Pereiti prie turinio

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

gali per financinius pertnerius isimesti is paypal pinigus, bet zinoma mokesi maziausiai 5% komisini. As irgi susiduriau su sia problema, nes gyvenu UK ir PayPal cia pagrindas. taj nusprendziau per bankini pavedima isimesti pinigus i LibertyReserve ir tada i UInvest, tiesa LibertyReserve dirba link "Credit Card Funding" taj neuzilgo turetume galeti ideti pinigus tiesiai is creditines arba debitines korteles. Naudojuos paslaugomis.


Galima per mokė įsimesti wmz, o paskui aibė keityklų kur keičia wmz į lr. Kartais 1:1 kursą galima rasti.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

o kokios problemos tau buvo su as kiek naudoajusi tai viskas atrodo normaliai pas juos


Na kiek pamenu jie įsipareigoja pervesti pinigus nuo užsakymo per 24 ar 48 valandas, o jei kyla nesklandumų praneša e-mail žinute. Praėjo daugiau nei 48h, negavau nei e-mail'o nei pinigų į sąskaitą. Skambinau į nurodytą klientų aptarnavimo numerį, darbo valandomis, niekas neatsakė. Po kiek laiko iš kito numerio gavau skambutį, pasigirdo vaikiškas balsas :) Išdėsčiau savo problemą, pasakė tikriausiai įvyko sistemos klaida. Po kiek laiko gavau pinigus, taigi viskas tvarkoj. Nesakau, kad čia kažkas labai baisaus, bet nelabai malonios sistemos klaidos kai vedi nemažą sumą ir pinigai pakimba kažkur nežinioj.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Jei kas turėjo akcijų, kurios turėjo išmokėti vakar (04.02) ir šiandien jau rodo sekančią mokėjimo datą (05.02), bet pinigų nėrą sąskaitoje, tai sakė pinigus priskaičiuos per 24val. Techniniai nesklandumai.



Turejo ismoketi 04.03, taciau pinigu dar vis nera..

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Kazko tinklapis nuluzes,nebeatsidaro,kas turit gal kokiu ziniu...

Įkėlė naują projektą, tai tikriausiai toks žmonių srautas užplūdo, kad užlinko. Kartais taip atsitinka, kai naujas projektas atsiranda.


Dear clients

Due to a high volume of requests our site experiences some delays in its work.

Please be patient till the delays are removed.


Thank you very much for your understanding.


Redagavo d2b
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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

cituoju responda;)


Dear ,


Please accept our deepest apologies for the inconveniences that has been caused the web-site maintenance.

We would like to inform you that all the delayed payments will be credited till the end of the 4th April.

Thank you for understanding.

Please feel free to contact us back in case any questions arise.





Junior Support Operator

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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Dear uinvestors, this is a great pleasure to let you know that since recently the business owner information is available in the projects listing. This definitely gives you a better vision of any project you are interested in and it makes your investing process more transparent. This is very important for our company to be fully transparent with our clients, as business relationships must be built on trust. Now you yourself can see that transparency is evident in Uinvest!


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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Skype chate rašiau, pamaniau verta pasidalint:


turėjau pirktą brewing plant po 868$, dividendai pareidavo 12 mėnesio dieną - 137$ (neatskaičius mokesčio - 15,78% ROI). Vakar pardaviau po 920$, tą pačią dieną uždėjau tos pačios akcijos pirkimą po 868,03$ (skaityk ta pati kaina, su tuo pačiu ROI).

Fiksuotas pelnas iš akcijos prieaugio: 920-1-9,2-868=41.8$

Ar praradau dividendus laiko atžvilgiu? 20diena-12diena=8.

Faktiniai gaunami dividendai=123.3$. 123.3/30*8=32.88$


32.88 $ < 41.8 $


Istorijos moralas: nebijokit perpardavinėt akcijų. Tik pasiskaičiuot reikia, ar apsimoka.


Beje, pastebėjau, kad Uinvest pradėjo priimti tiesioginius depozitus per UPay sistemą:

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Labas, greita informacija - vakar buvo Managment Chat kur adminai pasako kad daugiau ne nori investuoti JAV valstybe, buvo tai kazka apie uzdrausti JAV pilieciam apsilankyti sia sveteine - negaliu sau isivaizduoti kaip tai bus dirbti, bet... keistai yra irgi tai, kad konferencija penktadeni bus irgi JAV - tai kodel kazka organizuoti sitam valstybei, kur bus uzdrausta investicijos? Kas nors turi nauja arba kita informacija apie tai?


Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Important Note: New Terms of Use Coming Soon

Tuesday, 15:2723 April 2013We spend a lot of our time improving our services to make them easier to use. Now we're applying the same thinking to our Terms of Use by focusing on clarity and transparency, and for the better compliance with requirements of legislation. You can review the new terms by following this link In fact, we have made a number of changes that are designed to clarify our business model and provide additional information for our users to enable them to understand how to use UInvest's web-site and services. These are the significant changes we want to highlight for you:


  • We explained the meaning of electronic account, and the terms of its use.
  • We also clarified that the term "Investment" at should imply an investment which is made through providing funds under the terms and conditions of a loan and do not imply the purchase of securities. At the same time the term "Share" at should imply the rights of an investor under the investment, that include, but not limited to get interest, get an investment back, assign (concede) the investor's rights to other persons, demand the fulfillment of obligations by the companies, etc. Consequently the terms "Sell Share" or "Buy Share" mean the assignment of investor's right under investment to other users at the agreed price.
  • We canceled the 10% fee of monthly income you earn for UInvest's service use. As a result, all of your income at will be exempted from any commission deductions. Notwithstanding this improvement, a commission for transactions of funds between UInvest's electronic accounts is still in force.
  • We added restrictions for use of UInvest's web-site and services by United States citizens.
  • We updated our warranty disclaimer regarding UInvest's limitation of liability resulting from your use of our web-site and services.
  • We added the indemnification clause, which obliges our users to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless UInvest in certain circumstances.
  • In the unlikely event that we aren't able to resolve any problems between us, we added a section requiring that any dispute between us and our users be handled by International Chamber of Commerce. We appreciate that this is a significant change, so we will permit existing UInvest users who do not agree with this change to "opt-out" of the arbitration agreement by notifying us via e-mail within 30 days after April 29, 2013 (the effective date of our new Terms of Use).


Legal Disclaimer


The information displayed on Sites, including any related or affiliated Sites, materials, pamphlets, and otherwise (“Sites”), are not intended for viewers and/or United States citizens (as defined in regulation S of the US Securities Act of 1933), or persons with residence in the United States (and any territories covered by the laws of the United States) (“Restricted nation” or “Restricted citizen”). All information or content in the Sites, or linked from the Sites, is not intended to constitute either an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any investment to any Restricted citizen in the Restricted nation. Any party reviewing the Sites acknowledges that information contained on or related to the Sites may contain solicitations for investments, offerings, programs for raising money, or lending/borrowing platforms which are not registered securities under the US Securities Act of 1933, and therefore all Restricted citizens understand and agree that they are barred and prohibited from soliciting, investing or even potentially from viewing the content on the Sites, and each visitor to the Sites represents and warrants that they are not a Restricted citizen and do not live in a Restricted nation. The information or content in the sites may not be viewed, considered, distributed or acted upon by any Restricted citizen. UInvest is considering registering an affiliated company in the United States as an intermediary (funding portal) when the JOBS Act of 2012 is implemented, and at such time certain crowdfunding offerings may be available for viewing. However until such time that UInvest, or an affiliate, obtains all the necessary licenses and approvals, no Restricted citizens are deemed to be invited, solicited, or allowed to invest in any foreign offering offered by UInvest. By accessing the following pages of the Sites you confirm that you have seen, understood, and accepted these terms and conditions and confirm that you are not a Restricted citizen and are not from a Restricted nation.


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