Pereiti prie turinio


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evitkus Pranešimai

  1. Nu tai kiek reiks mokėt tiek, o gal išvis nereiks, nebūtina kas antrą postą kartoti, su tais mokėjimais ir laukimais

    Na as tiesiog parasiau del to, kad Maciau 3 zmones, kurie rase kad jiems paskambino, ir reikia susimoketi..


    Rimtai nebeverk, uzklijuoja lipduka GIFT, ir kaina nurodo taskais. Galesi UPS'ui atsiskaitinet taskais :)

    Tai o kaip tiem zmonem kur paskambino? Vienas is svedijos kitas is kanados... Gi jiem irgi GIFTAS buvo..

  2. Vienas jau gavo ipod touch 8gb shippingo confr..


    Aw UPS called me to pay about 100 dollars ( Xbox 360) , ups called and said my portable dvd player got there

    and they want to charge me 60$ for stuff ?

    Nu neblogai, is visu praso pinigeliu..


    Ir tas kuriam skambinos is UPS ir sake kad uz XBOXA reikia sumoket, net negavo shippingo laisko :D :D :)


    This page outlines the duty fees that you will incur if your prize is shipped across borders via UPS: UPS: Rates for Customs Clearance into Canada

    Now, this site is specifically for Canada, but I imagine the costs will be similar in other countries.


    If the value of your prize ranges from:


    $0-$20.00 - No cost

    $20.01-$40.00 - $7.00

    $40.01-$100.00 - $19.45

    $101.00-$200.00 - $29.00

    $201.00-$350.00 - $42.95

    $350.01-$500.00 -$48.25

    $500.01-$750.00 - $54.85

    $750.01-$1000.00 - $61.40


    It continues to go up from there, but that should cover even the most lucrative prizes on lockerz. If you redeemed an iMac or something, then I suppose you will have to pay even more, but those are worth so much that if you bitch about duty fees, I will beat you with chains.


    I should add that in addition to these fees from UPS, you may have to pay customs fees (which in Canada, I believe, are your provincial taxes. For me that will be 14% because ###### the Liberals and their HST) as well, so that will add on to the cost.




    O mum kazin kiek bus... Turbut 200 sumokesiu :D :D

  3. man tai asmeniskai visiskai neidomus tas klausimas :D ir as netureciau laiko jeigu is viso pasaulio ateitu laiskai kodel negauna receipt kodel negauna to kada bus tas ir kada atnaujins ta ;D tik patys sau trugdot ;D


    sakau , tiesiog laukit :D cia kad pasinervinsi tai maza naudos, geriau iseit kurnors vakare gryzti patikrini ir vsio :D

    O tu dar negavai PREKES ? :) :D

  4. Va ka gavau parases jiem:


    Hi Edvinas. Just be patient. All orders are still being processed. You should

    have your shipping confirmation very soon!


    Hi Edvinas. Sorry for our delay getting back to you. You should have received

    an email this past week about your redeemed iPod Touch - let me know if nothing

    came to you. Right now your order is in the system as approved so things look

    good. Glad this redemption went smoothly for you - thank you for your

    membership at Lockerz!

  5. Krč patyliu...

    Kažkoks verksnys pasidarei jau visą savaitę čia forume vien tik tavo verkšlenimai...

    Tai bijai, kad apmokėt siuntimą reikės, tai kad neatsiunčia shipingo informacijos, tai dar ko nors bijai.

    per daug nesitikėk kad gausi, grįžk į tikrovę.

    Nu tai ###### jei nepatinka eik is cia, kokius tu ###### verkimus cia matai? Taip, bijau kad reikes apmoketi uz atsiuntima, nes jei nuo sumos skaiciuos tai daug iseis :D

  • Pasirinkite naujai kuriamo turinio tipą...