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Wix puslapis, Wix Forms vertimas

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Translating error messages on Wix Form.


I have a Wix website translated into Lithuanian language. The problem is that error messages (like "Please fill out this field") on Wix Forms are not translated and they appear in English. I need to translate them to my custom text.


Please note that the form needs to remain "Wix form" since I am using automation with that form.


Below is the response from Wix support regarding this issue: "I understand that you're experiencing some issues regarding the addition of Lithuanian language to your Wix Form. Let me go ahead and clarify the information for you. In this case, I'm able to see that you we able to successfully change the text fields and customize in general the form. However, we're currently unable to translate the error messages that are displayed in a Wix Form. We're constantly trying to improve our products, and the Wix Form currently does not support Lithuanian language, therefore the default language to display is English."

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