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Mamos širdis


Štai ir vėl pavasaris.Gamta atgyja po šaltos žiemos.Grįžta paukščiai iš šiltųjų kraštų.Štai jau pasirodė ir pirmieji žali pumpurėliai ant medžių šakelių.

Pavasaris-tai gražiausias metų laikas.Viskas atgyja ,lyg atgimsta iš naujo.Žmonės skuba padėti atgaivinti gamtą: tvarko aplinką,sodina įvarius augalėlius,iškelia inkilėlius.Žmonės visą tai daro su dideliu malonumu. Aplinkos eina tvarkyti lyg į šventę,su dideliu džiaugsmu.Jiems patinka kvėpuoti grynu oru ,grožėtis atgyjančia gamta ir klausytis paukščiukų giesmių.Darbas jiems teikia laimę ,todėl kad gali prisidėti prie gamtos gražinimo.

Pavasarį yra švenčiama viena gražiausių pasaulyje šventė -Mamytės diena.Ši šventė taip pat pavasarį daro linksmesnį ,nuoširdesnį ir gražesnį.Tai ideali proga padėkoti Mamai už visus rūpesčius,meilę,duotą mums šilumą ,ir nustebinti savo kūrybos eilėraščiu,padovanoti su meile savo rankomis darytą dovanėlę.Ši šventė tam,kad galėtumėme parodyti ,kokia mums reikalinga mama ,kaip ją mylime,gerbiame,kokia ji svarbi mūsų gyvenime.

Man labai patinka ši šventė,nes ji labai nuoširdi,per ją galima atskleisti visus jausmus,padėką savo Mamai.Taip pat leisti pajusti Motinai,kad ji iš tiesų yra man svarbi,nors ir kiek su ja pykstamės,nesutariame.Man patinka per šią šventę nustebinti savo Mamytę,padaryti kokią malonią staigmeną,padovanoti nors menką,bet darytą su meile dovanėlę.Kokia bebūtų Mama,ji visada buvo,yra,ir bus Mama,ir jos niekas nepakeis,ji viena ir nepakartojama.

Gaila ,kad nevisi vaikai atsidėkoja Motinai už gyvybę,meilę. Jie supranta ,kokia ji reikalinga jiems, tik tada, kai jos netenka,tik tada pradeda vertinti jos pastangas,rūpestį.Nieko skaudžiau Mamytės širdelėi nėra kai jos išaugintas vaikas būna nedėkingas ir nepastebi,nevertina jos pastangų.

Nors kartais ji ką nors uždraudžia ,kur nors neišleidžia ,išbara,bet visa tai iš to didelio rūpesčio, meilės mums.Taip ji moko mus gyventi,suprasti,mylėti,būti atsakingus.

Taigi gerbkime,mylėkime Mamą,nes, kai jos neteksime, nieks mūsų nepaguos,mums nepadės,mumis nepasirūpins.

Redagavo Vycas
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Mother's heart


Here comes spring again. Nature wakes up after cold winter. Birds are coming back from warm countries. The first green plumules pop on tree branches.

Spring is the most beautiful season. Everything revives, just as being born again. People are in a hurry to help to revive the nature: clean the environment, plant various plants, hang nesting-boxes. People do all this with great pleasure. Cleaning the environment is like going to a celebration for them. People like breathing fresh air, admire reborning nature and listen to birds singing. Work brings people happiness because this way they can contribute to making the environment beautiful.

In spring people celebrate one of the most beautiful holidays - Mother's day. This holiday also makes spring more joyful, honest and pretty. It's an ideal chance to thank our Mothers for all the care, love, warmth given to us, and to suprise them with a self-created poem, to present them with a handmade gift made with love. This celebration is for us to show how much we need our Mothers, how much we love and respect them, how important they are in our lives.

I love this celebration very much because it is very hearty, it allows to show all our feelings and gratefulness to our Mothers. Also to let our Mothers feel that they are truly important, in spite of all the arguments. I like to surprise my Mammy on Mother's day, to create some lovely present, which would be a small thing but made with love. It doesn't matter what she is like, she has always been, is and will stay my Mammy and nobody will replace her. She's one and only.

It's a shame that not every child thanks their Mothers for life and love given to them. Children understand how much they need their Mothers only when they lose them. Only then they begin to appreciate their efforts and care. Nothing hurts Mother's heart more than her own child being ungrateful and not noticing, not appreciating her efforts.

Though sometimes she prohibits something, doesn't give permission to go somewhere, lectures, but all that comes only from huge care and love. This is how Mother teaches us to live, understand, love and be responsible.

So let's appreciate and love our Mothers because when we lose them, nobody will comfort us, help us or take good care of us.



PRAŠOM. Ačiū gal sulauksiu nors? Bet šiaip norėčiau žadėtų $6 į EG 932957. Čia ne šiaip žadama, jei jau žadi tai užtikrintai... Tuo labiau, kai žmogus jau darbą pradėjęs.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Mother's heart


Here comes spring again. Nature wakes up after cold winter. Birds are coming back from warm countries. The first green plumules pop on tree branches.

Spring is the most beautiful season. Everything revives, just as being born again. People are in a hurry to help to revive the nature: clean the environment, plant various plants, hang nesting-boxes. People do all this with great pleasure. Cleaning the environment is like going to a celebration for them. People like breathing fresh air, admire reborning nature and listen to birds singing. Work brings people happiness because this way they can contribute to making the environment beautiful.

In spring people celebrate one of the most beautiful holidays - Mother's day. This holiday also makes spring more joyful, honest and pretty. It's an ideal chance to thank our Mothers for all the care, love, warmth given to us, and to suprise them with a self-created poem, to present them with a handmade gift made with love. This celebration is for us to show how much we need our Mothers, how much we love and respect them, how important they are in our lives.

I love this celebration very much because it is very hearty, it allows to show all our feelings and gratefulness to our Mothers. Also to let our Mothers feel that they are truly important, in spite of all the arguments. I like to surprise my Mammy on Mother's day, to create some lovely present, which would be a small thing but made with love. It doesn't matter what she is like, she has always been, is and will stay my Mammy and nobody will replace her. She's one and only.

It's a shame that not every child thanks their Mothers for life and love given to them. Children understand how much they need their Mothers only when they lose them. Only then they begin to appreciate their efforts and care. Nothing hurts Mother's heart more than her own child being ungrateful and not noticing, not appreciating her efforts.

Though sometimes she prohibits something, doesn't give permission to go somewhere, lectures, but all that comes only from huge care and love. This is how Mother teaches us to live, understand, love and be responsible.

So let's appreciate and love our Mothers because when we lose them, nobody will comfort us, help us or take good care of us.



PRAŠOM. Ačiū gal sulauksiu nors? Bet šiaip norėčiau žadėtų $6 į EG 932957. Čia ne šiaip žadama, jei jau žadi tai užtikrintai... Tuo labiau, kai žmogus jau darbą pradėjęs.


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Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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