Pereiti prie turinio

Banners Brokers- uždarbis, kuriam nebūtini referalai

Rekomenduojami pranešimai


turiu pora klausimų dėl pinigų pervedimo. Kadangi turėjau kelis $ ant STP tai permečiau į BB, ten rašė, kad turi praeit apie 24 h, kol pinigai atsidurs e-walete. Kiek realiai užtrunka tas procesas? Kol kas waletas tuščias, STP irgi.

Kitas klausimas: turiu Visa Virtuon, iš jos norėjau pervesti į STP, rašo raudonom raidėm DECLINED. Pabandžiau dar kelis kartus,vėl tas pats, šiandien dar ir suspendavo kortelę 24 h. Nu galvoju, eikit jūs %^&%$. Aš gi turiu Payza. Prisijungiu, spaudžiu add funds, suvedu sumą, nurodau kortą ir pyst užrašas:

Your transaction has been declined by your card issuer. Please contact your card issuer for more information. Nu tai j^&*&&! Tai kame čia reikalas? Šitą užrašą esu ir anksčiau matęs, bet po kelių bandymų pavykdavo. Statusas Personal Pro verified.

Noriu užpirkt panelių ir negaliu.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Panašu, kad kortelę užblokavo pats bankas (SEB), nes buvo kelis kartus bandyta atlikti operacija nesėkmingai. Gali būti, kad banko sistema pagalvojo, kad čia bandoma atlikti operacija be savininko leidimo (tą prasme, kad kortelės duomenys buvo pavogti). Bankai dažnai blokuoja korteles, jei bandoma atlikti neaiškios operacijos. Spėju, kad teks važiuoti į SEB banką ir prašyti naujos kortelės.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Sveiki. Katik pradejau naudotis BB. Nusipirkau melyna pakuote. Ar verta nusipirkti bent keleta Traffic Boosters pacioje pradzioje?


Neverta, Booster naudoti yra geriausiai ant raudonų ir juodų panėlių. na dar ir ant žalių tinka, bet jau žymiai prarandama pelno nuo žalių.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Friday Q&A Webinar


Chris is speaking




Seeing if David ###### is on the line to speak with us.


Doing some restructuring in UK. We are actively pursuing the new office location, as we speak.


David ######: Good morning. Very busy and hectic here with offices opening around the world. UK -- Lorenzo is locating an office. Stellar Point has locations around the world that will be helping us. Located some offices in the Manchester area. There will be one week of intensive training as of January 23rd. We are cementing the details now. We were seeking a general manager, and that is completed. We will be introducing him to all individuals during the next couple of weeks.


The next BB Tour will be in the UK, sometime in February. Chris Smith, Raj and myself will be in the UK to celebrate the new offices. We aer hoping lots of people will be there.


UK, Ireland, Israel and the Carribbean... we are extending our reach throughout the world. General Manager for the Carribbean is there now being (sorry can't understand David's accent)


There's alot of confusion around many things. People read the headlines, rumors but do not seek the details. In India we just closed the office, not BB India. In November we were already beginning to look for new offices and hiring new staff. Prior to the problems in India, we had already located offices. WE are excited with how the plans are going.


(He is speaking about the PR plans and getting the image of BB out to the world -- but I cannot understand his accent, sorry)


Chris speaking:




We are expanding around the globe and bringing on 5 more countries.




BB Debit Cards - we have updated this process and we are getting into the payouts alot smoother. We some some internal features -- we did a payout a couple days ago. Doing them in batches. You will now see the exact time as to when you will be paid. We tried to do 7 business days and tried other scenarios.

Now it will be

20 ccalendar days for Standard

15 calendar days for Premium


Payza - Next Payout Jan 17

STP - Next Payout Jan 17

USA Bank - Next Payout Jan 17


(*) BB Version 2.9


1) New Membership type: Executive

$500/month - streamlined Support

Traffic Boosters discounted.

Withdrawal timeframe for BB Card 10 days


2) New panel and package (very soon)

We did a survey to submit names

for new package.. we now have the

Top 10. There will be a list on

the site for us to VOTE on this.













3) Incentive Traffic - things you can do to help BB and help yourself. Example, writing blogs, testimonials, etc. Now we are going to formalize this if you do these items, and we will give you traffic to qualify your panels.


4) New Qualification process - to separate the traffic banks into separate banks. Sales bank, traffic pack bank ___________. You can mix and match. TP bank will stay at the same ratio. Separated out from sales. This is to help out the sellers out there, the people promoting BB. Sales credits need to be recognized more than traffic pack credits. This is not fair to the pepole who are inviters.


There has been confusion with rollup, becuase it does not increase allowance. Once this version is complete this will work smoother.


We are working hard to have this completed soon.




Withdrawal timeframes: If you w/d Jan. 1st, it will be on your card on Jan. 20th (standard).. calendar days based on when you w/d.


Vector w/d limits error: I would say we are 90% there in terms of the 100% integration to get it automated. There may be a few things that you see with Vector that will be fixed and last remaining items will be wrapped up and it will be seamless.


Admin Fees are being taken starting in January.


We will get the Dublin presentation by David ###### posted on the website.


If I have more than 10 TP's a month, will I be forced to be Executive member? There will be a grandfather time period. Eventually you will be Executive.


Negative blogs online -- we are not idly sitting by and being slandered. We are on top of this and handling it legally.


We are making an effort to answer all questions either on the webinar or placed on the FAQ section of the website. Based on the category of the question.


New training videos coming up


BB Debit card was 7 business days... now it is "calendar" days. And we have put more realistic timeframes based on our experience.


What is the difference between IC and General Manager. IC is a separate company with BB as a main client for support center. IC has a relationship based on sales in that county. General Managers do not have BB accounts and are paid a salary so no conflict of interest.


What is procedure for w/d more than $10K per month. We will have a form put online for you to fill out. BB Card must be maxed out, then you can use a different method for increased withdrawal amounts.


With the new program and the Vector process, BB Debit Card is split. We will eventually show all the logs together over time.


Why does it say Raj is talking? He set up the webinars originally. we have not changed it.


Black panel -- the limits, the allowance, the black will follow the same as all the colors, and new panel will have the UNLIMITED allowance.


Alot of great updates. I want to thank David ###### with our initiative worldwide. Thank you for your support. Keep up the great work. Please talk to your inviter first, before going so Support. Keep helping us grow.


Have a great weekend.

End of webinar

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

BB naujienos (trumpas svarbių dalykų vertimas)


David ######: Good morning. Very busy and hectic here with offices opening around the world. UK -- Lorenzo is locating an office. Stellar Point has locations around the world that will be helping us. Located some offices in the Manchester area. There will be one week of intensive training as of January 23rd. We are cementing the details now. We were seeking a general manager, and that is completed. We will be introducing him to all individuals during the next couple of weeks.


The next BB Tour will be in the UK, sometime in February. Chris Smith, Raj and myself will be in the UK to celebrate the new offices. We aer hoping lots of people will be there.

Sekanti BB turo stotelė bus Didžiojoje Britanijoje Vasario mėnesį.


UK, Ireland, Israel and the Carribbean... we are extending our reach throughout the world. General Manager for the Carribbean is there now being (sorry can't understand David's accent)


There's alot of confusion around many things. People read the headlines, rumors but do not seek the details. In India we just closed the office, not BB India. In November we were already beginning to look for new offices and hiring new staff. Prior to the problems in India, we had already located offices. WE are excited with how the plans are going.

BB Indijos gyventojams veikia ir pilnai funkcionuoja, uždarytas tik pats ofisas. Jau yra rastas naujas ofisas ir ieškomi nauji darbuotojai jame.


(He is speaking about the PR plans and getting the image of BB out to the world -- but I cannot understand his accent, sorry)


Chris speaking:




We are expanding around the globe and bringing on 5 more countries.

BB plečiasi ir ruošiasi atidaryti dar 5 ofisus 5 Pasaulio šalyse.




BB Debit Cards - we have updated this process and we are getting into the payouts alot smoother. We some some internal features -- we did a payout a couple days ago. Doing them in batches. You will now see the exact time as to when you will be paid. We tried to do 7 business days and tried other scenarios.

Now it will be

20 ccalendar days for Standard

15 calendar days for Premium

Išmokos į BB korteles jau beveik suderintos ir nuo šiol bus išmokamos :

per 20 dienų nuo išmokos prašymo, jei esame Standart statuse

per 15 dienų nuo išmokos prašymo, jei esame Premium statuse

Payza - Next Payout Jan 17

STP - Next Payout Jan 17

USA Bank - Next Payout Jan 17

Išmokos į STP, Payza ir JAV bankų sąskaitas bus padarytos Sausio 17d.


(*) BB Version 2.9


1) New Membership type: Executive

$500/month - streamlined Support

Traffic Boosters discounted.

Withdrawal timeframe for BB Card 10 days

1) Naujas statusas: Excecutive (bus suteikiamas automatiškai, jei perkame daugiau nei 10 trafiko paketų)

mėnesinis mokestis 500$

Nuolaidos trafiko booster'iams

išmokos į BB korteles per 10 dienų nuo išmokos prašymo

2) New panel and package (very soon)

We did a survey to submit names

for new package.. we now have the

Top 10. There will be a list on

the site for us to VOTE on this.













Bus pravestas balsavimas naujo paketo pavadinimui iš 10 atrinktų pavadinimų.


3) Incentive Traffic - things you can do to help BB and help yourself. Example, writing blogs, testimonials, etc. Now we are going to formalize this if you do these items, and we will give you traffic to qualify your panels.

Bus duodami komisiniai trafiko pavidalu, tiems kas rašys Blogus, atsiliepimus ir pan susijusius su BB. Kol kas vyksta pasiruošimo darbai, kaip visą tai reikės apiforminti.


4) New Qualification process - to separate the traffic banks into separate banks. Sales bank, traffic pack bank ___________. You can mix and match. TP bank will stay at the same ratio. Separated out from sales. This is to help out the sellers out there, the people promoting BB. Sales credits need to be recognized more than traffic pack credits. This is not fair to the pepole who are inviters.

Bus suteikiama didesnė vertė trafikui gaunamam nuo musų pakviestų žmonių, nei kad nuo perkamo trafiko (jo vertė liks tokia pati). Kol kas neaišku kaip tai bus padaryta, bet vyrauja nuomonė, kad gali buti, kad kvalifikuojant panėles trafiku gautų nuo pakviestų žmonių, jo reikės mažiau, nei aktyvuojant pirktiniu trafiku.


There has been confusion with rollup, becuase it does not increase allowance. Once this version is complete this will work smoother.

Taip pat bus įvesta, kad darant Roll-up, bus suteikiamas ir makro limitas. Šiuo metu makro limitas yra duodamas, tik jei panėlė yra nauja, o ne po refinansavimo.


We are working hard to have this completed soon.



Klausimai ir Atsakymai


Withdrawal timeframes: If you w/d Jan. 1st, it will be on your card on Jan. 20th (standard).. calendar days based on when you w/d.

Išmokų terminai: 20 kalendorinių dienų (Standart statusui) nuo išmokos prašymo. 15d. Premium statusui.


Vector w/d limits error: I would say we are 90% there in terms of the 100% integration to get it automated. There may be a few things that you see with Vector that will be fixed and last remaining items will be wrapped up and it will be seamless.

Klaida, kai Premium statusą turinčiam žmogui leisdavo max. prašyti išmokos 625$, jau beveik sutvarkyta, taip pat jau beveik baigta integruoti automatinė išmokų į BB kortelę sistema.


Admin Fees are being taken starting in January.

Mėnesiniai mokesčiai pradėti rinkti nuo Sausio mėnesio.


We will get the Dublin presentation by David ###### posted on the website.


If I have more than 10 TP's a month, will I be forced to be Executive member? There will be a grandfather time period. Eventually you will be Executive.

Jei aš perku daugiau nei 10 trafiko paketų per mėnesį ar aš busiu priverstas pereiti į Executive statusą? Pradžioj bus suteiktas kažkoks laiko terminas (koks tai bus terminas kol kas neaišku), o po to busite pervestas į Executive statusą.


Negative blogs online -- we are not idly sitting by and being slandered. We are on top of this and handling it legally.

Negatyvus blogai internete- mes nesėdėsime sudėje rankų ir kovosime su jais legaliais ir teisiniais keliais.


BB Debit card was 7 business days... now it is "calendar" days. And we have put more realistic timeframes based on our experience.


What is the difference between IC and General Manager. IC is a separate company with BB as a main client for support center. IC has a relationship based on sales in that county. General Managers do not have BB accounts and are paid a salary so no conflict of interest.


What is procedure for w/d more than $10K per month. We will have a form put online for you to fill out. BB Card must be maxed out, then you can use a different method for increased withdrawal amounts.

Kokia procedūra norint išsiimti daugiau, kaip 10 000$ per mėnesį. Pirmiausiai reikia, išnaudoti BB kortelės limitą 10 000$ (maksimaliai BB kortelės sąskaitoje vienu metu gali gulėti 10 000$)

ir tada galima bus užpildyti specialią formą, kuri bus patalpinta BB puslapyje.


With the new program and the Vector process, BB Debit Card is split. We will eventually show all the logs together over time.


Why does it say Raj is talking? He set up the webinars originally. we have not changed it.


Black panel -- the limits, the allowance, the black will follow the same as all the colors, and new panel will have the UNLIMITED allowance.

Kai bus įvesta nauja brangesnė už juodą panėlė, juodai panėlei irgi pradės galioti makro limitai ir taisyklė 2:1. Naujai panėlei makro limitai bus neribojami, t.y jų kvalifikuoti galėsime kiek norime.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

So BB go to an ad agency that operates on the Blind Network.


They reach an agreement with the agency whereby if they inject a large sum of money into the agency's bank balance, can they please purchase some ad space in their behalf.


Imagine BB have 250,000 affiliates and each one of them gives just $100, giving BB a significant amount of $25,000,000. (this is equal to buying 10 yellow panels)


BB take this money to the agency who are able to purchase some serious amounts of ad space at a very attractive price, thanks to their newly increased buying power.


BB then ask this agency to match up the ad space with some advertisers.


Naturally, the agency will agree to do this, for a fee.


The ad space receives it's advertising and the advertisers pay for the use of it.


It's hard to establish exactly what it costs the advertisers in relation to what the ad space actually cost the agency, but it has been suggested that a figure of 10/1 is not unreasonable.

This means that an ad space that cost $1 to purchase could earn an agency $10 in revenue from suitable advertisers


However, if we estimate this down to 4/1 then this would mean the $25M would generate $100M in revenue.


So lets say that the Agency have agreed that they will place the advertisers on the ad spaces and take just ONE THIRD of the earnings.


So the agency take $33.33M (remember, they used none of their own money for the space. They used the $25M from BB)


So the Ad Agency have $33.33M payment for their part in matching up the advertisers and the publishers (ad space).


That leaves $66.66M for BB.


It has been stated, I am told, by senior BB management, that BB give 75% of their earnings from advertising revenue back to affiliates.


75% of the $66.66M = $50M


BB then gives the $50M back to the affiliates, which means they all get $200


They all put in $100 at the start!!


Banners Broker keep the remainder from all this, which is $16M


In addition to this Banners Broker are also receiving the monthly fees from all their affiliates.


I am making a lot of assumptions in this, such as what the profit ratio is between the cost of the ad space and the amount they get from the advertisers. And also the figure that I used for what the Ad Agency may keep as their share for this transaction.


However, if the Ad Agency took a significantly higher amount but the profit ratio was greater than 5/1 then the two could cancel each other out and the calculations would still be valid.


I am trying to work through the various stages of the business to be able to justify to potential new clients that to offer affiliates back twice what they pay is completely reasonable.


Finally, IF the profit ratio of 5/1 and IF the 33% to the Ad Agency is even remotely reasonable, then there is only one thing that can bring this whole business down.


And that would be if they did not segregate the cash that affiliates earn from their own profits from ad revenue and subscription fees.


Assuming they do segregate it then even if every single affiliate wanted to withdraw every single $ 'available to withdraw', all on the same day, there should still be the funds, sitting separately in an account somewhere.


With the profit from the above example combined with the several million $ coming in from monthly subscription fees and costs of Traffic Packs and Boosters then BB should be a very 'cash rich' company that is well prepared to be around for a long long time.


There is not a single, solitary P**zi element to the structure whatsoever.


Maths and assumptions aside, I would very much appreciate it if you could put me right if I have misunderstood the relationship that BB has with the Blind Network Agency.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Very short call today with David ######

This week they have all the ICs from all around the world in the offices for the IC

summit Where they will be doing a lot of training and coming back to each country

with more information and tools to help affiliates all around the world.

Quick updates

The BB tour is going to be next in the UK in February as a grand opening of the new offices

Which have been located and they are in the middle of furnishing them

The whole corporate team will be in attendance, Chris Raj Lorenzo David etc.

Updates on India

India is going very well, the new offices are due to open in February in Bangalore. The Goa office will remain closed as their intent was to move anyway

The BB India tour will be announced sometime after the new offices in India open

New Countries

BB will also be opening up more countries and the first see are two major markets which are Australia and Hong Kong so very excited about that. More information to come.

Lots more training to come including more training video's as well.

All ICs said a quick hello, they are all very busy over there so the call was kept very short this week.

The future is looking very bright indeed, BB are growing and have great plans for the future, all the ICs will be coming back and helping everyone to take this business to the next level.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Geriau tuos pinigus naudoti kažkur kitur, čia vargu ar bent dalį jų pavyks atgauti. Indijoje jau atėjo tam galas, o tai yra viena iš pagrindinių šalių tokiuose projektuose

Pasiekė projektas savo viršūnę ir toliau jau nebeužtenka naujų narių, pradeda viskas byrėti. Taip buvo ir su Zeek, ir su Asteria ir su daugeliu kitų.

Projektas neturinti realios vertės negali ilgai gyvuoti ant oro, reklamos panelės čia nieko vertos, bet tą jau seniai visi turėjo matyti.


Kai pamačiau forume jūsų bannerį su CCN, peržiūrėjau jūsų kitas žinutes, visos vien tik visiškas negatyvas.Čia gal būt jūsų taktika, kaip sakė BB pasauliniam ture Dubline, kad skleidžiant negatyvias žinias norima prisivilioti žmones pas save. Į CCN projektą renkasi labai pozityvūs žmonės, neabejingi, kaip mes gyvensime ateityje. CCN kompanijos įkūrėjų tikslas buvo motyvuoti viso pasaulio žmones gelbėti ir išsaugoti patį vertingiausią pasaulyje resursą – atogrąžų miškus. Kai mes pralaimime kovą dėl atogražų miškų išsaugojimo, mes tuo pačiu pralaimime kovą, kad išsaugotume klimato pokyčius. Aš paskaičius jūsų tokias negatyvias žinutes tikrai nesijungčiau per jūsų referalinę nuorodą į ši projektą. Galbūt ir jums nepavyko pasiekt savo tikslą ir kuris laikas , kai CCN baneris dingo iš po jūsų žinučių.O kas link Banners Broker, tai aš dirbu šiame projekte ir džiaugiuosi, kad dirbu, man jis labai patinka. Mano išsilavinimas Universitetinis, kvalifikacija- Inžinierius ekonomistas ir aš nelaikau savęs kvaila naivuole pasitikinčia kiekvienu po ranka pasitaikiusiu projektu( nors jūs ir kvailinat kiekvieną, dirbantį šiame projekte). Banners Broker man labai įdomus , mėgstu analizuoti situacijas, kurti strategijas ir džiaugiuosi, kad toks projektas yra. BB neturi produkto??? Turi. O ar gal geriau prisidėti pilnus namus materialių produktų, kuriuos nežinia per kiek metų sunaudosi, juk reikia pačiam visus išbandyti, prieš kam nors rekomenduojant . Arba, gal geriau nesveikuojantį žmogų įtikinėti, kad pirk šiuos maisto papildus ir tikrai pasveiksi ??? Nemanau, kad nors vieną dirbantį BB jūsų žinutė paveikė , kad jie būtų suabejoję tuo ką jie daro, ar išsigandę ir puolę vyniotis iš šito projekto. Manau, kad jums reikėtų geriau pasiskaityti pozityvių knygų ar dar iš kokių nors šaltinių pasisemti pozityvumo išminties.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

How BB actually works from Terry Stern Int PR Director for Stellar Point


BB buys ad space from ad networks with the understanding that they're going to package that ad space up and resell it to their network of affiliates. These packages contain panels, each panel has a certain

value and each has a specific time period it will take for that panel to mature, some as little as 2-3 weeks and some take 5-6 months or more. Each panel also requires a specific amount of traffic to mature. Each panel also has 2 values, what BB paid for it and what it's charging the affiliate for it.


With me so far?


As BB sells the panels through their packages, they require traffic for these panels to generate revenue, which BB purchases in order to service the traffic needs of the panels. In return for purchasing the panels, BB pays a dividend to the affiliate once the panel matures, however, that panel is generating live revenue as the panel is running from the ad network. So BB is generating revenue from the sale of packages to affiliates, as well as from the ad network for serving ads. The ads appear on the ad space BB has purchased from the Broker in the blind network, as well as on publisher sites BB has attracted. Whether BB has 1 site, 100 sites or 100,000 sites in their network , they've already purchased ad space through their affiliation with the ad network, and that ad space rests on sites within the ad blind etwork. So no matter what, there's advertising that will satisfy the panel needs. Since BB is paid every 2 weeks from the ad networks they do business with, and the panels mature at staggered intervals, BB is constantly serving ads and generating income. Now, it's understood no business will pay on its products what it gets paid to sell them, so BB reduces the amount it's paid by the ad networks for that advertising so it can afford to pay its affiliates and generate a profit.


Now since it takes traffic to generate ad revenue, BB purchases bulk traffic from the ad networks as well, which generate upwards of 3 Billion impressions per day. Again, since no company will sell a product for what it pays, it marks up the cost of the traffic to resell to the affiliate, the difference of course is profit for BB, and as BB owns the space and ads keep running, this revenue flows to BB. As it takes impressions to activate panels, and impressions for panels to mature, those impressions or traffic must be purchased up front. Now, an affiliate isn't required to use all their traffic up front, but they must purchase it up front, like a variety store can't buy individual cans of soda, it must buy cases. Since the purchased traffic represents a specific amount, and since each panel requires a different amount to activate, traffic purchases are constantly being made, and since BB only pays for what it uses, there's always going to be a surplus, which represents profit for BB.


So, if we look at things together, BB generates revenue from the banners placed in the space it purchases, and through the amount of time it takes for the panels (which is a virtual representation of an ad space BB purchased in the blind ad network) to mature, it generates revenue from the sale of traffic that it takes to activate those panels, and since it only pays for the traffic it actually uses, that's where the revenue BB generates comes from. Since it pays less to the affiliate than what it earns from the ads, and (to use an analogy) it pays on the cans of soda used not the cases bought, there's a surplus of revenue that represents profit that it can now turn around and pay its affiliates with while maintaining profitable growth.


Any advertising generated either through the site or through affiliates is passed through to the ad networks, BB takes a commission on that sale, and passes 10% to the affiliate for bringing in the business. When it comes to publishers (people looking to monetize their websites with ad revenue), those sites are added to the BB internal or "choice" network, and leveraged with the ad blind network to get better pricing deals. The affiliate is paid 10% of the revenue generated by the ads revenue to the publisher with BB and the publisher splitting the balance.


This is how BB works in a nutshell. We've already established what the Blind Ad Network is, and it can be easily researched. It's easily discovered that these companies all offer the ability for companies to

"resell" their products (ads and traffic) to other resellers. It comes down to packaging really and how these initial "resellers" package what these networks provide to them to add enough value to resell others.


Hopefully, this will explain to you better what BB does and how it does it.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Kai pamačiau forume jūsų bannerį su CCN, peržiūrėjau jūsų kitas žinutes, visos vien tik visiškas negatyvas.Čia gal būt jūsų taktika, kaip sakė BB pasauliniam ture Dubline, kad skleidžiant negatyvias žinias norima prisivilioti žmones pas save. Į CCN projektą renkasi labai pozityvūs žmonės, neabejingi, kaip mes gyvensime ateityje. CCN kompanijos įkūrėjų tikslas buvo motyvuoti viso pasaulio žmones gelbėti ir išsaugoti patį vertingiausią pasaulyje resursą – atogrąžų miškus. Kai mes pralaimime kovą dėl atogražų miškų išsaugojimo, mes tuo pačiu pralaimime kovą, kad išsaugotume klimato pokyčius. Aš paskaičius jūsų tokias negatyvias žinutes tikrai nesijungčiau per jūsų referalinę nuorodą į ši projektą. Galbūt ir jums nepavyko pasiekt savo tikslą ir kuris laikas , kai CCN baneris dingo iš po jūsų žinučių.O kas link Banners Broker, tai aš dirbu šiame projekte ir džiaugiuosi, kad dirbu, man jis labai patinka. Mano išsilavinimas Universitetinis, kvalifikacija- Inžinierius ekonomistas ir aš nelaikau savęs kvaila naivuole pasitikinčia kiekvienu po ranka pasitaikiusiu projektu( nors jūs ir kvailinat kiekvieną, dirbantį šiame projekte). Banners Broker man labai įdomus , mėgstu analizuoti situacijas, kurti strategijas ir džiaugiuosi, kad toks projektas yra. BB neturi produkto??? Turi. O ar gal geriau prisidėti pilnus namus materialių produktų, kuriuos nežinia per kiek metų sunaudosi, juk reikia pačiam visus išbandyti, prieš kam nors rekomenduojant . Arba, gal geriau nesveikuojantį žmogų įtikinėti, kad pirk šiuos maisto papildus ir tikrai pasveiksi ??? Nemanau, kad nors vieną dirbantį BB jūsų žinutė paveikė , kad jie būtų suabejoję tuo ką jie daro, ar išsigandę ir puolę vyniotis iš šito projekto. Manau, kad jums reikėtų geriau pasiskaityti pozityvių knygų ar dar iš kokių nors šaltinių pasisemti pozityvumo išminties.

Pigus būdas pasireklamuoti :) Sako net neetiška kito projekto temoje savas nuorodas mėtyti, bet koks gi skirtumas kas norės ir taip susiras.

Jei daugiau paskaitysit mano komentarų suprasit, kad kuriančias vertę kompanijas visada palaikau ir nekritikuoju net jei man ir nepatinka.

Nieko, ateis laikas suprasit ką norėjau pasakyti, istorija kartojasi, dėl zeek ir kitų projektų neklydau. Visgi ne pirmi metai aš tuos projektus matau.

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

As pradejau dirbti su BB rugsejo menesi mazdaug. Inesiau juokinga suma pabandymui, 100 USD. Siuo metu turiu reklamos plotu uz 500 USD. Ir pastebejau kad kuo daugiau turi, tuo greiciau kaupiasi pinigai. Siuo metu pastebejau kad uz visus plotus, per para prikapsi 6 USD sudejus viska bendrai. Po truputi jau ir BB kortele uzsisakineju. Kuo daugiau inesi, tuo greiciau viskas vyks, pas mane asmeniskai dar tik pati pati pati pradzia. Po dar pusmecio manau galesiu pradeji nusiimineti viena kita pinigeli :) O inesus koki 500~ USD manau jau galima greiciau planuoti pinigu isemima. ;)


Dar pamirsau pamineti, dirbu be refu, bet kai sistema perprasi, suprasi kad ref nera butinybe, taciau ateityje kai Tavo BB verslas issipletos iki apvalesniu sumeliu, refai bus didelis privalumas. ;)


P.S. Uzdarbio laikas, greitis, dydis stiprej priklauso nuo Tavo startinio paketo ir pacios pradines strategijos. Kuo daugiau nesi, tuo greiciau isisuka Tavo BB verslo ratas ;)

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Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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