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Reik html/css pagalbos

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Kurioja vietoja cia turiu irasyti?


Theme Name: Magloss_V2
Theme URI:
Description: Magloss V2 is a 3 columns flexible width WordPress theme with an easy to use theme options. This theme also contains built-in featured content slider, featured category, adsense ready, twitter ready and many more.
Author: Ronald KSY
Author URI:
Tags: white,black,three-columns,right-sidebar,fixed-width,widget-ready,adsense-ready,twitter-ready,video-ready,theme-options,threaded-comments

Magloss V2

This theme was designed and built by Ronald KSY,
whose blog you will find at

The CSS, XHTML and design is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License:

body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
height: auto;
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background-repeat: repeat-x;
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height: auto;
blockquote p {
line-height: 22px;

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margin: 15px 30px 0 10px;
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blockquote cite {
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acronym, abbr, span.caps {
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acronym, abbr {
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