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Kerštas ebay pardavėjui apgavikui

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Pirkau papuošalų už pora šimtų eurų(prekės 130,siuntimas 70) iš UK registruoto pardavėjo,tačiau paaiškėjo siunta man išsiusta iš UAE.Siunta buvo sulaikyta muitinėje,nesupratau kaip suskaičiavo,bet liepė mokėti papildomai 230 eurų mokesčių.Nesutikau nelogiška ir per brangu.Pradėjau ilgai rašynėtis su pardavėju kaip spresime iškilusią problemą,jis susižinojo siunta atgal priimti jam kainuos virš 100e ir sako mestis per pusę,tada jis ją siunčia į UK ir iš UK man.Viskas pasibaigė taip,kad siunta iškeliavo pas jį atgal,nežinau ar apskirtai jis ją atsiemė ir dabar mane ignoruoja,nebeatrašo į žinutes.Nei paypal,nei ebay padėti negali,praėjo visas draudimo laikas,kai galima susigražinti pinigus.Esu apgauta - nei siuntinio,nei pinigų,sugadinti nervai ir net negaliu palikti jam neigiamo atsiliepimo,o sandorius ebay jis vykdo toliau.Ką patarsite daryti,kaip pamokyti apgaviką arba priversti gražinti pinigus?


nepadėjo ir ebay raginimas gražinti tai ką mokėjau


How are you today?


Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Service about the tiems you haven't received yet. My name is Ruby, don't worry, I will be glad to check it for you and provide you the information you need.


First off, let me say thank you for sending the screenshots over!


To resolve this problem as quickly as possible, I sent an email to the seller today to instruct them to issue a refund. I trust that the email we sent them will help resolve your problem. We've sent an email to the seller today, hopefully, they will contact you back with a solution in less than 48 hours.


I also want you to know that eBay offers Money Back Guarantee for items that are not received, however, this requires you to open a request within the allowed timeframe. 30 days after the estimated delivery date is the maximum amount of time allowed to open a case under eBay Buyer Protection. Because it is past the filing deadline to be covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee, we aren’t able to directly assist with a refund for this purchase because we no longer have access to the funds that you paid to the seller due to how old the transaction has been. This is why we've instructed the seller to issue a refund since they have access to these funds in their PayPal account. Don't worry, I've sent instructions to the seller to help them perform a refund from their PayPal account.


I know how disheartening it can be to find that your protection expired before you had the chance to use it. Trust me, I wish a request had been opened in time so we could have enforce a refund from the seller's PayPal account. Not receiving your item or receiving an item that is not as described is not the type of experience we’d like you to have while buying on eBay. We always recommend opening a case shortly after the estimated delivery date if you received an item that is not as described in the listing, regardless of what the seller has said about the shipping timelines or promises that they’ve made. This way, you can always remain protected by eBay. When you have some time, I would like to encourage you to review the following eBay Help Page, as it explains these timeframes in clear detail. With this information, I'm confident that you'll be well-equipped to make the most of our buyer protection programs should you need them in the future!


eBay Money Back Guarantee Process: Please read.


Problems are rare on eBay, and comprise less than 1% of the millions of transactions on our site every day. It can be discouraging. We work hard to keep eBay safe for our members, and it's frustrating for me as well when we aren't informed in time to intervene. But we do have certain guidelines in place to protect all our members, and these issues must be handled in a timely manner.


Even though we aren’t able to enforce a refund for this item, I’m very glad that I’ve been able to contact the seller to help resolve the problem. We genuinely want all your experiences on eBay to be positive, and if there was more we could do, I would absolutely do it for you.


I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you, Sofija, for choosing eBay! We value your business. Please do try to have a nice day. Take care.





Ruby A.

eBay Customer Service

Redagavo sofia
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Nei paypal,nei ebay padėti negali,praėjo visas draudimo laikas,kai galima susigražinti pinigus.

Viskas, šaukštai po pietų, žiūrint iš taisyklių pusės :)

Pardavėjas gudrus, matyt specialiai vilkino laiką. Kitam kartui lieka tik patarimas nebūt žioplelei :) reikėjo kelt ebay skundą iškart kai sužinojai jog prekės sustojo muitinėje

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

nieko nepadarysi. Jei ebay atsisako padeti tai tu jo niekaip neiskrapstysi. O kiek to laiko praejo kad nei vienas padeti negali?

Paypalas priklauso ebejui. Bet ten dirba kaip atskira kontora. o jie idomus. Vienu metu grazina pinigus kitu ne.

Turejau du atvejus kaip prasiau grazinti pinigus tai viena kart grazino be problemu kita kart pasakiau kad pardavejas dingo, atrase kad pardavejais jiems neatsako ir jie negali man padeti. Idomus tokie...

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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