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Taigi. Su anglų kalba man nekokie reikalai. Dar neseniai gavau 2. Dabar mokytoja uždavė užduotį - parašyti rašinį apie atogrąžų miškų naikinimą. Rašinys turi būti 120-160 žodžių, parašyti jį reikia remiantis knyga.

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O štai tekstas (pataisiau keletą klaidų):



How can we fight against the destruction of rainforests?



It is a well-known fact that many peoples are destroy rainforests.


If we want all of this avoid, we should save rainforests from destruction.


First of all, it would be a good idea to recycle paper products. If we recycled paper products, then fewer trees would have to be cut down.


Secondly, it would be help if we plant mare trees, go on hikes or go camping more often. By doing this, we learned to respect nature ant the environment.


Finally, another useful suggestion would be join an organization that helps save rainforests. In this way we could help protect one of the world’s natural resources more effectively.


All things considered, there are many solutions to the problem of the destruction of rainforests. By doing this, rainforests have a place where calm can grow.


Labai prašau jūsų ištaisyti klaidas, patvarkyti kiek galite, kad tekstas "lietusi" tarpusavy.



Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Manau taip turetu atrodyti:


How can we fight against the destruction of rainforests?



It is a well-known fact that many people are destroying rainforests.


If we want to avoid of this, we should save rainforests from destruction.


First of all, it would be a great idea to recycle paper products. As more as we are recycling paper product, more trees were saved.


Secondly, it would help if we plant more trees, go on hikes or go camping more often. By doing this, we will learn to respect nature and the environment.


Finally, another useful suggestion would be join an organization that helps to save rainforests. In this way we could help protect one of the world’s natural resources more effectively.


All things considered, there are many solutions to the problem of the destruction of rainforests. By doing this, rainforests have a place where calm can grow.

Redagavo diadingo
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Manau taip turetu atrodyti:


How can we fight against the destruction of rainforests?



It is a well-known fact that many people’s are destroying rainforests.


If we want avoid this we should save rainforests from destruction.


First of all, it would be a good idea to recycle paper products. As more as we are recycling paper product, more trees were saved.


Secondly, it would help if we plant more trees, go on hikes or go camping more often. By doing this, we will learn to respect nature and the environment.


Finally, another useful suggestion would be join to the organization which helps to save rainforests. In this way we could help protect one of the world’s natural resources more effectively.


All things considered, there are many solutions to the problem of the destruction of rainforests. By doing this, rainforests have a place where calm can grow.


p.s. tiksliai nezinau :)

Redagavo deree
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
It is a well-known fact that people are destroying the rainforests. If we want to avoid this, we should save the rainforests from destruction.


First of all, it would be a good idea to recycle paper products. If we recycled paper products, less trees would have to be cut down.


Secondly, it would help if we planted more trees, and went on hikes or camping more often. By doing this, we would learn to respect nature and the environment.


Finally, another useful suggestion would be to join an organization that helps save the rainforests. In this way we could help protect one of the world’s natural resources more effectively.


All things considered, there are many solutions to the problem of the destruction of rainforests. By doing this, rainforests would have a place where they could grow in peace.

Redagavo Chaos
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Anglų kalba yra tarpautinė kalba reiktų ją mokėti. :? Bet ne kiekvienam ji sekasi kai kas tingi kai kas negabus. :) Beje kelintokas esi? Pripažįstu jog ir pats esu tinginys, bet niekados nesugebėjau parašyti teorijos jokiam dalyke nemoku, dažniausi pažymiai 2 arba 3 na kai eina taisyklės pritaikymas(praktika) pažymiai 8-10. Beje šį pusmetį mano anglų pažymiai tiesiog idealiai limpa. :)

Redagavo Sharkman
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Anglų kalba yra tarpautinė kalba reiktų ją mokėti. :? Bet ne kiekvienam ji sekasi kai kas tingi kai kas negabus. :) Beje kelintokas esi? Pripažįstu jog ir pats esu tinginys, bet niekados nesugebėjau parašyti teorijos jokiam dalyke nemoku, dažniausi pažymiai 2 arba 3 na kai eina taisyklės pritaikymas(praktika) pažymiai 8-10. Beje šį pusmetį mano anglų pažymiai tiesiog idealiai limpa. :)

Na, aš esu pirmokas (gimnazijoje). Anglų kalbą moku "šiek tiek" :D Reikia mokytis, bet man anglu kalba - galima sakyti, sunkiausias dalykas iš visų. Nesigaudau aš ten. Atvirai pasakius, svarbiausia mano neišmanymo anglų kalboje priežastis - tingiu mokytis žodžius :D


Pranešk ar šį kartą tu kartu su FORUMU gavai daugiau negu 2 ? :D

O jeigu rimtai, tai sėkmės....

Ačiū, būtinai pranešiu :D

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Na, aš esu pirmokas (gimnazijoje). Anglų kalbą moku "šiek tiek" :) Reikia mokytis, bet man anglu kalba - galima sakyti, sunkiausias dalykas iš visų. Nesigaudau aš ten. Atvirai pasakius, svarbiausia mano neišmanymo anglų kalboje priežastis - tingiu mokytis žodžius :)


Ziurek filmus/laidas angliskai (gali su lt subtitrais) ir ismoksi ja greit..

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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