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Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Pateikiant mėnesinį ROI visada reiktų atkreipt nežinančių dėmesį į 10% mokestį. :) Reali mėnesinė grąža šiai akcijai - 18,87%


Stebėjau ir aš šiandien saito sulėtėjimą, kitų akcijų pigimą ir naujos akcijos tirpimą akyse :)

taip dar reiktu numinusuoti 10% ,mokesti nuo uzdarbio kompanijai rolleyes.gif akcijos tai nesveikai istirpo,viena spejau nupirkti




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o ka reiskia tos spalvotos rodykles ir tas GUN ant kaikuriu nuotrauku?

Akivaizdu, kad rodyklės parodo, kaip kito kaina per paskutinę parą ar nuo paskutinio pasikeitimo.

GUN užrašas ant kai kurių projektų reiškia, kad projektas yra pristatytas ne pačių Uinvest, bet GUN Agentų, kurie ieško verslo, kuriems reikia finansinės pagalbos. Uinvest žinoma dar turi viską patikrinti ir patvirtinti.

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  • po 2 savaičių...
UInvest debit cards are on their way!

A great boom appeared during the management chat on January 30, 2013, as on that day it was announced that UInvest would issue debit cards for its clients. In response to this news we received numerous questions, and you can read the answers to your inquiries here. We are happy to announce that all UIC 2013 attendees will be able to receive the long-awaited UInvest debit cards. This unique opportunity will be the next wonderful gift of the most exciting event of the U-Year 2013.

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Sveiki! A pora klausimeliu. Naujokas esu visuose situose dalykuose, taciau nepagaunu vieno dalyko. Ar cia taip imanoma kad imones tau moka po 13 - 15% nuo tavo investuotos sumos. Na ta prasme tarkim jie moka, taciau ar jiems tai apsimoka/ar galetu jiems taip apsimoket. Visgi cia per gerai skamba, kad investuoji kazkiek o paskui ta investuota suma mano skaiciavimais atsiperka kazkur per 7 menesius. Ka reiskia, kad investuotojas gali investuota suma padvigubint, patrigubint ir galu gale atgaut investuota suma, kas skamba isvis nerealiai. Ar sitas visas reikalas yra logiskas? ir jeigu taip, tai kuom jis paremtas? Negi nera geresniu variantu imonems gauti lesu negu vat sitas kad paima pinigu ir paskui dar grazina investuotojui triguba suma?

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sveiki! A pora klausimeliu. Naujokas esu visuose situose dalykuose, taciau nepagaunu vieno dalyko. Ar cia taip imanoma kad imones tau moka po 13 - 15% nuo tavo investuotos sumos. Na ta prasme tarkim jie moka, taciau ar jiems tai apsimoka/ar galetu jiems taip apsimoket. Visgi cia per gerai skamba, kad investuoji kazkiek o paskui ta investuota suma mano skaiciavimais atsiperka kazkur per 7 menesius. Ka reiskia, kad investuotojas gali investuota suma padvigubint, patrigubint ir galu gale atgaut investuota suma, kas skamba isvis nerealiai. Ar sitas visas reikalas yra logiskas? ir jeigu taip, tai kuom jis paremtas? Negi nera geresniu variantu imonems gauti lesu negu vat sitas kad paima pinigu ir paskui dar grazina investuotojui triguba suma?


Jeigu butu geresniu salygu gauti reikiama suma imonei,jos neitu i UINVESTA :),siuo metu daug akciju atsirado uz pradine kaina,ciate spelioja kad ryt gali atsirasti naujos akcijos su geru ROI :)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose


The Honey Project, Slovakia is canceled

  • All of us know that safety does not happen by accident.
    That is why our team has developed a successful technology of the project assessment to provide you best and trusted investment opportunities. The last stage of the project is a verification visit. As you have seen from previous projects, we always provide our clients a verification report which aims to clarify project additional opportunities. Concerning the Honey Project from Slovakia our report is not so inspiring.
    After investigating the entire project we have concluded that the business is too risky to invest in, and we are not going to recommend it for investment to our clients.. Thus, the project is delisted from the UInvest site. Currently you are able to sell shares of the project back to a market maker. We rely on your understanding – the minimum risk is our main goal.
    Any investment always has an element of a risk, but we do our best to minimize your losses. So, if we have even a shadow of a doubt regarding the safety of your investment, we would rather to cancel the project than expose you to even the slightest risk. This is what we have done.


projektas atsauktas,kas turite nusipirke parduokite akcijas,atgausite savo investuotus pinigelius :)


Redagavo pestoks
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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

O kaip reikalai su legalumu investuojant i uinvest? Mokesciu nereik moket kai gauni daugiau kazkokiu tais pajamu? Ir kaip su HYIP projektais? Ar legalu Lietuvoj yra investuot i tokius projektus?


Nemanau, kad ryšiesi investuoti tokią sumą, dėl kurios kiltų legalumo/nelegalumo problemų. ;)

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

kam idomu galite pasiziureti ismokas is uinvesto NUORODA ISMOKOS


truputis paskaiciavimu .....

idomi diskusija apie didelius %

Thank you for your suggestions and questions.

We are working on it and Debit Card should be available for all Uinvestors soon. If you want to get it faster please attend our UiConference. Please be patient and wait for announcement.

Thank you for understanding.




Thursday, 00:00

07 March 2013


In the coming five years new wind power plants with a total capacity of around one gigawatt will be launched in Ukraine, Director of Wind Power LLC, part of the DTEK Holding,German Ainbinder, has said.




"In the coming five years around one gigawatt of wind power plants could be built… Then if the forecasts on achieving grid parity come true, the figure could be doubled," he said at the fourth Ukrainian Energy Forum organized by Adam Smith Institute.




Head of the Ukrainian Wind Power Association, Andriy Konechenkov, confirmed the realistic character of the projections of Wind Power.




As reported, DTEK launched wind power plants with a capacity of 90 megawatts at Botiyevska wind power plant (Zaporizhia region), and this year the holding plans to increase the plant's capacity to 200 megawatts.




Along with DTEK, large wind power projects in Ukraine are being realized by Wind Farms of Ukraine. Eco-Optima and Windkraft also build wind farms in the country.






For uinvestors on the lookout for new business opportunities, the Ukrainian wind power plants may be something worthwhile looking into. Hopefully, at some point soon, we will have one of these projects in our portfolio. And when and if we do, our community members will be already educated on specifics of wind power sector in order to make wise investment decisions. In the meantime, for those interested to learn more about wind energy in Ukraine, we suggest the following website:



Loan Contest Latest Updates

As you might remember on February 20 a new and exciting loan contest started. Everyone is welcome to join the contest and win amazing prizes! You have one month to go, as the contest lasts up to April, 1. We have identified one user with a leading position at the moment. This is dargolf with 8408 points and 15 participants!

At the very start of the contest the volume of credit funds was $10,000,and now it is $35,000! A nice progress, isn't it? You still have time to compete for the loan contest prizes! As a gentle reminder, they are:


3rd place - $500 prize

2nd place -$1000 prize

1st place - $1500 prize


Please check the live chart by following the link


UInvest in China

Dear Uinvestors! We would like to make a surprise to you by saying that this week our company's management attended the 10th International Investment Expo in China, where UInvest was successfully presented as an exclusive and the only one crowd funding company at the investment exposition! Uinvest awoke an immense interest in its business of many attendees! Our representatives were snowed with numerous questions and were very happy to provide full answers. Colorful pictures and interesting videos are being prepared for publishing! Stay tuned and you won't miss them!


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Sveiki jei yra norinciu prisijungti i uinvesta prasom kreiptis, pateiksiu visa reikiama visa informacija :)

Skype: giedrius.uinvest

Facebook: Giedrius Uinvest


iki susirasymo mielieji:)

Redagavo giedriusmoneymaker
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  • po 2 savaičių...

Šiandien supratau kas yra investavimo periodas. Jau viliojaus pirkt Casino keletą akcijų, nes kainos pakritusios ir su geru ROI, bet perskaičiau Friday Newsletter, paklausinėjau chate ir pasirodo būčiau ant grėblio užlipęs.

Project started on:



Investment period:

2 years


Tai reiškia, kad nuo Balandžio 5 dienos ši akcija dividendų nebemokės. Suėjo investavimo periodas dviejų metų. Akciją galima parduoti INCA kaina, jei kam aktualu.


Taip pat klausimas gal būtų norinčių burt Uinvest chatą skype?

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Šiandien supratau kas yra investavimo periodas. Jau viliojaus pirkt Casino keletą akcijų, nes kainos pakritusios ir su geru ROI, bet perskaičiau Friday Newsletter, paklausinėjau chate ir pasirodo būčiau ant grėblio užlipęs.



Tai reiškia, kad nuo Balandžio 5 dienos ši akcija dividendų nebemokės. Suėjo investavimo periodas dviejų metų. Akciją galima parduoti INCA kaina, jei kam aktualu.


Taip pat klausimas gal būtų norinčių burt Uinvest chatą skype?

tai tarkim nusiperki dabar uz 70.50, o balandzio menesi nupirks is taves uz 58? teisingai supratau? ar kur ta INCA kaina paziureti?

ir yra kazkoks skirtumas jei akcijos perkamos is GUN agentu?

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