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Internet is network of computers around the world.


In 2009 were indexed about 21 billions web pages.


If you want to use the internet you need to have a computer, modem and phone line, olso you need to have access to the internet.


To surf the net you: enter a web site address, connected to the web site, download document, page appears on screen, click on links to connect the new document or web site.


You can use it to find information, read news, play games, buy something, chat with friends and etc.


In XXI century internet is one of main money earning ways. Web site programmers, designers earns a lot of money on internet.


Can you imagine a world without internet?

Redagavo Tomas M
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
The internet is a network of computers from all over the world. About 21 billion web pages were indexed in 2009. If you want to use the internet, you need to have a computer, a modem, and an internet connection. To surf the net you enter a website address, connect to it, and the page appears on your screen. Then you can click links to visit other websites. You can use the internet to find information, read news, play games, buy something, chat with friends, and so on. In the XXI century, internet is the main source of income for a lot of people. Website programmers and designers earn a lot of money online. Can you image a world without internet?
Redagavo Chaos
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
The internet is a network of computers from all over the world. About 21 billion web pages were indexed in 2009. If you want to use the internet, you need to have a computer, a modem, and an internet connection. To surf the net you (should/need to) enter a website address, connect to it, and the page appears on your screen. Then you can click links to visit other websites. You can use the internet to find information, read news, play games, buy something, chat with friends, and so on. In the XXI century, internet is the main source of income for a lot of people. Website programmers and designers earn a lot of money online. Can you image a world without internet?
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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