Pereiti prie turinio

Prašau įvertinti ir pakritikuoti mano rašinį.

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Sveiki, noreciau kad paskaitytumet mano pasaka(ji nera mano originialiai sugalvota, tiesiog zinojau ja Lietuviskai, tai isverciau i anglu kalba. Noreciau, kad pasakytumet kur dariau klaidu, kur, ka ir kodel neteisingai pavartojau. Zinoma, jei jus tik ismanot anglu kalba gerai ir turit laiko.


I work taxi driver. My boss asked me if I want to earn more money in next three days to work on the night-shift and I took an offer. At the end of first day, one beautiful lady asked me to drive her to the old graveyard. After few minutes of waiting she came back with a red face, but it was dark and I couldn‘t distinguish what was on her‘s face. I brought that strange lady back to her home. On the following day I met her again. She directed to drive to that place one more time and ordered not to ask any questions. Once again she came back with red face, but this time with bad smell also, like a rooten meat. I felt kind of scared, but job is job. You always have to be prepared, because this world is big and here are plenty of freakish peoples. Finally! the last day of this tiring night time job decline to the end of the day. You are not gonna belive me, but that lady…I think.. founded me. I took along her that creepy place for the last time. I have waited for her about an hour, but seems she didn’t wanted to come back. I became irritated because of this unnecessary time killing. I encouraged myself to go to that spooky graveyard. Then I saw that girl. She was in grave hole and were doing something with dead bodies. I was shocked and with full pants of fear I shouted at hear: - What are you doing? Who are you? A vampire? And she answered with creepy voice : yaaahh!!!!! I fell on the ground and started to shake of fear. After few seconds she got out from that hole and was ready to eat me, but suddenly my blood overflow with adrenaline and I rushed to car as fast as wind. I haven’t slept all that night. Whenever I remember that dark starry night, I still shiver.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sveiki, noreciau kad paskaitytumet mano pasaka(ji nera mano originialiai sugalvota, tiesiog zinojau ja Lietuviskai, tai isverciau i anglu kalba. Noreciau, kad pasakytumet kur dariau klaidu, kur, ka ir kodel neteisingai pavartojau. Zinoma, jei jus tik ismanot anglu kalba gerai ir turit laiko.


I work taxi driver. My boss asked me if I want to earn more money in next three days to work on the night-shift and I took an offer. At the end of first day, one beautiful lady asked me to drive her to the old graveyard. After few minutes of waiting she came back with a red face, but it was dark and I couldn‘t distinguish what was on her‘s face. I brought that strange lady back to her home. On the following day I met her again. She directed to drive to that place one more time and ordered not to ask any questions. Once again she came back with red face, but this time with bad smell also, like a rooten meat. I felt kind of scared, but job is job. You always have to be prepared, because this world is big and here are plenty of freakish peoples. Finally! the last day of this tiring night time job decline to the end of the day. You are not gonna belive me, but that lady…I think.. founded me. I took along her that creepy place for the last time. I have waited for her about an hour, but seems she didn’t wanted to come back. I became irritated because of this unnecessary time killing. I encouraged myself to go to that spooky graveyard. Then I saw that girl. She was in grave hole and were doing something with dead bodies. I was shocked and with full pants of fear I shouted at hear: - What are you doing? Who are you? A vampire? And she answered with creepy voice : yaaahh!!!!! I fell on the ground and started to shake of fear. After few seconds she got out from that hole and was ready to eat me, but suddenly my blood overflow with adrenaline and I rushed to car as fast as wind. I haven’t slept all that night. Whenever I remember that dark starry night, I still shiver.

Kažkaip smagiai skaitosi :) Nieko toks :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

yra gramatiniu klaidu (paskaites karta ar du pamatysi visas). Visas tekstas is esmes yra neteisingas.


Labai primityviai parasytas mazdaug ''As moketi. As joti. As begti. As atsiminti. Teksto Pabaiga.'' I kur cia tau reik sito rasinelio? Nuo to priklausys ar sueis ar reik viska keist :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

man reikia anglu pamokai. Mokytoja dave toki sakini. Whenever I remember that dark starry night, I still shiver. Ir kazka is sito ismastyti ir parasyti kazka.


o dar ziurekit, tas kur parasiau "full pants of fear" cia lietuviskai yra toks pasakymas, bet labiau siaip, kai sneki, o ne tokiuose tekstuose. Gal zinot kaip galeciau pakeisti ta issireiskima?

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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