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My friend John likes to read books.

He especially likes to read drama books because he frequently visited theaters.

John‘s readed latest book is Hamlet. This is a book about two people falling in love and the difficulties in life.

His opinion of films based on books are good, because he likes to watch that films and he knows that he will be able to read the book, which will be based on true events.

He doesn‘t believes that watching TV can replace reading books, because reading the books he likes more then watching TV, and actually reading the books can allows to fantasize.

He borrows books from the public library, because it‘s free.

The most famous Lithuanian writers are Juozas Erlickas and Petras Cvirka.

My friend recommends Lolita and and other book The Road,because these books caused a massive impression and he has read these books several times.

He likes to read books, because he likes to fantasize.

His favorite author is Juozas Erlickas because he liked his creativity and love scenes.

He knows some English writers such as Charles Dickens and Scott Westerfeld.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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He especially likes to read drama books because he visits theaters frequently.

The last book John read was "Hamlet". This book is about two people falling in love and the difficulties in life.

His favorite author is Juozas Erlickas because he liks his creativity and love scenes Erlickas writes about.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

My friend John loves to read books, he especially likes to read drama genre, because he frequently visits theaters.

He doesn't believe that the watching of TV can successfully replace books, because when you are reading a book, you can fantasize more ofter. Also, book reading can help you to understand story more easier.

(Gali būti klaida, nes pamiršau taisyklę :( ) He prefers to borrow books from the public library, because it is free, and you can do it whenever you want.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
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