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Dauguma sedi Stackthatmoney arba Affplaybook forumuose. Ten rasi tikrai vertingos informacijos, ir kas svarbiausia, ten labai draugiska aplinka ne taip kaip kituose nemokamuose forumuose, ten net didieji IM banginiai atsakineja i naujoku klausimus ir padeda jiems. Tik sie forumai tikrai nera pigus. 99$/men

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pats turi naryste ten? papasakok daugiau ka ten galima rasti :) na placiau apie pati foruma, jei turi naryste. Ar cia nebus tik norejimas pasipinigauti forumo kureju ir nieko ten naudingo nera? ar daug temu per diena sukuriama?

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Pats narystes ten neturiu, per brangu man. bet turejau galimybe ten patekti, kad apsiziureti, todel galiu pasakyti, kad ten yra tikrai nemazai vertingos informacijos ir kas svarbiausiai, ten dauguma metodu yra tikrai veikiantys. Pagrinde ten dominuoja temos apie PPC/PPV, CPA, Adult. O, kad geriau susidaryti nuomone, stai vienas tutorial'as is to forumo:


A Simpler Approach to Your First 1k/day and Beyond


Hey all,


So it's been quite a while. I remember when I first joined this forum, I'd look through follow alongs, and my eyes would glaze over seeing people making 1-2 thousand per day net on facebook. And here I was with $30 stuck to my whiteboard - that was my goal at the time for net profit/day I wanted to average over a month. With my sights set so low, I struggled for a long time. If you've similarly been having trouble getting traction, then this method is going to be for you. I used it to go from making basically nothing to 1k/day+ revenue in a month's time at decent roi. There may be a faster or more profitable method to get there, but I doubt it's as simple as this.


There are no offers to select, no ads to create, no landing pages to setup, and no server required. More importantly there are no more excuses for not taking action! Right!?


Can you guess what it is? Well I'll give you a hint, in the form of a riddle:


Most networks will have me.

Most affiliates will see me,

Most visitors never will.


My hope is that this method will help make you think outside the box, get some fire going in your belly, and set your sights higher if you're starting out. But first, I thought I'd give a little update since the last time I checked in here, and hopefully there's some value added there too.


Things really started moving for me last year, in large part thanks for this forum. Not necessarily due to any particular guide, but just by virtue of being a little active in posting and trying to get things going, I ended up connecting with a few people on here through skype, and got a business partner out of it. You have no idea how much that helped kickstart things. When you've been going it alone for so long and not making much happen, being held accountable to another person makes you realize how inefficient and undriven you really are. Prior to that I just cruising through campaigns, networks, and traffic sources, with no real direction or focus and making peanuts or worse. All for longer than I care to admit.


We ended up pursuing adult (small fail), to making our own email submit offer (timewasting fail, also hello fraudulent leads!), and finally months later ending up at facebook and cloaking (huge win). That's when things finally took off in a big way. However... not long after I decided to leave that partnership. Going from making facebook diet money back to making next to nothing was pretty disheartening, but what was even worse was that I starting as a newbie all over again. Yes I could have continued to pursue cloaking on facebook, but for the amount of work, and stress over it, I figured I could make the same or greater amount of money doing something else and enjoy it more. I was also burnt out by the whole process and grind and wanted to do something new. It was around that time I stumbled upon this post: that set off a few lightbulbs and made me rethink my whole approach. So here it is:


The Pure CPA Arbitrage Method



Step 1 - Monetization


If you've ever been redirected to a different offer when clicking an affiliate link because your ip is from a different country than where conversions are allowed, then you've likely been subjected to a redirect monetization service/network. Affiliate networks use them to monetize traffic that is otherwise wasted, as do some ad networks. You're always going to get a small percent of clicks that don't match the country/geo set in your campaign. For the media buyer, it's a good way to help monetize left over traffic on a site buy, where you buy all the traffic for a given site placement, but don't have similar offers available for every country in place. However for this method we're not going to be doing any of that - instead you're going to send them ALL the traffic. No hunting for offers. No setting up LPs. Just grab a link for each traffic source and you're good to go. You can sit back and they'll care of fitting the right offer to the traffic you send. If need be you can have stuff like entry/exit alerts and auto-play sound disabled.


The ones out there I know of are YTZ , , and Geomize. YTZ is the one I recommend, and oddly enough I found out about it advertised in Mundo Media's dashboard - not exactly a direct competitor but still. I had tried in the beginning, but found YTZ monetized much better for the international web traffic I was sending. One thing I noticed is that they would always have landing pages in rotation, whereas with I'd often see direct link campaigns in the mix. Plus their setup and tracking process is easier, and overall I got a better impression by their platform and communication that they really know their stuff. If you/they want a referral just mention this post. Geomize I never used, as they had a 1k minimum payout last I checked.


Things can get a little messy at times when you've got all these links and campaigns going, so communication can at times play a big part in succeeding with this method. Ideally give your AM a heads up when running new traffic so they can keep an eye on it. Launching over the weekend probably isn't the best idea, but I've done it anyway at low volumes just because I didn't want to wait to start generating data. Sometimes there may be a trending winning offer in the mix that hasn't been given full rotation yet, but if you stop the campaign test too quickly and don't say anything then you may overlook some potential winners. This is also why l like to break up links for each traffic source - especially if each source has different restrictions.



Step 2 - Traffic


Now that we've simplified one side of the equation, we need to do away with something on the traffic side of things to make this method work and help you launch as fast as possible. First things first no more text or display ad based traffic - everything should be direct to link traffic, whether that's pop-ups, pop-unders, redirects, domain traffic, ppv, or whatever else you can get your hands on. There's a ton of it out there and honestly the best way to find it is just to google search for it and look for lists on forums like this one. Here's one:

I bet most of those the average buyer has never even heard of, but there's an ocean of traffic out there that isn't covered in guides or even snooped on by spy tools. Doesn't really matter what you end up going with, but just make sure it's CHEAP. Ideally under 1-2 cents per view/redirect. Zeropark is an obvious fit, and yes I did run some traffic there in the beginning that did okay. For many ad networks you can get under a cent for non US traffic, especially with pop traffic. By the way some of the best converting traffic I've had has come from some of the worst looking interfaces and lack much in the way of targeting options. Go figure.



Step 3 - Volume


In order to hit significant numbers and approach 4 figures a day, especially if you're targeting smaller countries and/or small to mid sized sources, you're going to want to run as broadly as possible, which means RON - run of network traffic. I'd pick one source and then split up campaigns per country, and then further by web or mobile if they offered it. Typically I'd test a few new campaigns at a time with cap of like $25 each, but that's going to depend on your budget and what country you target. For larger countries it will be harder to accurately gauge if its going to work since there's so much traffic and categories/publishers/etc attached to it. Instead you could add like 10 small countries at a time and start that way. Even at low caps you should be able to tell pretty quick what has potential.


In the beginning I was pretty aggressive with launching 5-10 few campaigns each day for a few days straight, and was plenty fine hitting break even or slightly under. By the second week I had hit $500 revenue and about $550 costs, just throwing everything at the wall, and a few days later I started making profit as I continued to cut losing countries. In exactly a month's time I was able to hit my 1k revenue a goal day with it, with around $300 profit and when I optimized more I added a few hundred more per day on both sides of the equation.


Actually back then I didn't have a good approach to optimizing RON. If a country ended up being break even or slightly negative I'd just turn the whole thing off eventually. What I should have done was split up promising campaigns in half for starters with 1) a whitelist campaign with just the profitable ids/categories/whatever and then 2) a RON blacklist campaign with those profitable and unprofitable ones blocked. Or just keep the profitables ones in there and you might get a little more traffic to them depending on the source. If you still have a bunch of break even ids/categories/whatever doing decent enough volume, then you could optionally break those into a 3rd campaign with just those whitelisted and lower your bids accordingly.



Step 4 - voluum


At this point you're up likely up to several hundred thousand clicks per day. The idea of running that much traffic on your average self-hosted tracker and server should cause you to wake in cold sweats at night. They're not engineered to handle that, and you're going to run the risk of crashing things or having major slowdown and losing money. Not to mention having to constantly clear out the database and throw away data. Yuck. Thankfully it was around this same time that the cloud hosted tracker Voluum was first making waves, and I went with it. It's hard to imagine succeeding as well at this method without it. Not just because it can handle the traffic, but because it's able to setup a campaign faster than any other, and process big reports without slowing everything down. I've used every tracker at one point or another, and it really is the best overall at this point.

Tip for Tracking Costs:

Don't get caught up trying to tracking costs too accurately for every campaign by the way or you'll go nuts. Just shoot for approximate cpc/cpv and after a few days of running traffic. At this point I don't depend on my tracker to show me accurate daily totals, and instead punch in my numbers to a google docs sheet like so:

Really helps keep things in perspective with what your running average is shaping up to be.



Why this Method is Awesome and Why it�s Not the Holy Grail



  • Easy peasy. Paste links and pause countries that don�t work. Cut out a lot of busy work and excuses for not launching.
  • Fast track to 4 figure days. If you go about this smartly and are persistent about testing then I don�t see why you couldn�t hit 1k/day and beyond in a few weeks time with a good source or couple.
  • You don�t have to worry as much whether �X offer will work.� Say it�s a sweepstakes offer. If you were to pick one to run yourself chances are it wouldn�t go well. This way you know it�s working somewhere or it wouldn�t be in rotation.
  • Access to some offers that aren�t so easily tracked down.
  • Lets you test and assess new sources quickly for volume and get a first impression of traffic quality for running broad appeal offers.
  • Free iPad lol! It�s pretty easy to hit that $2500 in 60 days with this method. First �prize� I�ve actually won from a network. Felt pretty cool.
  • Lastly and most importantly, you set yourself up for bigger days by having a go to source of proven ad networks. This is the true value of this method in my opinion.



  • It�s likely that many traffic sources you try won�t work. Only a few will end up being break even or profitable on those initial country tests, but that�s just how it goes. Either the minimum bids will be too high, or the traffic quality just won�t be there, or a myriad of other reasons specific to how that source works. You could do an extended test and try and make it work, but then you almost might as well be doing things the traditional way.
  • Likely lots of campaigns making small profits and few making more. That�s frowned upon from a time management standpoint, but remember we�re also not doing things the traditional way and don�t have a lot of the usual tasks to keep us occupied. These smaller campaigns should be mostly test, optimize, and forget campaigns that need checking up on once a week. By all means though if you find a few campaigns are making the bulk of a days profit then focus on scaling those. But sometimes for smaller countries there�s not much you can do.
  • YTZ has delayed reporting and conversions of several hours, or longer every once in a while, so you�re going to have to get used to being patient. Not a bad trait to develop really.
  • You don�t have as much power to turn something from break-even to profit when you�re not in control of the landing page. This is probably the thing I dislike most and is what�s going to determine whether you stick with this method once you reach your goals or move on to something else.
  • Net 30 payments. If you can do some volume with YTZ you should be able to get faster payments, but it�s going to suck a bit that first month if you�re trying to scale fast and don�t have much cash to go around. I just used a credit card and got a limit increase and that covered me.



Wrap Up & Closing Thoughts

So hopefully you can see the beauty of simplicity in this method. This is as close to those stupid �make money online posting links on google� work from home ads that actually does work. I came up with it because I wanted an easy way to hit that 1k/day mark and get my mojo back after exiting from cloaking on facebook. Yes �revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, cash is reality� as is said, and while you may find a few breakout source-country-offer pairings with unexpectedly high ROI, overall with this method likely won�t profit as much as others. In truth it was really planned more as a stepping stone on to the next thing, and it certainly helped build confidence and a more driven mindset along the way.


So how do you get to that next level? Well there�s really only two ways to go about it. You either:


Master a traffic source




Master a vertical


Traffic is arguably more important of the two, but still those two are all it really comes down to. I wish someone had slapped me in the face and told me that when I first got started, because it didn�t truly sink it for a long time. With this method you should at come away with at least one solid traffic source, which is going to be your ticket. Where you go from there is anyone�s guess, but just keep pushing for higher and higher volumes.

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