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Laba diena, gal galetumete patikrinti sio pasakojimo klaidas. Labai buciau dekinga, nes manau cia yra klaidu. Aciu


Sport is good for you physically and mentally. It makes the little heart muscle big and strong. It makes you feel

relaxed and is good for anxiety.

Firtly, my favourite sport is tennis.I like it because it is a very interesting sport. This is because playing tennis is really cool, and it needs many high-toned skills. Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles).

I dont like football because this game is boring and not intersting.

Secondly, I have to physical education twice a week. At the lesson PE I play volleyball, basketball, badminton, go to the gym. Warm spring and autumn days I am going to school stadium.

My favourite sportman is Ričardas Berankis. I admire this parsonality because it is a Lithuanian professional tennis player and a prominent member of Lithuania Davis Cup team. He is the first Lithuanian to enter ATP top 100 and the highest ranked Lithuanian tennis player of all time.

In conclusion, I want to say that sports are useful to human life. Play sports, not only feel stronger, healthier, but also are visually attractive to yourself and others

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Firtly - firstly, first of all

At the lesson PE I play volleyball, basketball, badminton, go to the gym. - basketball, badminton, and also im going to the gym.

At warm spring and autumn days I am going to school stadium.


parsonality - personality


He is the first Lithuanian which has entered at ATP top 100 and now he is highest ranked Lithuanian tennis player of all time.


Pats neesu anglistas, bet manau štai čia yra klaidos.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Laba diena, gal galetumete patikrinti sio pasakojimo klaidas. Labai buciau dekinga, nes manau cia yra klaidu. Aciu


Sport is good for you physically and mentally. It makes the little (enhances) heart muscle and make it bigger and stronger. It makes you feel

relaxed and is good for anxiety ( ką turėjai omeny, pavartodama šį žodį?)

Firstly, my favourite sport is tennis.I like it because it is a very interesting sport. This is because playing tennis is really cool, and it needs many high-toned skills. Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles).

I dont like football because this game is boring and not intersting.

Secondly, I have to physical education (lessons) twice a week. At the lessons PE I (I like to) play volleyball, basketball, badminton, go to the gym. Warm spring and autumn days I am going (go) (the) school stadium.

My favourite sportman (geriau vartoti athlete) is Ričardas Berankis. I admire this parsonality because it is a Lithuanian professional tennis player and a prominent member of Lithuania Davis Cup team. He is the first Lithuanian to enter (who entered) ATP top 100 and the highest ranked Lithuanian tennis player of all time.

In conclusion, I want to say that sports are useful to human life. Play sports, not only feel stronger, healthier, but also are visually attractive to yourself and others


Kiek supratau, tiek pataisiau. Jei neklystu, rašei "An Opinion Essay". Kiek aš žinau, tokio tipo rašiniuose savo nuomonę galima reikšti tik įžangoje ir pabaigoje. Bet ne dėstyme:

I dont like football because this game is boring and not intersting.


Trečia, atsimink: Jei padėjai sakinį Present laiku, tai jį visada ir turi naudoti.



Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sport is crucial for human physical and mental fitness. Due to regular physical activity, heart muscles become bigger and stronger. Sport makes you feel relaxed and helps to relieve anxiety as well.

To begin with, my favourite sport is tennis. I like it because it is a very interesting sport. Playing tennis is really cool, and one needs to have a great amount of agility, stamina and skill to win. Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players in each one (doubles). Although football is the most popular team sport in the world I don't like it because this game seems boring and not interesting to me.

Secondly, I have physical education twice a week. At the lesson PE I play volleyball, basketball, badminton and go to the gym. During warm spring and autumn days I go to school stadium.

My favourite sportsman is Ričardas Berankis. I admire this person because he is professional Lithuanian tennis player and a prominent member of Lithuanian Davis Cup team. He is the first Lithuanian to enter ATP top 100 and the highest ranked Lithuanian tennis player of all time.

In conclusion, I want to say that sport is important part of human life. Play sports and you will not only feel healthier, but will also be fit and more attractive to yourself and others.



Kelintai klasei šis rašinėlis? Galima daug rimčiau ir geriau pataisyti, bet paskui per gerai bus, mokytojai įtarimas kils :D. Kai kur sakinius aiškiau ir gražiau suformulavau. Žodyno ar gramatikos klaidų atrodo nepalikau, bet kai kurie sakiniai nelabai gražūs ir padrikoki.


Beje, Berankis nėra aukščiausią reitingą pasiekęs lietuvis kaip ir nėra pirmasis į šimtuką patekęs. Gerulaitis irgi buvo lietuvis, tik atstovavo JAV, jo pasiekimai gerokai aukštesni. Norint tikslumo reikėtų apie Berankį rašyti kaip geriausią kada nors Lietuvą atstovavusį žaidėją.

Redagavo TooCrazy
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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