Video 01.wmv 78 MB

    CroixDawg Video 02.wmv 90 MB

    CroixDawg Video 04_wedlowprickly35min.wmv 61.2 MB

    CroixDawg Video 05_part1.wmv 63 MB

    CroixDawg Video 06_part2.wmv 41.7 MB

    CroixDawg Video 09.wmv 67.5 MB

    CroixDawg Video 10 - $57.50 Turbos.wmv 49.6 MB

    CroixDawg Video 11.wmv 90 MB

    Croixdawg Video 13 - Medium Stakes On Stars.wmv 86 MB

    CroixDawg Video 14.wmv 102.7 MB

    CroixDawg Video 14_new.wmv 56.8 MB

    CroixDawg Video 15.wmv 59.5 MB

    CroixDawg Video 17.wmv 55.9 MB

    Croixdawg Video 18 - Four $34.50 Turbos.wmv 59.5 MB

    CroixDawg Video 19.wmv 60.3 MB

    CroixDawg Video 20.wmv 49.7 MB

    CroixDawg Video 8_game1.wmv 3.4 MB

    CroixDawg Video 8_game2.wmv 18.1 MB

    CroixDawg Video 8_game3.wmv 47 MB

    Deep Stack - Part 1 - An Introduction to Deep Stack Heads Up SNGs by Barewire.wmv 29 MB

    Deep Stack - Part 2 - $105 Level Deep Stack Match by Barewire.wmv 43.1 MB

    Full Tilt $22 & $33 HU SNGs.flv 86.5 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder - Self Review.wmv 41.1 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 1-01-10.wmv 40.6 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 1-11-10.wmv 37.3 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 1-15-10.wmv 31.9 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 10-16-10.wmv 39 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 10-25-10.wmv 55.7 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 5-31-10.wmv 41.9 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 6-12-10.wmv 31.6 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 6-23-10.wmv 59.2 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 7-03-10.wmv 88.7 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 7-11-10.wmv 55.1 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 7-19-10.wmv 48 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 7-22-10.wmv 50.2 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 8-02-10.wmv 52.7 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 8-10-10.wmv 47.8 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 8-25-10.wmv 67.2 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 9-03-10.wmv 49.7 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 9-11-10.wmv 52.9 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 9-15-10.wmv 46 MB

    Fydor_8 Leakfinder 9-19-10.wmv 46.1 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 01 - $216 Heads Up Shootout.wmv 43.1 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 02 - Mid Stakes vs Winning Players.wmv 25.1 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 03 - Playing Two Winners in $57.50 Turbos.wmv 20.5 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 04 - $1.10 Turbo.wmv 22.4 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 05 - Leakfinder.wmv 28.6 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 06 - Another Leakfinder.wmv 30.3 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 07 - $34.50 and $57.50.wmv 30.9 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 08 - $34.50 Turbo on Full TIlt.wmv 29 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 09 - Playing an Aggressive Opponent.wmv 46.8 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 10 - Two 33$ Turbos And A 55$ Turbo on FTP.wmv 49 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 10 - Vs Raul Oliveira.wmv 40.9 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 11 - End Game Video.wmv 27.2 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 12 - Member Review.wmv 60.7 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 13 - Student Review Video.wmv 45.1 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 14 - Student Darren Video Review.wmv 44.2 MB

    Fydor_8 Video 15 - Playing Cog Dissonance.wmv 63 MB

    Guest Video - Jason Kiddo Reviews a Match at the $105 Level on PokerStars.wmv 42.7 MB

    Guest Video 03 - Cog Dissonance 1 - Two Matches Versus an Aggressive Opponent.wmv 26.4 MB

    Guest Video 04_frankthomas8trial.mp4 35.7 MB

    Guest Video 05 - Fydor_8 Plays $230s on Full Tilt.wmv 30.4 MB

    Guest Video 06_frankthomas2.wmv 81.3 MB

    Guest Video 07 - Fydor_8 End Game.wmv 27.3 MB

    Guest Video 08 - Brilliant27 Part 1 of 2.wmv 24.3 MB

    Guest Video 09 - Brilliant27 Part 2 of 2.wmv 26.7 MB

    Guest Video 10 - Fydor_8 Low Stakes.wmv 27.9 MB

    Guest Video 11 - FrankThomas8 in the $57.50s.wmv 20.9 MB

    Guest Video 12_bigsaje.wmv 59.3 MB

    Guest Video 13_bigsajepart2.wmv 59.7 MB

    HokieGreg Video 01 - $34.50 Turbo Speed.wmv 61 MB

    HokieGreg Video 03 - $57.50 Turbos on PokerStars.wmv 63.3 MB

    HokieGreg Video 04 - Two Tabling $11.50 Turbo on PokerStars.wmv 48.5 MB

    HokieGreg Video 06 - Two Tabling $55s $110s $220s.wmv 38.5 MB

    HokieGreg Video 08 - Student Review Part 1 of 2.wmv 42.7 MB

    HokieGreg Video 09 - Student Review Part 2 of 2.wmv 40.9 MB

    HokieGreg Video 10 - Two Tabling $57.50.wmv 63.4 MB

    HokieGreg Video 11 - $57.50 Student Review.wmv 30.3 MB

    HUSNG - Video 01.wmv 56.4 MB

    HUSNG - Video 02.wmv 30.6 MB

    ITRIED2WARNU Video 2 - Three Matches vs Member.wmv 44.6 MB

    ITRIED2WARNU Video 24 - Hole Card Blocker.wmv 24.4 MB

    ITRIED2WARNU Video 26 - Member Leakfinder.wmv 40.3 MB

    ITRIED2WARNU Video 7 - $31.50 Regular Speed on Full Tilt.wmv 16 MB

    ITRIED2WARNU Video 8 - $52.50 on Full Tilt.wmv 24.9 MB

    Learning to Multi Table HU SNGs Part 1.flv 92.7 MB

    Mersenneary Video 8 - End Game Review.wmv 41.6 MB

    postflop2.wmv 17.7 MB

    PrimordialAA 25 50 blind play 2.wmv 55.8 MB

    PrimordialAA 25 50 blind play.wmv 35.6 MB

    PrimordialAA advanced concepts 1.wmv 28.9 MB

    PrimordialAA advanced concepts 2.wmv 60.3 MB

    PrimordialAA beginner concepts 1.wmv 32.6 MB

    PrimordialAA beginner concepts 2.wmv 29 MB

    PrimordialAA intermediate concepts 2.wmv 36.4 MB

    PrimordialAA intermediate concepts.wmv 27.2 MB

    PrimordialAA leakfinder 2.wmv 50.8 MB

    PrimordialAA leakfinder.wmv 28.7 MB

    PrimordialAA playing regs.wmv 83 MB

    PrimordialAA reinforcing fundamentals.wmv 79.7 MB

    PrimordialAA_archive01_husngfromscratchpart1of2.wmv 32.6 MB

    PrimordialAA_archive02_husngfromscratchpart2of2.wmv 29 MB

    PrimordialAA_vid13_lowstakescake.wmv 32.5 MB

    PrimordialAA_vid15_vsstudent.wmv 50.9 MB

    PrimordialAA_vid16_studentreview.wmv 83.1 MB

    PrimordialAA_vid19_33s.wmv 45 MB

    rypac_09_endgameintro.wmv 24.5 MB

    rypac_10_hiddenholecards.wmv 60.1 MB

    rypac_13_speedballgame.wmv 44.6 MB

    rypac_16_5dollarregs.wmv 18.9 MB

    rypac_bodog_03.wmv 11.7 MB

    rypac_lowstakesvstation_1.wmv 32.2 MB

    rypac_vid17_regspeedpart2.wmv 42.1 MB

    rypac_video15_tightplayers.wmv 15.5 MB

    Skates - $11.50s.wmv 29.3 MB

    Skates - $23 Turbos on PokerStars Part 1.wmv 36.4 MB

    Skates - $23 Turbos on PokerStars Part 2.wmv 32.1 MB

    Skates - $57.50s on PokerStars Part 1.wmv 26.9 MB

    Skates - $57.50s on PokerStars Part 2.wmv 33.2 MB

    Skates - Board Texture Part One.wmv 29.4 MB

    Skates - Board Texture Part Two.wmv 27.1 MB

    Skates - PS, I'm Playing Microstakes - 7.2 MB

    Skates - PS, I'm Playing Microstakes - 14 MB

    Skates - PS, I'm Playing Microstakes - 39.8 MB

    Skates - PS, I'm Playing Microstakes - 47.5 MB

    Skates - PS, I'm Playing Mid-Stakes - 39 MB

    Skates - PS, I'm Playing Mid-Stakes - 48.3 MB

    Skates - PS, I'm Playing Mid-Stakes - 121.3 MB

    Skates - Video Review of BigSaje Part 1.wmv 21.5 MB

    Skates - Video Review of BigSaje Part 2.wmv 23.3 MB

    Skates - Video Review of rongwrong.wmv 15.8 MB

    Skates - Video Review.wmv 43.5 MB

    Skates Video 02 - Playing The $11.50 Games, 78.7 MB

    Skates Video 03 - Playing The $23 51 MB

    Skates Video 04 - Playing The $23 Games, 58.1 MB

    Skates Video 05 - Playing the $34.50 62.2 MB

    Skates Video 06 - Playing the $34.50 Games, 56.1 MB

    Skates Video 07 - Playing The $57.50 29.8 MB

    Skates Video 08 - Playing The $57.50 Games, 34.2 MB

    xSCWx Video 03_520and230.wmv 29.4 MB

    xSCWx Video 04_some220s.wmv 41 MB

    xSCWx Video 05_115and230.wmv 43.6 MB

    xSCWx Video 15 - Four $34.50s against three randoms and a HUSNG member.wmv 23.6 MB

    xSCWx Video 17_nocommentary220s.wmv 39.6 MB

    xSCWx Video 18 - Two $34.50s on PokerStars.wmv 37.6 MB

    xSCWx Video 19 - Games against Rabbit (HUSNG member).wmv 65.8 MB

    xSCWx Video 20vsicountonluck.wmv 70 MB

    xSCWx Video 21single500andtwo220s.wmv 31.8 MB

    xSCWx Video 22 - Two $34.50s on Stars.wmv 34.7 MB

    xSCWx Video 23feint1k.wmv 19.6 MB

    xSCWx Video 24two570sandone1130.wmv 18.5 MB

    xSCWx Video 25 - $11.50 on Stars.wmv 28.5 MB

    xSCWx Video 26_5750sPLO.wmv 29 MB

    xSCWx Video 27_two1130sonstars.wmv 38.2 MB

    xSCWx Video 28_three345sonstars.wmv 57.5 MB

    xSCWx Video 29fourtablinggetmoneyobv.wmv 196.8 MB

    xSCWx Video 30_two500s.wmv 30.8 MB

    xSCWx Video 31_1100svsnadel.wmv 27.7 MB

    xSCWx Video 35 - Two $34.50s against Ooh A Donut! (Ooh A Donut!'s Perspective).wmv 28.6 MB

    xSCWx Video 35 - Two $34.50s against Ooh A Donut!.wmv 34.6 MB

  15. Kurpe, nespejau paimti :/ gal kas turit is naujo permesti?






































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